<?php use Index\Db\DbConnection; use Index\Db\Migration\DbMigration; // Switching to the Index migration system!!!!!! final class InitialStructureNdx_20230107_023235 implements DbMigration { public function migrate(DbConnection $conn): void { $hasMszTrack = false; // check if the old migrations table exists $tables = $conn->query('SHOW TABLES'); while($tables->next()) if($tables->getString(0) === 'msz_migrations') { $hasMszTrack = true; break; } // nuke it and bail if($hasMszTrack) { $conn->execute('DROP TABLE msz_migrations'); return; } $conn->execute(' CREATE TABLE msz_roles ( role_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, role_hierarchy INT(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, role_name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, role_title VARCHAR(64) DEFAULT NULL, role_description TEXT DEFAULT NULL, role_hidden TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, role_can_leave TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, role_colour INT(11) DEFAULT NULL, role_created TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp(), PRIMARY KEY (role_id), KEY roles_hierarchy_index (role_hierarchy), KEY roles_hidden_index (role_hidden) ) ENGINE=InnoDB COLLATE=utf8mb4_bin; '); $conn->execute(' CREATE TABLE msz_users ( user_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, username VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, password VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, email VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, register_ip VARBINARY(16) NOT NULL, last_ip VARBINARY(16) NOT NULL, user_super TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, user_country CHAR(2) NOT NULL DEFAULT \'XX\', user_colour INT(11) DEFAULT NULL, user_created TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp(), user_active TIMESTAMP NULL DEFAULT NULL, user_deleted TIMESTAMP NULL DEFAULT NULL, display_role INT(10) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL, user_totp_key CHAR(26) DEFAULT NULL, user_about_content TEXT DEFAULT NULL, user_about_parser TINYINT(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, user_signature_content TEXT DEFAULT NULL, user_signature_parser TINYINT(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, user_birthdate DATE DEFAULT NULL, user_background_settings TINYINT(4) DEFAULT 0, user_title VARCHAR(64) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (user_id), UNIQUE KEY users_username_unique (username), UNIQUE KEY users_email_unique (email), KEY users_display_role_foreign (display_role), KEY users_indices (user_country, user_created, user_active, user_deleted, user_birthdate), CONSTRAINT users_display_role_foreign FOREIGN KEY (display_role) REFERENCES msz_roles (role_id) ON DELETE SET NULL ON UPDATE CASCADE ) ENGINE=InnoDB COLLATE=utf8mb4_bin; '); $conn->execute(' CREATE TABLE msz_audit_log ( user_id INT(10) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL, log_action VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, log_params TEXT NOT NULL, log_created TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp(), log_ip VARBINARY(16) DEFAULT NULL, log_country CHAR(2) NOT NULL DEFAULT \'XX\', KEY audit_log_user_id_foreign (user_id), KEY audit_log_created_index (log_created), CONSTRAINT audit_log_user_id_foreign FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES msz_users (user_id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE ) ENGINE=InnoDB COLLATE=utf8mb4_bin; '); $conn->execute(' CREATE TABLE msz_auth_tfa ( user_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, tfa_token CHAR(32) NOT NULL, tfa_created TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp(), UNIQUE KEY auth_tfa_token_unique (tfa_token), KEY auth_tfa_user_foreign (user_id), KEY auth_tfa_created_index (tfa_created), CONSTRAINT auth_tfa_user_foreign FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES msz_users (user_id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE ) ENGINE=InnoDB COLLATE=utf8mb4_bin; '); $conn->execute(' CREATE TABLE msz_changelog_changes ( change_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, user_id INT(10) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL, change_action INT(10) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL, change_created TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp(), change_log VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, change_text TEXT DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (change_id), KEY changes_user_foreign (user_id), KEY changes_action_index (change_action), KEY changes_created_index (change_created), CONSTRAINT changes_user_id_foreign FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES msz_users (user_id) ON DELETE SET NULL ON UPDATE CASCADE ) ENGINE=InnoDB COLLATE=utf8mb4_bin; '); $conn->execute(' CREATE TABLE msz_changelog_tags ( tag_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, tag_name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, tag_description TEXT DEFAULT NULL, tag_created TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp(), tag_archived TIMESTAMP NULL DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (tag_id), UNIQUE KEY tag_name (tag_name), KEY tag_archived (tag_archived) ) ENGINE=InnoDB COLLATE=utf8mb4_bin; '); $conn->execute(' CREATE TABLE msz_changelog_change_tags ( change_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, tag_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, UNIQUE KEY change_tag_unique (change_id, tag_id), KEY tag_id_foreign_key (tag_id), CONSTRAINT change_id_foreign_key FOREIGN KEY (change_id) REFERENCES msz_changelog_changes (change_id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT tag_id_foreign_key FOREIGN KEY (tag_id) REFERENCES msz_changelog_tags (tag_id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE ) ENGINE=InnoDB COLLATE=utf8mb4_bin; '); $conn->execute(' CREATE TABLE msz_comments_categories ( category_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, category_name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, owner_id INT(10) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL, category_created TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp(), category_locked TIMESTAMP NULL DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (category_id), UNIQUE KEY comments_categories_name_unique (category_name), KEY comments_categories_locked_index (category_locked), KEY comments_categories_owner_foreign (owner_id), CONSTRAINT comments_categories_owner_foreign FOREIGN KEY (owner_id) REFERENCES msz_users (user_id) ON DELETE SET NULL ON UPDATE CASCADE ) ENGINE=InnoDB COLLATE=utf8mb4_bin; '); $conn->execute(' CREATE TABLE msz_comments_posts ( comment_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, category_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, user_id INT(10) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL, comment_reply_to INT(10) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL, comment_text TEXT NOT NULL, comment_created TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp(), comment_pinned TIMESTAMP NULL DEFAULT NULL, comment_edited TIMESTAMP NULL DEFAULT NULL ON UPDATE current_timestamp(), comment_deleted TIMESTAMP NULL DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (comment_id), KEY comments_posts_category_foreign (category_id), KEY comments_posts_user_foreign (user_id), KEY comments_posts_reply_id (comment_reply_to), KEY comments_posts_dates (comment_created, comment_pinned, comment_edited, comment_deleted), CONSTRAINT comments_posts_category_foreign FOREIGN KEY (category_id) REFERENCES msz_comments_categories (category_id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT comments_posts_user_foreign FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES msz_users (user_id) ON DELETE SET NULL ON UPDATE CASCADE ) ENGINE=InnoDB COLLATE=utf8mb4_bin; '); $conn->execute(' CREATE TABLE msz_comments_votes ( comment_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, user_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, comment_vote TINYINT(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, UNIQUE KEY comments_vote_unique (comment_id, user_id), KEY comments_vote_user_foreign (user_id), KEY comments_vote_index (comment_vote), CONSTRAINT comment_vote_id FOREIGN KEY (comment_id) REFERENCES msz_comments_posts (comment_id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT comment_vote_user FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES msz_users (user_id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE ) ENGINE=InnoDB COLLATE=utf8mb4_bin; '); $conn->execute(' CREATE TABLE msz_config ( config_name varchar(100) NOT NULL, config_value blob NOT NULL DEFAULT \'\', PRIMARY KEY (config_name) ) ENGINE=InnoDB COLLATE=utf8mb4_bin; '); $conn->execute(' CREATE TABLE msz_emoticons ( emote_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, emote_order MEDIUMINT(9) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, emote_hierarchy INT(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, emote_url VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (emote_id), UNIQUE KEY emotes_url (emote_url), KEY emotes_order (emote_order), KEY emotes_hierarchy (emote_hierarchy) ) ENGINE=InnoDB COLLATE=utf8mb4_bin; '); $conn->execute(' CREATE TABLE msz_emoticons_strings ( emote_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, emote_string_order MEDIUMINT(9) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, emote_string VARCHAR(50) CHARACTER SET ascii COLLATE ascii_general_nopad_ci NOT NULL, UNIQUE KEY string_unique (emote_string), KEY string_emote_foreign (emote_id), KEY string_order_key (emote_string_order), CONSTRAINT string_emote_foreign FOREIGN KEY (emote_id) REFERENCES msz_emoticons (emote_id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE ) ENGINE=InnoDB COLLATE=utf8mb4_bin; '); $conn->execute(' CREATE TABLE msz_forum_categories ( forum_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, forum_order INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, forum_parent INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, forum_name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, forum_type TINYINT(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, forum_description TEXT DEFAULT NULL, forum_icon VARCHAR(50) DEFAULT NULL, forum_colour INT(10) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL, forum_link VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, forum_link_clicks INT(10) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL, forum_created TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp(), forum_archived TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, forum_hidden TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, forum_count_topics INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, forum_count_posts INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, PRIMARY KEY (forum_id), KEY forum_order_index (forum_order), KEY forum_parent_index (forum_parent), KEY forum_type_index (forum_type), KEY forum_link_clicks_index (forum_link_clicks), KEY forum_hidden_index (forum_hidden) ) ENGINE=InnoDB COLLATE=utf8mb4_bin; '); $conn->execute(' CREATE TABLE msz_forum_permissions ( user_id INT(10) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL, role_id INT(10) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL, forum_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, forum_perms_allow INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, forum_perms_deny INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, UNIQUE KEY forum_permissions_unique (user_id, role_id, forum_id), KEY forum_permissions_forum_id (forum_id), KEY forum_permissions_role_id (role_id), CONSTRAINT forum_permissions_forum_id_foreign FOREIGN KEY (forum_id) REFERENCES msz_forum_categories (forum_id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT forum_permissions_role_id_foreign FOREIGN KEY (role_id) REFERENCES msz_roles (role_id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT forum_permissions_user_id_foreign FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES msz_users (user_id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE ) ENGINE=InnoDB COLLATE=utf8mb4_bin; '); $conn->execute(' CREATE TABLE msz_forum_topics ( topic_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, forum_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, user_id INT(10) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL, topic_type TINYINT(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, topic_title VARCHAR(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL, topic_count_views INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, topic_created TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp(), topic_bumped TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp(), topic_deleted TIMESTAMP NULL DEFAULT NULL, topic_locked TIMESTAMP NULL DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (topic_id), KEY topics_forum_id_foreign (forum_id), KEY topics_user_id_foreign (user_id), KEY topics_type_index (topic_type), KEY topics_created_index (topic_created), KEY topics_bumped_index (topic_bumped), KEY topics_deleted_index (topic_deleted), KEY topics_locked_index (topic_locked), FULLTEXT KEY topics_fulltext (topic_title), CONSTRAINT topics_forum_id_foreign FOREIGN KEY (forum_id) REFERENCES msz_forum_categories (forum_id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT topics_user_id_foreign FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES msz_users (user_id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE ) ENGINE=InnoDB COLLATE=utf8mb4_bin; '); $conn->execute(' CREATE TABLE msz_forum_topics_track ( user_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, topic_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, forum_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, track_last_read TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp(), UNIQUE KEY topics_track_unique (user_id, topic_id), KEY topics_track_topic_id_foreign (topic_id), KEY topics_track_user_id_foreign (user_id), KEY topics_track_forum_id_foreign (forum_id), KEY forum_track_last_read (track_last_read), CONSTRAINT topics_track_forum_id_foreign FOREIGN KEY (forum_id) REFERENCES msz_forum_categories (forum_id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT topics_track_topic_id_foreign FOREIGN KEY (topic_id) REFERENCES msz_forum_topics (topic_id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT topics_track_user_id_foreign FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES msz_users (user_id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE ) ENGINE=InnoDB COLLATE=utf8mb4_bin; '); $conn->execute(' CREATE TABLE msz_forum_posts ( post_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, topic_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, forum_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, user_id INT(10) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL, post_ip VARBINARY(16) NOT NULL, post_text MEDIUMTEXT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL, post_parse TINYINT(4) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, post_display_signature TINYINT(4) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, post_created TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp(), post_edited TIMESTAMP NULL DEFAULT NULL, post_deleted TIMESTAMP NULL DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (post_id), KEY posts_topic_id_foreign (topic_id), KEY posts_forum_id_foreign (forum_id), KEY posts_user_id_foreign (user_id), KEY posts_created_index (post_created), KEY posts_deleted_index (post_deleted), KEY posts_parse_index (post_parse), KEY posts_edited_index (post_edited), KEY posts_display_signature_index (post_display_signature), KEY posts_ip_index (post_ip), FULLTEXT KEY posts_fulltext (post_text), CONSTRAINT posts_forum_id_foreign FOREIGN KEY (forum_id) REFERENCES msz_forum_categories (forum_id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT posts_topic_id_foreign FOREIGN KEY (topic_id) REFERENCES msz_forum_topics (topic_id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT posts_user_id_foreign FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES msz_users (user_id) ON DELETE SET NULL ON UPDATE CASCADE ) ENGINE=InnoDB COLLATE=utf8mb4_bin; '); $conn->execute(' CREATE TABLE msz_login_attempts ( user_id INT(10) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL, attempt_success TINYINT(1) NOT NULL, attempt_ip VARBINARY(16) NOT NULL, attempt_country CHAR(2) NOT NULL DEFAULT \'XX\', attempt_created TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp(), attempt_user_agent VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT \'\', KEY login_attempts_user_id_foreign (user_id), KEY login_attempts_created_index (attempt_created), KEY login_attempts_success_index (attempt_success), KEY login_attempts_ip_index (attempt_ip), CONSTRAINT login_attempts_user_id_foreign FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES msz_users (user_id) ON DELETE SET NULL ON UPDATE CASCADE ) ENGINE=InnoDB COLLATE=utf8mb4_bin; '); $conn->execute(' CREATE TABLE msz_news_categories ( category_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, category_name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, category_description TEXT NOT NULL, category_is_hidden TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, category_created TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp(), PRIMARY KEY (category_id), KEY news_categories_is_hidden_index (category_is_hidden) ) ENGINE=InnoDB COLLATE=utf8mb4_bin; '); $conn->execute(' CREATE TABLE msz_news_posts ( post_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, category_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, user_id INT(10) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL, comment_section_id INT(10) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL, post_is_featured TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, post_title VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, post_text TEXT NOT NULL, post_scheduled TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp(), post_created TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp(), post_updated TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp() ON UPDATE current_timestamp(), post_deleted TIMESTAMP NULL DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (post_id), KEY news_posts_category_id_foreign (category_id), KEY news_posts_user_id_foreign (user_id), KEY news_posts_comment_section (comment_section_id), KEY news_posts_featured_index (post_is_featured), KEY news_posts_scheduled_index (post_scheduled), KEY news_posts_created_index (post_created), KEY news_posts_updated_index (post_updated), KEY news_posts_deleted_index (post_deleted), FULLTEXT KEY news_posts_fulltext (post_title, post_text), CONSTRAINT news_posts_category_id_foreign FOREIGN KEY (category_id) REFERENCES msz_news_categories (category_id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT news_posts_comment_section FOREIGN KEY (comment_section_id) REFERENCES msz_comments_categories (category_id) ON DELETE SET NULL ON UPDATE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT news_posts_user_id_foreign FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES msz_users (user_id) ON DELETE SET NULL ON UPDATE CASCADE ) ENGINE=InnoDB COLLATE=utf8mb4_bin; '); $conn->execute(' CREATE TABLE msz_permissions ( user_id INT(10) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL, role_id INT(10) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL, general_perms_allow INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, general_perms_deny INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, user_perms_allow INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, user_perms_deny INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, changelog_perms_allow INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, changelog_perms_deny INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, news_perms_allow INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, news_perms_deny INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, forum_perms_allow INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, forum_perms_deny INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, comments_perms_allow INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, comments_perms_deny INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, UNIQUE KEY permissions_user_id_unique (user_id), UNIQUE KEY permissions_role_id_unique (role_id), CONSTRAINT permissions_role_id_foreign FOREIGN KEY (role_id) REFERENCES msz_roles (role_id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT permissions_user_id_foreign FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES msz_users (user_id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE ) ENGINE=InnoDB COLLATE=utf8mb4_bin; '); $conn->execute(' CREATE TABLE msz_profile_fields ( field_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, field_order INT(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, field_key VARCHAR(50) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NOT NULL, field_title VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, field_regex VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (field_id), UNIQUE KEY profile_fields_key_unique (field_key), KEY profile_fields_order_key (field_order) ) ENGINE=InnoDB COLLATE=utf8mb4_bin; '); $conn->execute(' CREATE TABLE msz_profile_fields_formats ( format_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, field_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, format_regex VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, format_link VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, format_display VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT \'%s\', PRIMARY KEY (format_id), KEY profile_field_format_field_foreign (field_id), CONSTRAINT profile_field_format_field_foreign FOREIGN KEY (field_id) REFERENCES msz_profile_fields (field_id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE ) ENGINE=InnoDB COLLATE=utf8mb4_bin; '); $conn->execute(' CREATE TABLE msz_profile_fields_values ( field_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, user_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, format_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, field_value VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (field_id, user_id), KEY profile_fields_values_format_foreign (format_id), KEY profile_fields_values_user_foreign (user_id), KEY profile_fields_values_value_key (field_value), CONSTRAINT profile_fields_values_field_foreign FOREIGN KEY (field_id) REFERENCES msz_profile_fields (field_id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT profile_fields_values_format_foreign FOREIGN KEY (format_id) REFERENCES msz_profile_fields_formats (format_id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT profile_fields_values_user_foreign FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES msz_users (user_id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE ) ENGINE=InnoDB COLLATE=utf8mb4_bin; '); $conn->execute(' CREATE TABLE msz_sessions ( session_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, user_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, session_key BINARY(64) NOT NULL, session_ip VARBINARY(16) NOT NULL, session_ip_last VARBINARY(16) DEFAULT NULL, session_user_agent VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, session_country CHAR(2) NOT NULL DEFAULT \'XX\', session_expires TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT (current_timestamp() + INTERVAL 1 MONTH), session_expires_bump TINYINT(3) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, session_created TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp(), session_active TIMESTAMP NULL DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (session_id), UNIQUE KEY sessions_key_unique (session_key), KEY sessions_user_id_foreign (user_id), KEY sessions_expires_index (session_expires), KEY sessions_created_index (session_created), CONSTRAINT sessions_user_id_foreign FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES msz_users (user_id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE ) ENGINE=InnoDB COLLATE=utf8mb4_bin; '); $conn->execute(' CREATE TABLE msz_users_password_resets ( user_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, reset_ip VARBINARY(16) NOT NULL, reset_requested TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp(), verification_code CHAR(12) CHARACTER SET ascii COLLATE ascii_bin DEFAULT NULL, UNIQUE KEY users_password_resets_user_unique (user_id,reset_ip), UNIQUE KEY users_password_resets_token_unique (verification_code), KEY users_password_resets_created_index (reset_requested), CONSTRAINT msz_users_password_resets_user_id_foreign FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES msz_users (user_id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE ) ENGINE=InnoDB COLLATE=utf8mb4_bin; '); $conn->execute(' CREATE TABLE msz_user_roles ( user_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, role_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, UNIQUE KEY user_roles_unique (user_id, role_id), KEY user_roles_role_id_foreign (role_id), CONSTRAINT user_roles_role_id_foreign FOREIGN KEY (role_id) REFERENCES msz_roles (role_id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT user_roles_user_id_foreign FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES msz_users (user_id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE ) ENGINE=InnoDB COLLATE=utf8mb4_bin; '); $conn->execute(' CREATE TABLE msz_user_warnings ( warning_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, user_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, user_ip VARBINARY(16) NOT NULL, issuer_id INT(10) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL, issuer_ip VARBINARY(16) NOT NULL, warning_created TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp(), warning_duration TIMESTAMP NULL DEFAULT NULL, warning_type TINYINT(3) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, warning_note VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, warning_note_private TEXT DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (warning_id), KEY user_warnings_user_foreign (user_id), KEY user_warnings_issuer_foreign (issuer_id), KEY user_warnings_created_index (warning_created), KEY user_warnings_duration_index (warning_duration), KEY user_warnings_type_index (warning_type), KEY user_warnings_user_ip_index (user_ip), CONSTRAINT user_warnings_issuer_foreign FOREIGN KEY (issuer_id) REFERENCES msz_users (user_id) ON DELETE SET NULL ON UPDATE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT user_warnings_user_foreign FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES msz_users (user_id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE ) ENGINE=InnoDB COLLATE=utf8mb4_bin; '); } }