{% extends 'forum/master.twig' %}
{% from 'macros.twig' import pagination %}
from 'forum/macros.twig'
{% set title = topic_info.title %}
{% set canonical_url = url('forum-topic', {
'topic': topic_info.id,
'page': topic_pagination.page > 1 ? topic_pagination.page : 0,
}) %}
{% set topic_tools = forum_topic_tools(topic_info, topic_pagination, can_reply) %}
{% set topic_notice = forum_topic_locked(topic_info.lockedTime, category_info.archived) ~ forum_topic_redirect(topic_redir_info|default(null)) %}
{% set topic_actions = [
html: ' Delete',
display: topic_can_delete,
method: 'DELETE',
url: url('forum-topic-delete', { topic: topic_info.id }),
confirm: 'Are you sure you want to delete this topic?',
disableWith: 'Deleting...',
disableWithTarget: '.js-action-text',
withCsrf: true,
refreshOnSuccess: topic_can_delete_any,
redirectOnSuccess: (topic_can_delete_any ? false : url('forum-category', { forum: category_info.id })),
html: ' Restore',
display: topic_can_nuke_or_restore,
method: 'POST',
url: url('forum-topic-restore', { topic: topic_info.id }),
confirm: 'Are you sure you want to restore this topic?',
disableWith: 'Restoring...',
disableWithTarget: '.js-action-text',
withCsrf: true,
refreshOnSuccess: true,
html: ' Permanently Delete',
display: topic_can_nuke_or_restore,
method: 'POST',
url: url('forum-topic-nuke', { topic: topic_info.id }),
confirm: 'Are you sure you want to PERMANENTLY DELETE this topic?',
disableWith: 'Nuking...',
disableWithTarget: '.js-action-text',
withCsrf: true,
redirectOnSuccess: url('forum-category', { forum: category_info.id }),
html: ' Bump',
display: topic_can_bump,
method: 'POST',
url: url('forum-topic-bump', { topic: topic_info.id }),
disableWith: 'Bumping...',
disableWithTarget: '.js-action-text',
withCsrf: true,
html: ' Lock',
display: topic_can_lock and not topic_info.locked,
method: 'POST',
url: url('forum-topic-lock', { topic: topic_info.id }),
disableWith: 'Locking...',
disableWithTarget: '.js-action-text',
withCsrf: true,
refreshOnSuccess: true,
html: ' Unlock',
display: topic_can_lock and topic_info.locked,
method: 'POST',
url: url('forum-topic-unlock', { topic: topic_info.id }),
disableWith: 'Unlocking...',
disableWithTarget: '.js-action-text',
withCsrf: true,
refreshOnSuccess: true,
] %}
{% block content %}
{{ forum_header(topic_info.title, topic_breadcrumbs, false, canonical_url, topic_actions) }}
{{ topic_notice|raw }}
{{ topic_tools }}
{{ forum_post_listing(topic_posts, topic_user_id, topic_perms) }}
{{ topic_tools }}
{{ topic_notice|raw }}
{{ forum_header('', topic_breadcrumbs) }}
{% endblock %}