
144 lines
5.5 KiB

namespace Misuzu\AuditLog;
use ValueError;
use Index\DateTime;
use Index\Data\IDbResult;
use Index\Net\IPAddress;
class AuditLogInfo {
public function __construct(
private ?string $userId,
private string $action,
private array $params,
private int $created,
private string $address,
private string $country,
) {}
public static function fromResult(IDbResult $result): AuditLogInfo {
return new AuditLogInfo(
userId: $result->getStringOrNull(0),
action: $result->getString(1),
params: json_decode($result->getString(2)),
created: $result->getInteger(3),
address: $result->isNull(4) ? '::1' : $result->getString(4), // apparently this being NULL is possible?
country: $result->getString(5),
public function hasUserId(): bool {
return $this->userId !== null;
public function getUserId(): ?string {
return $this->userId;
public function getAction(): string {
return $this->action;
public function getParams(): array {
return $this->params;
public function getCreatedTime(): int {
return $this->created;
public function getCreatedAt(): DateTime {
return DateTime::fromUnixTimeSeconds($this->created);
public function getRemoteAddressRaw(): string {
return $this->address;
public function getRemoteAddress(): IPAddress {
return IPAddress::parse($this->address);
public function getCountryCode(): string {
return $this->country;
public function getFormatted(): string {
if(array_key_exists($this->action, self::FORMATS))
try {
return vsprintf(self::FORMATS[$this->action], $this->params);
} catch(ValueError $ex) {}
return sprintf('%s(%s)', $this->action, implode(', ', $this->params));
public const FORMATS = [
'PERSONAL_EMAIL_CHANGE' => 'Changed e-mail address to %s.',
'PERSONAL_PASSWORD_CHANGE' => 'Changed account password.',
'PERSONAL_SESSION_DESTROY' => 'Ended session #%d.',
'PERSONAL_SESSION_DESTROY_ALL' => 'Ended all personal sessions.',
'PERSONAL_DATA_DOWNLOAD' => 'Downloaded archive of account data.',
'PASSWORD_RESET' => 'Successfully used the password reset form to change password.',
'CHANGELOG_ENTRY_CREATE' => 'Created a new changelog entry #%d.',
'CHANGELOG_ENTRY_EDIT' => 'Edited changelog entry #%d.',
'CHANGELOG_TAG_ADD' => 'Added tag #%2$d to changelog entry #%1$d.',
'CHANGELOG_TAG_REMOVE' => 'Removed tag #%2$d from changelog entry #%1$d.',
'CHANGELOG_TAG_CREATE' => 'Created new changelog tag #%d.',
'CHANGELOG_TAG_EDIT' => 'Edited changelog tag #%d.',
'CHANGELOG_TAG_DELETE' => 'Deleted changelog tag #%d.',
'CHANGELOG_ACTION_CREATE' => 'Created new changelog action #%d.',
'CHANGELOG_ACTION_EDIT' => 'Edited changelog action #%d.',
'COMMENT_ENTRY_DELETE' => 'Deleted comment #%d.',
'COMMENT_ENTRY_DELETE_MOD' => 'Deleted comment #%d by user #%d %s.',
'COMMENT_ENTRY_RESTORE' => 'Restored comment #%d by user #%d %s.',
'NEWS_POST_CREATE' => 'Created news post #%d.',
'NEWS_POST_EDIT' => 'Edited news post #%d.',
'NEWS_POST_DELETE' => 'Deleted news post #%d.',
'NEWS_CATEGORY_CREATE' => 'Created news category #%d.',
'NEWS_CATEGORY_EDIT' => 'Edited news category #%d.',
'NEWS_CATEGORY_DELETE' => 'Deleted news category #%d.',
'FORUM_POST_EDIT' => 'Edited forum post #%d.',
'FORUM_POST_DELETE' => 'Deleted forum post #%d.',
'FORUM_POST_RESTORE' => 'Restored forum post #%d.',
'FORUM_POST_NUKE' => 'Nuked forum post #%d.',
'FORUM_TOPIC_DELETE' => 'Deleted forum topic #%d.',
'FORUM_TOPIC_RESTORE' => 'Restored forum topic #%d.',
'FORUM_TOPIC_NUKE' => 'Nuked forum topic #%d.',
'FORUM_TOPIC_BUMP' => 'Manually bumped forum topic #%d.',
'FORUM_TOPIC_LOCK' => 'Locked forum topic #%d.',
'FORUM_TOPIC_UNLOCK' => 'Unlocked forum topic #%d.',
'FORUM_TOPIC_REDIR_CREATE' => 'Created redirect for topic #%d.',
'FORUM_TOPIC_REDIR_REMOVE' => 'Removed redirect for topic #%d.',
'CONFIG_CREATE' => 'Created config value with name "%s".',
'CONFIG_UPDATE' => 'Updated config value with name "%s".',
'CONFIG_DELETE' => 'Deleted config value with name "%s".',
'EMOTICON_CREATE' => 'Created emoticon #%s.',
'EMOTICON_EDIT' => 'Edited emoticon #%s.',
'EMOTICON_DELETE' => 'Deleted emoticon #%s.',
'EMOTICON_ORDER' => 'Changed order of emoticon #%s.',
'EMOTICON_ALIAS' => 'Added alias "%2$s" to emoticon #%1$s.',
'MOD_NOTE_CREATE' => 'Added moderator note #%d to user #%d.',
'MOD_NOTE_UPDATE' => 'Edited moderator note #%d on user #%d.',
'MOD_NOTE_DELETE' => 'Removed moderator note #%d from user #%d.',
'BAN_CREATE' => 'Added ban #%d to user #%d.',
'BAN_DELETE' => 'Removed ban #%d from user #%d.',
'WARN_CREATE' => 'Added warning #%d to user #%d.',
'WARN_DELETE' => 'Removed warning #%d from user #%d.',
'ROLE_CREATE' => 'Created role #%d.',
'ROLE_UPDATE' => 'Updated role #%d.',
'USER_IMPERSONATE' => 'Impersonated user #%d %s.',