using SharpChat.Channels; using SharpChat.Configuration; using SharpChat.Events; using SharpChat.Protocol.IRC.ClientCommands; using SharpChat.Protocol.IRC.Replies; using SharpChat.Protocol.IRC.ServerCommands; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Net; using System.Net.Sockets; using System.Text; using System.Threading; namespace SharpChat.Protocol.IRC { [Server(@"irc")] public class IRCServer : IServer { private const int BUFFER_SIZE = 2048; public const char PREFIX = ':'; private Context Context { get; } private IConfig Config { get; } private Socket Socket { get; set; } private IRCConnectionList Connections { get; } private IReadOnlyDictionary Commands { get; } private bool IsRunning { get; set; } private byte[] Buffer { get; } = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE]; // I feel like these two could be generalised private CachedValue ServerHostValue { get; } private CachedValue NetworkNameValue { get; } public string ServerHost => ServerHostValue; public string NetworkName => NetworkNameValue; public IRCServer(Context ctx, IConfig config) { Context = ctx ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(ctx)); Config = config ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(config)); Connections = new IRCConnectionList(Context.Sessions, Context.ChannelUsers); Context.Events.AddEventHandler(this); ServerHostValue = Config.ReadCached(@"host", @""); NetworkNameValue = Config.ReadCached(@"network", @"SharpChat"); Dictionary handlers = new(); void addHandler(IClientCommand handler) { handlers.Add(handler.CommandName, handler); }; addHandler(new AdminCommand(this)); addHandler(new AwayCommand(Context.Users)); addHandler(new CapabilitiesCommand()); addHandler(new InfoCommand()); addHandler(new InviteCommand(Context.Users, Context.Channels, Context.ChannelUsers)); addHandler(new IsOnCommand(Context.Users)); addHandler(new JoinCommand(Context.Channels, Context.ChannelUsers)); addHandler(new KickCommand()); addHandler(new KillCommand()); addHandler(new ListCommand(Context.Channels, Context.ChannelUsers)); addHandler(new ListUsersCommand()); addHandler(new MessageOfTheDayCommand()); addHandler(new ModeCommand(Context.Channels, Context.Users, Context.Sessions)); addHandler(new NamesCommand()); addHandler(new NickCommand(Context.Users)); addHandler(new NoticeCommand()); addHandler(new PartCommand(Context.Channels, Context.ChannelUsers)); addHandler(new PassCommand()); addHandler(new PingCommand(this, Context.Sessions)); addHandler(new PrivateMessageCommand(Context.Channels, Context.ChannelUsers, Context.Messages)); addHandler(new QuitCommand(Context.Sessions)); addHandler(new ServerQuitCommand()); addHandler(new ServiceCommand()); addHandler(new ServiceListCommand()); addHandler(new ServiceQueryCommand()); addHandler(new SilenceCommand()); addHandler(new StatsCommand()); addHandler(new SummonCommand()); addHandler(new TimeCommand()); addHandler(new TopicCommand()); addHandler(new UserCommand( this, Context, Context.Users, Context.Channels, Context.ChannelUsers, Context.Sessions, Context.DataProvider.UserClient, Context.Bans, Context.WelcomeMessage )); addHandler(new UserHostCommand()); addHandler(new VersionCommand()); addHandler(new WAllOpsCommand()); addHandler(new WhoCommand()); addHandler(new WhoIsCommand()); addHandler(new WhoWasCommand()); Commands = handlers; } public void Listen(EndPoint endPoint) { if(Socket != null) throw new ProtocolAlreadyListeningException(); if(endPoint == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(endPoint)); Socket = new Socket(endPoint.AddressFamily, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); Socket.Bind(endPoint); Socket.NoDelay = true; Socket.Blocking = false; Socket.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Socket, SocketOptionName.ReuseAddress, 1); Socket.Listen(10); IsRunning = true; new Thread(Worker).Start(); } private void Worker() { while(IsRunning) try { if(Socket.Poll(1000000, SelectMode.SelectRead)) Connections.AddConnection(new IRCConnection(this, Socket.Accept())); Connections.GetReadyConnections(conns => { foreach(IRCConnection conn in conns) { try { int read = conn.Receive(Buffer); string[] lines = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Buffer, 0, read).Split(new[] { '\r', '\n' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); foreach(string line in lines) OnReceive(conn, line); } catch(SocketException ex) { Logger.Write($@"[IRC] Socket Error: {ex}"); } } // check pings Connections.GetDeadConnections(conns => { Queue dead = new(conns); while(dead.TryDequeue(out IRCConnection conn)) { Connections.RemoveConnection(conn); Context.Sessions.Destroy(conn); } }); }); } catch(Exception ex) { Logger.Write($@"[IRC] {ex}"); } } private void OnReceive(IRCConnection conn, string line) { // do rate limiting string commandName = null; List args = new(); try { int i = 0; // read prefix, if there is any. // might be unnecessary, might only be server to server which will never happen if(line[0] == PREFIX) while(line[++i] != ' '); int commandStart = i; while((i < (line.Length - 1)) && line[++i] != ' '); if(line.Length - 1 == i) ++i; commandName = line[commandStart..i]; int paramStart = ++i; while(i < line.Length) { if(line[i] == ' ' && i != paramStart) { args.Add(line[paramStart..i]); paramStart = i + 1; } if(line[i] == PREFIX) { if(paramStart != i) args.Add(line[paramStart..i]); args.Add(line[(i + 1)..]); break; } ++i; } if(i == line.Length) args.Add(line[paramStart..]); } catch(IndexOutOfRangeException) { Logger.Debug($@"Invalid message: {line}"); } if(commandName == null) return; args.RemoveAll(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace); if(Commands.TryGetValue(commandName, out IClientCommand command)) { if(command.RequireSession && conn.Session == null) { conn.SendReply(new PasswordMismatchReply()); return; } command.HandleCommand(new ClientCommandContext(conn, args)); } } // see comment in SockChatServer class public void HandleEvent(object sender, IEvent evt) { switch(evt) { case SessionPingEvent spe: Connections.GetConnectionBySessionId(spe.SessionId, conn => { if(conn == null) return; conn.LastPing = spe.DateTime; }); break; case MessageCreateEvent mce: Context.Channels.GetChannelById(mce.ChannelId, channel => { if(channel == null) return; Context.Users.GetUser(mce.UserId, user => { Queue msgs = new(ServerPrivateMessageCommand.Split(channel, user, mce.Text)); Connections.GetConnections(channel, conns => { conns = conns.Where(c => !mce.ConnectionId.Equals(c.ConnectionId)); while(msgs.TryDequeue(out ServerPrivateMessageCommand spmc)) foreach(IRCConnection conn in conns) conn.SendCommand(spmc); }); }); }); break; //case MessageUpdateEvent mue: //IMessage msg = Context.Messages.GetMessage(mue.MessageId); //break; // these events need revising case ChannelUserJoinEvent cuje: Context.Channels.GetChannelById(cuje.ChannelId, channel => { if(channel == null) return; Context.Users.GetUser(cuje.UserId, user => { if(user == null) return; ServerJoinCommand sjc = new(channel, user); Connections.GetConnections(channel, conns => { conns = conns.Where(c => !user.Equals(c.Session?.User)); foreach(IRCConnection conn in conns) conn.SendCommand(sjc); }); }); UserJoinChannel(channel, cuje.SessionId); }); break; case ChannelSessionJoinEvent csje: Context.Channels.GetChannelById(csje.ChannelId, channel => { if(channel == null) return; Context.Users.GetUser(csje.UserId, user => { if(user == null) return; UserJoinChannel(channel, csje.SessionId); }); }); break; case ChannelUserLeaveEvent cule: Context.Channels.GetChannelById(cule.ChannelId, channel => { if(channel == null) return; Context.Users.GetUser(cule.UserId, user => { if(user == null) return; ServerPartCommand spc = new(channel, user, cule.Reason); Connections.GetConnections(channel, conns => { foreach(IRCConnection conn in conns) conn.SendCommand(spc); }); }); }); break; } } private void UserJoinChannel(IChannel channel, string sessionId) { Context.Sessions.GetLocalSession(sessionId, session => { if(session == null || session.Connection is not IRCConnection csjec) return; csjec.SendCommand(new ServerJoinCommand(channel, session.User)); if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(channel.Topic)) csjec.SendReply(new NoTopicReply(channel)); else csjec.SendReply(new TopicReply(channel)); Context.ChannelUsers.GetUsers(channel, users => NamesReply.SendBatch(csjec, channel, users)); csjec.SendReply(new EndOfNamesReply(channel)); }); } private bool IsDisposed; ~IRCServer() => DoDispose(); public void Dispose() { DoDispose(); GC.SuppressFinalize(this); } private void DoDispose() { if(IsDisposed) return; IsDisposed = true; Context.Events.RemoveEventHandler(this); IsRunning = false; if(Socket != null) { // kill all connections Socket.Dispose(); } } } }