#include utility.js #include embed/embed.js #include events/christmas2019.js #include events/events.js #include ext/sakuya.js #include forum/editor.jsx (async () => { const initLoginPage = async () => { const forms = Array.from($qa('.js-login-form')); if(forms.length < 1) return; const updateForm = async (avatar, userName) => { if(!(avatar instanceof Element) || !(userName instanceof Element)) return; const result = (await $x.get(`/auth/login.php?resolve=1&name=${encodeURIComponent(userName.value)}`, { type: 'json' })).body(); avatar.src = result.avatar; if(result.name.length > 0) userName.value = result.name; }; for(const form of forms) { const avatar = form.querySelector('.js-login-avatar'); const userName = form.querySelector('.js-login-username'); let timeOut; await updateForm(avatar, userName); userName.addEventListener('input', function() { if(timeOut !== undefined) return; timeOut = setTimeout(() => { updateForm(avatar, userName) .finally(() => { clearTimeout(timeOut); timeOut = undefined; }); }, 750); }); } }; const initQuickSubmit = () => { const elems = Array.from($qa('.js-quick-submit, .js-ctrl-enter-submit')); if(elems.length < 1) return; for(const elem of elems) elem.addEventListener('keydown', ev => { if((ev.code === 'Enter' || ev.code === 'NumpadEnter') && ev.ctrlKey && !ev.altKey && !ev.shiftKey && !ev.metaKey) { // hack: prevent forum editor from screaming when using this keycombo // can probably be done in a less stupid manner MszForumEditorAllowClose = true; elem.form.submit(); ev.preventDefault(); } }); }; try { MszSakuya.trackElements($qa('time')); hljs.highlightAll(); MszEmbed.init(`${location.protocol}//uiharu.${location.host}`); // only used by the forum posting form initQuickSubmit(); const forumPostingForm = $q('.js-forum-posting'); if(forumPostingForm !== null) MszForumEditor(forumPostingForm); const events = new MszSeasonalEvents; events.add(new MszChristmas2019EventInfo); events.dispatch(); await initLoginPage(); MszEmbed.handle($qa('.js-msz-embed-media')); } catch(ex) { console.error(ex); } })();