
523 lines
20 KiB

namespace Misuzu\Comments;
use InvalidArgumentException;
use RuntimeException;
use Index\Data\DbStatementCache;
use Index\Data\IDbConnection;
use Index\Data\IDbResult;
use Misuzu\Pagination;
use Misuzu\Users\UserInfo;
class Comments {
private IDbConnection $dbConn;
private DbStatementCache $cache;
public function __construct(IDbConnection $dbConn) {
$this->dbConn = $dbConn;
$this->cache = new DbStatementCache($dbConn);
public function countCategories(
UserInfo|string|null $owner = null
): int {
if($owner instanceof UserInfo)
$owner = $owner->getId();
$hasOwner = $owner !== null;
$query = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM msz_comments_categories';
$query .= ' WHERE owner_id = ?';
$stmt = $this->cache->get($query);
$stmt->addParameter(1, $owner);
$count = 0;
$result = $stmt->getResult();
$count = $result->getInteger(0);
return $count;
public function getCategories(
UserInfo|string|null $owner = null,
?Pagination $pagination = null
): array {
if($owner instanceof UserInfo)
$owner = $owner->getId();
$hasOwner = $owner !== null;
$hasPagination = $pagination !== null;
$query = 'SELECT category_id, category_name, owner_id, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(category_created), UNIX_TIMESTAMP(category_locked), (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM msz_comments_posts AS cp WHERE cp.category_id = cc.category_id AND comment_deleted IS NULL) AS `category_comments` FROM msz_comments_categories AS cc';
$query .= ' WHERE owner_id = ?';
$query .= ' ORDER BY category_id ASC'; // should order by date but no index on
$query .= ' LIMIT ? RANGE ?';
$stmt = $this->cache->get($query);
$args = 0;
$stmt->addParameter(++$args, $owner);
if($hasPagination) {
$stmt->addParameter(++$args, $pagination->getRange());
$stmt->addParameter(++$args, $pagination->getOffset());
$result = $stmt->getResult();
$categories = [];
$categories[] = new CommentsCategoryInfo($result);
return $categories;
public function getCategory(
?string $categoryId = null,
?string $name = null,
CommentsPostInfo|string|null $postInfo = null
): CommentsCategoryInfo {
$hasCategoryId = $categoryId !== null;
$hasName = $name !== null;
$hasPostInfo = $postInfo !== null;
if(!$hasCategoryId && !$hasName && !$hasPostInfo)
throw new InvalidArgumentException('At least one of the arguments must be set.');
// there has got to be a better way to do this
if(($hasCategoryId && ($hasName || $hasPostInfo)) || ($hasName && ($hasCategoryId || $hasPostInfo)) || ($hasPostInfo && ($hasCategoryId || $hasName)))
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Only one of the arguments may be specified.');
$query = 'SELECT category_id, category_name, owner_id, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(category_created), UNIX_TIMESTAMP(category_locked), (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM msz_comments_posts AS cp WHERE cp.category_id = cc.category_id AND comment_deleted IS NULL) AS category_comments FROM msz_comments_categories AS cc';
$value = null;
if($hasCategoryId) {
$query .= ' WHERE category_id = ?';
$value = $categoryId;
if($hasName) {
$query .= ' WHERE category_name = ?';
$value = $name;
if($hasPostInfo) {
if($postInfo instanceof CommentsPostInfo) {
$query .= ' WHERE category_id = ?';
$value = $postInfo->getCategoryId();
} else {
$query .= ' WHERE category_id = (SELECT category_id FROM msz_comments_posts WHERE comment_id = ?)';
$value = $postInfo;
$stmt = $this->cache->get($query);
$stmt->addParameter(1, $value);
$result = $stmt->getResult();
throw new RuntimeException('Comments category not found.');
return new CommentsCategoryInfo($result);
public function checkCategoryNameExists(string $name): bool {
$stmt = $this->cache->get('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM msz_comments_categories WHERE category_name = ?');
$stmt->addParameter(1, $name);
$count = 0;
$result = $stmt->getResult();
$count = $result->getInteger(0);
return $count > 0;
public function ensureCategory(string $name, UserInfo|string|null $owner = null): CommentsCategoryInfo {
return $this->getCategory(name: $name);
return $this->createCategory($name, $owner);
public function createCategory(string $name, UserInfo|string|null $owner = null): CommentsCategoryInfo {
if($owner instanceof UserInfo)
$owner = $owner->getId();
$name = trim($name);
throw new InvalidArgumentException('$name may not be empty.');
$stmt = $this->cache->get('INSERT INTO msz_comments_categories (category_name, owner_id) VALUES (?, ?)');
$stmt->addParameter(1, $name);
$stmt->addParameter(2, $owner);
return $this->getCategory(categoryId: (string)$this->dbConn->getLastInsertId());
public function deleteCategory(CommentsCategoryInfo|string $category): void {
if($category instanceof CommentsCategoryInfo)
$category = $category->getId();
$stmt = $this->cache->get('DELETE FROM msz_comments_categories WHERE category_id = ?');
$stmt->addParameter(1, $category);
public function updateCategory(
CommentsCategoryInfo|string $category,
?string $name = null,
bool $updateOwner = false,
UserInfo|string|null $owner = null
): void {
if($category instanceof CommentsCategoryInfo)
$category = $category->getId();
if($owner instanceof UserInfo)
$owner = $owner->getId();
if($name !== null) {
$name = trim($name);
throw new InvalidArgumentException('$name may not be empty.');
$stmt = $this->cache->get('UPDATE msz_comments_categories SET category_name = COALESCE(?, category_name), owner_id = IF(?, ?, owner_id) WHERE category_id = ?');
$stmt->addParameter(1, $name);
$stmt->addParameter(2, $updateOwner ? 1 : 0);
$stmt->addParameter(3, $owner ? 1 : 0);
$stmt->addParameter(4, $category);
public function lockCategory(CommentsCategoryInfo|string $category): void {
if($category instanceof CommentsCategoryInfo)
$category = $category->getId();
$stmt = $this->cache->get('UPDATE msz_comments_categories SET category_locked = COALESCE(category_locked, NOW()) WHERE category_id = ?');
$stmt->addParameter(1, $category);
public function unlockCategory(CommentsCategoryInfo|string $category): void {
if($category instanceof CommentsCategoryInfo)
$category = $category->getId();
$stmt = $this->cache->get('UPDATE msz_comments_categories SET category_locked = NULL WHERE category_id = ?');
$stmt->addParameter(1, $category);
public function countPosts(
CommentsCategoryInfo|string|null $categoryInfo = null,
CommentsPostInfo|string|null $parentInfo = null,
UserInfo|string|null $userInfo = null,
?bool $replies = null,
?bool $deleted = null
): int {
if($categoryInfo instanceof CommentsCategoryInfo)
$categoryInfo = $categoryInfo->getId();
if($parentInfo instanceof CommentsPostInfo)
$parentInfo = $parentInfo->getId();
$hasCategoryInfo = $categoryInfo !== null;
$hasParentInfo = $parentInfo !== null;
$hasUserInfo = $userInfo !== null;
$hasReplies = $replies !== null;
$hasDeleted = $deleted !== null;
$args = 0;
$query = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM msz_comments_posts';
if($hasParentInfo) {
$query .= ' WHERE comment_reply_to = ?';
$query .= sprintf(' %s category_id = ?', ++$args > 1 ? 'AND' : 'WHERE');
$query .= sprintf(' %s comment_reply_to %s NULL', ++$args > 1 ? 'AND' : 'WHERE', $replies ? 'IS NOT' : 'IS');
$query .= sprintf(' %s comment_deleted %s NULL', ++$args > 1 ? 'AND' : 'WHERE', $deleted ? 'IS NOT' : 'IS');
$query .= sprintf(' %s user_id = ?', ++$args > 1 ? 'AND' : 'WHERE');
$args = 0;
$stmt = $this->cache->get($query);
$stmt->addParameter(++$args, $parentInfo);
$stmt->addParameter(++$args, $categoryInfo);
$stmt->addParameter(++$args, $userInfo instanceof UserInfo ? $userInfo->getId() : $userInfo);
$result = $stmt->getResult();
$count = 0;
$count = $result->getInteger(0);
return $count;
public function getPosts(
CommentsCategoryInfo|string|null $categoryInfo = null,
CommentsPostInfo|string|null $parentInfo = null,
UserInfo|string|null $userInfo = null,
?bool $replies = null,
?bool $deleted = null,
bool $includeRepliesCount = false,
bool $includeVotesCount = false
): array {
if($categoryInfo instanceof CommentsCategoryInfo)
$categoryInfo = $categoryInfo->getId();
if($parentInfo instanceof CommentsPostInfo)
$parentInfo = $parentInfo->getId();
$hasCategoryInfo = $categoryInfo !== null;
$hasParentInfo = $parentInfo !== null;
$hasUserInfo = $userInfo !== null;
$hasReplies = $replies !== null;
$hasDeleted = $deleted !== null;
$args = 0;
$query = 'SELECT comment_id, category_id, user_id, comment_reply_to, comment_text, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(comment_created), UNIX_TIMESTAMP(comment_pinned), UNIX_TIMESTAMP(comment_edited), UNIX_TIMESTAMP(comment_deleted)';
$query .= ', (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM msz_comments_posts AS ccr WHERE ccr.comment_reply_to = cpp.comment_id AND comment_deleted IS NULL) AS `comment_replies`';
if($includeVotesCount) {
$query .= ', (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM msz_comments_votes AS cvc WHERE cvc.comment_id = cpp.comment_id) AS `comment_votes_total`';
$query .= ', (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM msz_comments_votes AS cvc WHERE cvc.comment_id = cpp.comment_id AND comment_vote > 0) AS `comment_votes_positive`';
$query .= ', (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM msz_comments_votes AS cvc WHERE cvc.comment_id = cpp.comment_id AND comment_vote < 0) AS `comment_votes_negative`';
$query .= ' FROM msz_comments_posts AS cpp';
if($hasParentInfo) {
$query .= ' WHERE comment_reply_to = ?';
$query .= sprintf(' %s category_id = ?', ++$args > 1 ? 'AND' : 'WHERE');
$query .= sprintf(' %s comment_reply_to %s NULL', ++$args > 1 ? 'AND' : 'WHERE', $replies ? 'IS NOT' : 'IS');
$query .= sprintf(' %s comment_deleted %s NULL', ++$args > 1 ? 'AND' : 'WHERE', $deleted ? 'IS NOT' : 'IS');
$query .= sprintf(' %s user_id = ?', ++$args > 1 ? 'AND' : 'WHERE');
// this should really not be implicit like this
$query .= ' ORDER BY comment_deleted ASC, comment_pinned DESC, comment_created ASC';
$query .= ' ORDER BY comment_deleted ASC, comment_pinned DESC, comment_created DESC';
$query .= ' ORDER BY comment_created DESC';
$args = 0;
$stmt = $this->cache->get($query);
$stmt->addParameter(++$args, $parentInfo);
$stmt->addParameter(++$args, $categoryInfo);
$stmt->addParameter(++$args, $userInfo instanceof UserInfo ? $userInfo->getId() : $userInfo);
$posts = [];
$result = $stmt->getResult();
$posts[] = new CommentsPostInfo($result, $includeRepliesCount, $includeVotesCount);
return $posts;
public function getPost(
string $postId,
bool $includeRepliesCount = false,
bool $includeVotesCount = false
): CommentsPostInfo {
$query = 'SELECT comment_id, category_id, user_id, comment_reply_to, comment_text, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(comment_created), UNIX_TIMESTAMP(comment_pinned), UNIX_TIMESTAMP(comment_edited), UNIX_TIMESTAMP(comment_deleted)';
$query .= ', (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM msz_comments_posts AS ccr WHERE ccr.comment_reply_to = cpp.comment_id AND comment_deleted IS NULL) AS `comment_replies`';
if($includeVotesCount) {
$query .= ', (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM msz_comments_votes AS cvc WHERE cvc.comment_id = cpp.comment_id) AS `comment_votes_total`';
$query .= ', (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM msz_comments_votes AS cvc WHERE cvc.comment_id = cpp.comment_id AND comment_vote > 0) AS `comment_votes_positive`';
$query .= ', (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM msz_comments_votes AS cvc WHERE cvc.comment_id = cpp.comment_id AND comment_vote < 0) AS `comment_votes_negative`';
$query .= ' FROM msz_comments_posts AS cpp WHERE comment_id = ?';
$stmt = $this->cache->get($query);
$stmt->addParameter(1, $postId);
$result = $stmt->getResult();
throw new RuntimeException('No comment with that ID exists.');
return new CommentsPostInfo($result, $includeRepliesCount, $includeVotesCount);
public function createPost(
CommentsCategoryInfo|string|null $category,
CommentsPostInfo|string|null $parent,
UserInfo|string|null $user,
string $body,
bool $pin = false
): CommentsPostInfo {
if($category instanceof CommentsCategoryInfo)
$category = $category->getId();
if($parent instanceof CommentsPostInfo) {
if($category === null)
$category = $parent->getCategoryId();
elseif($category !== $parent->getCategoryId())
throw new InvalidArgumentException('$parent belongs to a different category than where this post is attempted to be created.');
$parent = $parent->getId();
if($category === null)
throw new InvalidArgumentException('$category is null; at least a $category or $parent must be specified.');
if($user instanceof UserInfo)
$user = $user->getId();
throw new InvalidArgumentException('$body may not be empty.');
$stmt = $this->cache->get('INSERT INTO msz_comments_posts (category_id, user_id, comment_reply_to, comment_text, comment_pinned) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, IF(?, NOW(), NULL))');
$stmt->addParameter(1, $category);
$stmt->addParameter(2, $user);
$stmt->addParameter(3, $parent);
$stmt->addParameter(4, $body);
$stmt->addParameter(5, $pin ? 1 : 0);
return $this->getPost((string)$this->dbConn->getLastInsertId());
public function deletePost(CommentsPostInfo|string $infoOrId): void {
if($infoOrId instanceof CommentsPostInfo)
$infoOrId = $infoOrId->getId();
$stmt = $this->cache->get('UPDATE msz_comments_posts SET comment_deleted = COALESCE(comment_deleted, NOW()) WHERE comment_id = ?');
$stmt->addParameter(1, $infoOrId);
public function nukePost(CommentsPostInfo|string $infoOrId): void {
if($infoOrId instanceof CommentsPostInfo)
$infoOrId = $infoOrId->getId();
$stmt = $this->cache->get('DELETE FROM msz_comments_posts WHERE comment_id = ?');
$stmt->addParameter(1, $infoOrId);
public function restorePost(CommentsPostInfo|string $infoOrId): void {
if($infoOrId instanceof CommentsPostInfo)
$infoOrId = $infoOrId->getId();
$stmt = $this->cache->get('UPDATE msz_comments_posts SET comment_deleted = NULL WHERE comment_id = ?');
$stmt->addParameter(1, $infoOrId);
public function editPost(CommentsPostInfo|string $infoOrId, string $body): void {
if($infoOrId instanceof CommentsPostInfo)
$infoOrId = $infoOrId->getId();
throw new InvalidArgumentException('$body may not be empty.');
$stmt = $this->cache->get('UPDATE msz_comments_posts SET comment_text = ?, comment_edited = NOW() WHERE comment_id = ?');
$stmt->addParameter(1, $body);
$stmt->addParameter(2, $infoOrId);
public function pinPost(CommentsPostInfo|string $infoOrId): void {
if($infoOrId instanceof CommentsPostInfo)
$infoOrId = $infoOrId->getId();
$stmt = $this->cache->get('UPDATE msz_comments_posts SET comment_pinned = COALESCE(comment_pinned, NOW()) WHERE comment_id = ?');
$stmt->addParameter(1, $infoOrId);
public function unpinPost(CommentsPostInfo|string $infoOrId): void {
if($infoOrId instanceof CommentsPostInfo)
$infoOrId = $infoOrId->getId();
$stmt = $this->cache->get('UPDATE msz_comments_posts SET comment_pinned = NULL WHERE comment_id = ?');
$stmt->addParameter(1, $infoOrId);
public function getPostVote(
CommentsPostInfo|string $post,
UserInfo|string|null $user
): CommentsPostVoteInfo {
if($post instanceof CommentsPostInfo)
$post = $post->getId();
if($user instanceof UserInfo)
$user = $user->getId();
// SUM() here makes it so a result row is always returned, albeit with just NULLs
$stmt = $this->cache->get('SELECT comment_id, user_id, SUM(comment_vote) FROM msz_comments_votes WHERE comment_id = ? AND user_id = ?');
$stmt->addParameter(1, $post);
$stmt->addParameter(2, $user);
$result = $stmt->getResult();
throw new RuntimeException('Failed to fetch vote info.');
return new CommentsPostVoteInfo($result);
public function addPostVote(
CommentsPostInfo|string $post,
UserInfo|string $user,
int $weight
): void {
if($weight === 0)
if($post instanceof CommentsPostInfo)
$post = $post->getId();
if($user instanceof UserInfo)
$user = $user->getId();
$stmt = $this->cache->get('REPLACE INTO msz_comments_votes (comment_id, user_id, comment_vote) VALUES (?, ?, ?)');
$stmt->addParameter(1, $post);
$stmt->addParameter(2, $user);
$stmt->addParameter(3, $weight);
public function addPostPositiveVote(CommentsPostInfo|string $post, UserInfo|string $user): void {
$this->addPostVote($post, $user, 1);
public function addPostNegativeVote(CommentsPostInfo|string $post, UserInfo|string $user): void {
$this->addPostVote($post, $user, -1);
public function removePostVote(
CommentsPostInfo|string $post,
UserInfo|string $user
): void {
if($post instanceof CommentsPostInfo)
$post = $post->getId();
if($user instanceof UserInfo)
$user = $user->getId();
$stmt = $this->cache->get('DELETE FROM msz_comments_votes WHERE comment_id = ? AND user_id = ?');
$stmt->addParameter(1, $post);
$stmt->addParameter(2, $user);