isLoggedIn() || !perms_check_user(MSZ_PERMS_NEWS, $msz->getActiveUser()->getId(), MSZ_PERM_NEWS_MANAGE_POSTS)) { echo render_error(403); return; } $news = $msz->getNews(); $postId = (string)filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'p', FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT); $loadPostInfo = fn() => $news->getPost($postId); if(empty($postId)) $isNew = true; else try { $isNew = false; $postInfo = $loadPostInfo(); } catch(RuntimeException $ex) { echo render_error(404); return; } if($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'GET' && !empty($_GET['delete'])) { if(CSRF::validateRequest()) { $news->deletePost($postInfo); $msz->createAuditLog('NEWS_POST_DELETE', [$postInfo->getId()]); url_redirect('manage-news-posts'); } else render_error(403); return; } while($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'POST' && CSRF::validateRequest()) { $title = trim((string)filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'np_title')); $category = (string)filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'np_category', FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT); $featured = !empty($_POST['np_featured']); $body = trim((string)filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'np_body')); if($isNew) { $postInfo = $news->createPost($category, $title, $body, $featured, $msz->getActiveUser()); } else { if($category === $postInfo->getCategoryId()) $category = null; if($title === $postInfo->getTitle()) $title = null; if($body === $postInfo->getBody()) $body = null; if($featured === $postInfo->isFeatured()) $featured = null; if($category !== null || $title !== null || $body !== null || $featured !== null) $news->updatePost($postInfo, $category, $title, $body, $featured); } $msz->createAuditLog( $isNew ? 'NEWS_POST_CREATE' : 'NEWS_POST_EDIT', [$postInfo->getId()] ); if($isNew) { if($postInfo->isFeatured()) { // Twitter integration used to be here, replace with Railgun Pulse integration } url_redirect('manage-news-post', ['post' => $postInfo->getId()]); return; } else $postInfo = $loadPostInfo(); break; } $categories = []; foreach($news->getCategories() as $categoryInfo) $categories[$categoryInfo->getId()] = $categoryInfo->getName(); Template::render('', [ 'categories' => $categories, 'post_new' => $isNew, 'post_info' => $postInfo ?? null, ]);