{% extends 'forum/master.twig' %} {% from 'macros.twig' import pagination %} {% from 'forum/macros.twig' import forum_post_listing, forum_topic_buttons, forum_topic_locked, forum_header, forum_topic_tools, forum_topic_redirect %} {% set title = topic_info.topic_title %} {% set canonical_url = url('forum-topic', { 'topic': topic_info.topic_id, 'page': topic_pagination.page > 1 ? topic_pagination.page : 0, }) %} {% set forum_post_csrf = csrf_token() %} {% set topic_tools = forum_topic_tools(topic_info, topic_pagination, can_reply) %} {% set topic_notice = forum_topic_locked(topic_info.topic_locked, topic_info.topic_archived) ~ forum_topic_redirect(topic_redir_info|default(null)) %} {% set topic_actions = [ { 'html': ' Delete', 'url': url('forum-topic-delete', {'topic': topic_info.topic_id}), 'display': topic_can_delete, }, { 'html': ' Restore', 'url': url('forum-topic-restore', {'topic': topic_info.topic_id}), 'display': topic_can_nuke_or_restore, }, { 'html': ' Permanently Delete', 'url': url('forum-topic-nuke', {'topic': topic_info.topic_id}), 'display': topic_can_nuke_or_restore, }, { 'html': ' Bump', 'url': url('forum-topic-bump', {'topic': topic_info.topic_id}), 'display': topic_can_bump, }, { 'html': ' Lock', 'url': url('forum-topic-lock', {'topic': topic_info.topic_id}), 'display': topic_can_lock and topic_info.topic_locked is null, }, { 'html': ' Unlock', 'url': url('forum-topic-unlock', {'topic': topic_info.topic_id}), 'display': topic_can_lock and topic_info.topic_locked is not null, }, ] %} {% block content %} {{ forum_header(topic_info.topic_title, topic_breadcrumbs, false, canonical_url, topic_actions) }} {{ topic_notice|raw }} {{ topic_tools }} {{ forum_post_listing(topic_posts, topic_user_id, topic_perms) }} {{ topic_tools }} {{ topic_notice|raw }} {{ forum_header('', topic_breadcrumbs) }} {% endblock %}