import { handleMetadataLookup, handleMetadataBatchLookup } from './src/handlers/lookup.ts'; import { handleThumbnailRetrieve } from './src/handlers/thumb.ts'; import { handlePublicPath } from './src/handlers/local.ts'; import { MemcacheClient } from 'npm:memcache-client@^1.0.5'; // todo: these should not be hardcoded lol const hostName: String = ''; const port: Number = 3009; const memcacheServer: String = ''; const allowedOrigins: String[] = [ '', '', '', '', ]; const cache: MemcacheClient = new MemcacheClient({ server: memcacheServer, compressor: { // fuck it lol compressSync: buffer => buffer, decompressSync: buffer => buffer, }, }); Deno.serve({ port }, async (req: Request): Response => { const url = new URL(req.url); const headers = { 'X-Powered-By': 'Uiharu' }; if(req.headers.has('origin')) { const originRaw = req.headers.get('origin'); const origin = new URL(originRaw); if(!allowedOrigins.includes( return new Response('403', { status: 403, headers }); headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = originRaw; headers['Vary'] = 'Origin'; } if(req.method === 'OPTIONS') { headers['Allow'] = 'OPTIONS, GET, HEAD, POST'; headers['Access-Control-Allow-Methods'] = 'OPTIONS, GET, HEAD, POST'; // idk if this is the appropriate status code but: balls return new Response('', { status: 204, headers }); } if(url.pathname === '/metadata') return handleMetadataLookup(url, headers, req, cache, hostName); if(url.pathname === '/metadata/batch') return handleMetadataBatchLookup(headers, req); const isAudio = url.pathname === '/metadata/thumb/audio'; const isVideo = url.pathname === '/metadata/thumb/video'; if(isAudio || isVideo) return handleThumbnailRetrieve(url, headers, req, isAudio, isVideo); // serving files from /public dir if(['HEAD', 'GET'].includes(req.method)) return handlePublicPath(headers, url.pathname); // 404 fallback return new Response('', { status: ['OPTIONS', 'HEAD', 'GET', 'POST'].includes(req.method) ? 404 : 405, headers, }); });