MSZ_ROOT, 'index' => MSZ_ROOT . '/vendor/flashwave/index', ]; private const PROJECT_SUFFIXES = [ 'misuzu' => 'Misuzu Project » %s', 'index' => 'Index Project » %s', ]; private static function checkName(string $name): bool { return preg_match('#^([A-Za-z0-9_]+)$#', $name) === 1; } #[Route('GET', '/info')] #[URLInfo('info-index', '/info')] public function getIndex() { return Template::renderRaw('info.index'); } #[Route('GET', '/info/:name')] #[URLInfo('info', '/info/')] #[URLInfo('info-doc', '/info/<title>')] public function getDocsPage($response, $request, string $name) { if(!self::checkName($name)) return 404; return $this->serveMarkdownDocument( sprintf('%s/', self::DOCS_PATH, $name) ); } private static function findDocPath(string $projectPath, string $name): string { // User provided case, without extension $attempt = sprintf('%s/%s', $projectPath, $name); if(is_file($attempt)) return $attempt; // User provided case, with extension $attempt = sprintf('%s/', $projectPath, $name); if(is_file($attempt)) return $attempt; $name = strtoupper($name); // Uppercase, without extension $attempt = sprintf('%s/%s', $projectPath, $name); if(is_file($attempt)) return $attempt; // Uppercase, with extension $attempt = sprintf('%s/', $projectPath, $name); if(is_file($attempt)) return $attempt; $name = strtolower($name); // Lowercase, without extension $attempt = sprintf('%s/%s', $projectPath, $name); if(is_file($attempt)) return $attempt; // Lowercase, with extension $attempt = sprintf('%s/', $projectPath, $name); if(is_file($attempt)) return $attempt; return ''; } #[Route('GET', '/info/:project/:name')] #[URLInfo('info-project-doc', '/info/<project>/<title>')] public function getProjectPage($response, $request, string $project, string $name) { if(!array_key_exists($project, self::PROJECT_PATHS)) return 404; if(!self::checkName($name)) return 404; $projectPath = self::PROJECT_PATHS[$project]; $titleSuffix = array_key_exists($project, self::PROJECT_SUFFIXES) ? self::PROJECT_SUFFIXES[$project] : ''; $path = self::findDocPath($projectPath, $name); if($path === '') { $isBritishLicense = strtolower($name) === 'licence'; $isAmericanLicence = strtolower($name) === 'license'; if($isBritishLicense || $isAmericanLicence) { $name = $isAmericanLicence ? 'licence' : 'license'; $path = self::findDocPath($projectPath, $name); if($path === '') return 404; } else return 404; } return $this->serveMarkdownDocument($path, $titleSuffix); } private function serveMarkdownDocument(string $path, string $titleFormat = '') { if(!is_file($path)) return 404; $body = file_get_contents($path); if(str_starts_with($body, '#')) { $offset = strpos($body, "\n"); $title = trim(substr($body, 1, $offset)); $body = substr($body, $offset); } else $title = ucfirst(basename($path)); if($titleFormat !== '') $title = sprintf($titleFormat, $title); $body = Parser::instance(Parser::MARKDOWN)->parseText($body); return Template::renderRaw('info.view', [ 'document' => [ 'title' => $title, 'content' => $body, ], ]); } }