Frequently Asked Questions

> Reminder to self
> Rewrite this Would've been better if I called this the Flashii Users Manual but that's ok.

FAQ Sections

* [Profile Settings](#profile) - [Entering the User Control Panel](#profile/gettingtoucp) - [Changing your Profile fields](#profile/changeprofile) * [Website Profile Field](#profile/changeprofile/websitefield) * [Skype Profile Field](#profile/changeprofile/skypefield) * [Youtube Profile Field](#profile/changeprofile/youtubefield)

Profile Editing

Entering the User Control Panel

If you are a registered user all your settings are stored in the database. To alter them click on the "Settings" button (as displayed in the image) below. ![Settings Button](/assets/img/faq/v1/profile_settings_button.png)

Changing your Profile fields

Once you're in the UCP you'll be presented with this screen; ![Settings Button](/assets/img/faq/v1/profile_main_page.png) Here you can change the details displayed on your profile, when logged out a user can't view these fields on your profile.

Website Profile Field

This one should be pretty self explanatory; ![Website field](/assets/img/faq/v1/profile_website_field.png) Once you've done that hit submit and your profile should now display a link to your website! ![murasaki's profile with website link](/assets/img/faq/v1/242_profile_with_website.png)

Skype Profile Field

Hardest field of them all, just enter your Skype username... ![Website field](/assets/img/faq/v1/profile_skype_field.png) Once you've done that hit submit and your profile should now display a link to your website! ![murasaki's profile with website link](/assets/img/faq/v1/242_profile_with_website.png)

Youtube Profile Field

There's two ways to link to your channel, using your channel ID or your username. ** Example Channel ID ** ![Channel ID](/assets/img/faq/v1/profile_youtube_id.png) ** Example Username ** ![Username](/assets/img/faq/v1/profile_youtube_username.png) (The selected text is what you should enter in the Youtube field) ** Example Filled in Youtube field with Username ** ![Username](/assets/img/faq/v1/profile_youtube_field_username.png) ** Example Filled in Youtube field with Channel ID ** ![Channel ID](/assets/img/faq/v1/profile_youtube_field_channel_id.png) Once you've done that hit submit and your profile should now display a link to your channel! ![murasaki's profile with youtube link](/assets/img/faq/v1/242_profile_with_youtube.png)