processBans(); // Print header print desHeader('You are '. (!empty($banData) ? '' : 'not ') .'Banned'. (!empty($banData) ? ' ;_;' : '!')); ?>

Why are you even viewing this page, silly person.

'; } else { print '

You have been '. ($banData[3] ? 'permanently ' : '') .'banned on '. date($fwSettings['dateFormat'], $banData[1]) .''. ($banData[3] ? '' : ' until '. date($fwSettings['dateFormat'], $banData[0]) .'') .'.

'; print '

Reason: '. $banData[2] .'

'; print '

The ban was issued on your '. ($banData[4] == 2 ? 'Username and IP Address' : ($banData[4] ? 'IP Address' : 'Username')) .'.

'; print '

If you feel like the ban was unjustful or you want to appeal the ban please send it to

'; } ?>