{% extends 'settings/master.twig' %} {% from 'macros.twig' import container_title, pagination %} {% from 'user/macros.twig' import user_login_attempt, user_account_log %} {% set title = 'Settings / Logs' %} {% block settings_content %}
{{ container_title(' Login History') }} {% set lhpagination = pagination(login_history_pagination, 'settings-logs-logins', { 'account-page': account_log_pagination.page > 1 ? account_log_pagination.page : 0, }) %}

These are all the login attempts to your account. If any attempt that you don't recognise is marked as successful your account may be compromised, ask a staff member for advice in this case.

{% if login_history_list|length < 1 %} {% else %} {% for attempt in login_history_list %} {{ user_login_attempt(attempt) }} {% endfor %} {% endif %}
{{ container_title(' Account Log') }} {% set alpagination = pagination(account_log_pagination, 'settings-logs-account', { 'logins-page': login_history_pagination.page > 1 ? login_history_pagination.page : 0, }) %}

This is a log of all "important" actions that have been done using your account for your review. If you notice anything strange, please alert the staff.

{% if account_log_list|length < 1 %} {% else %} {% for log in account_log_list %} {{ user_account_log(log) }} {% endfor %} {% endif %}
{% endblock %}