flashwave 383e2ed0e0 Rewrote the user information class.
This one took multiple days and it pretty invasive into the core of Misuzu so issue might (will) arise, there's also some features that have gone temporarily missing in the mean time and some inefficiencies introduced that will be fixed again at a later time.
The old class isn't gone entirely because I still have to figure out what I'm gonna do about validation, but for the most part this knocks out one of the "layers of backwards compatibility", as I've been referring to it, and is moving us closer to a future where Flashii actually gets real updates.
If you run into anything that's broken and you're inhibited from reporting it through the forum, do it through chat or mail me at flashii-issues@flash.moe.
2023-08-02 22:12:47 +00:00

140 lines
5.4 KiB

namespace Misuzu\AuditLog;
use ValueError;
use Index\DateTime;
use Index\Data\IDbResult;
use Index\Net\IPAddress;
class AuditLogInfo {
private ?string $userId;
private string $action;
private array $params;
private int $created;
private string $address;
private string $country;
public function __construct(IDbResult $result) {
$this->userId = $result->isNull(0) ? null : (string)$result->getInteger(0);
$this->action = $result->getString(1);
$this->params = json_decode($result->getString(2));
$this->created = $result->getInteger(3);
$this->address = $result->isNull(4) ? '::1' : $result->getString(4); // apparently this being NULL is possible?
$this->country = $result->getString(5);
public function hasUserId(): bool {
return $this->userId !== null;
public function getUserId(): ?string {
return $this->userId;
public function getAction(): string {
return $this->action;
public function getParams(): array {
return $this->params;
public function getCreatedTime(): int {
return $this->created;
public function getCreatedAt(): DateTime {
return DateTime::fromUnixTimeSeconds($this->created);
public function getRemoteAddressRaw(): string {
return $this->address;
public function getRemoteAddress(): IPAddress {
return IPAddress::parse($this->address);
public function getCountryCode(): string {
return $this->country;
public function getFormatted(): string {
if(array_key_exists($this->action, self::FORMATS))
try {
return vsprintf(self::FORMATS[$this->action], $this->params);
} catch(ValueError $ex) {}
return sprintf('%s(%s)', $this->action, implode(', ', $this->params));
public const FORMATS = [
'PERSONAL_EMAIL_CHANGE' => 'Changed e-mail address to %s.',
'PERSONAL_PASSWORD_CHANGE' => 'Changed account password.',
'PERSONAL_SESSION_DESTROY' => 'Ended session #%d.',
'PERSONAL_SESSION_DESTROY_ALL' => 'Ended all personal sessions.',
'PERSONAL_DATA_DOWNLOAD' => 'Downloaded archive of account data.',
'PASSWORD_RESET' => 'Successfully used the password reset form to change password.',
'CHANGELOG_ENTRY_CREATE' => 'Created a new changelog entry #%d.',
'CHANGELOG_ENTRY_EDIT' => 'Edited changelog entry #%d.',
'CHANGELOG_TAG_ADD' => 'Added tag #%2$d to changelog entry #%1$d.',
'CHANGELOG_TAG_REMOVE' => 'Removed tag #%2$d from changelog entry #%1$d.',
'CHANGELOG_TAG_CREATE' => 'Created new changelog tag #%d.',
'CHANGELOG_TAG_EDIT' => 'Edited changelog tag #%d.',
'CHANGELOG_TAG_DELETE' => 'Deleted changelog tag #%d.',
'CHANGELOG_ACTION_CREATE' => 'Created new changelog action #%d.',
'CHANGELOG_ACTION_EDIT' => 'Edited changelog action #%d.',
'COMMENT_ENTRY_DELETE' => 'Deleted comment #%d.',
'COMMENT_ENTRY_DELETE_MOD' => 'Deleted comment #%d by user #%d %s.',
'COMMENT_ENTRY_RESTORE' => 'Restored comment #%d by user #%d %s.',
'NEWS_POST_CREATE' => 'Created news post #%d.',
'NEWS_POST_EDIT' => 'Edited news post #%d.',
'NEWS_POST_DELETE' => 'Deleted news post #%d.',
'NEWS_CATEGORY_CREATE' => 'Created news category #%d.',
'NEWS_CATEGORY_EDIT' => 'Edited news category #%d.',
'NEWS_CATEGORY_DELETE' => 'Deleted news category #%d.',
'FORUM_POST_EDIT' => 'Edited forum post #%d.',
'FORUM_POST_DELETE' => 'Deleted forum post #%d.',
'FORUM_POST_RESTORE' => 'Restored forum post #%d.',
'FORUM_POST_NUKE' => 'Nuked forum post #%d.',
'FORUM_TOPIC_DELETE' => 'Deleted forum topic #%d.',
'FORUM_TOPIC_RESTORE' => 'Restored forum topic #%d.',
'FORUM_TOPIC_NUKE' => 'Nuked forum topic #%d.',
'FORUM_TOPIC_BUMP' => 'Manually bumped forum topic #%d.',
'FORUM_TOPIC_LOCK' => 'Locked forum topic #%d.',
'FORUM_TOPIC_UNLOCK' => 'Unlocked forum topic #%d.',
'FORUM_TOPIC_REDIR_CREATE' => 'Created redirect for topic #%d.',
'FORUM_TOPIC_REDIR_REMOVE' => 'Removed redirect for topic #%d.',
'CONFIG_CREATE' => 'Created config value with name "%s".',
'CONFIG_UPDATE' => 'Updated config value with name "%s".',
'CONFIG_DELETE' => 'Deleted config value with name "%s".',
'EMOTICON_CREATE' => 'Created emoticon #%s.',
'EMOTICON_EDIT' => 'Edited emoticon #%s.',
'EMOTICON_DELETE' => 'Deleted emoticon #%s.',
'EMOTICON_ORDER' => 'Changed order of emoticon #%s.',
'EMOTICON_ALIAS' => 'Added alias "%2$s" to emoticon #%1$s.',
'MOD_NOTE_CREATE' => 'Added moderator note #%d to user #%d.',
'MOD_NOTE_UPDATE' => 'Edited moderator note #%d on user #%d.',
'MOD_NOTE_DELETE' => 'Removed moderator note #%d from user #%d.',
'BAN_CREATE' => 'Added ban #%d to user #%d.',
'BAN_DELETE' => 'Removed ban #%d from user #%d.',
'WARN_CREATE' => 'Added warning #%d to user #%d.',
'WARN_DELETE' => 'Removed warning #%d from user #%d.',
'ROLE_CREATE' => 'Created role #%d.',
'ROLE_UPDATE' => 'Updated role #%d.',
'USER_IMPERSONATE' => 'Impersonated user #%d %s.',