['']]); ?>

"Obligatory reminder that Flashwave and Flashii are two different entities"

loggedIn()) { ?>
Hi, !
checkRank($fwSettings['sitemodRanks'])) { ?>
Welcome to Flashii! This is a site for a bunch of friends to hang out, nothing special. Anyone is pretty much welcome to register so why not have a go? Register! Login
query("SELECT * FROM `flashii_users` WHERE `userrole`!='0' ORDER BY `id`"); $countUsers = $getUsers->num_rows; $getNewestUser = @end($getUsers->fetch_all(MYSQLI_ASSOC)); $getChatUsers = $database->query("SELECT * FROM `flashii_chat_online_users`")->num_rows; $lastUserRegister = date_diff(date_create(date('Y-m-d',$getNewestUser['join_date'])), date_create(date('Y-m-d')))->format('%a'); ?> We have , is the newest user, it has been since the last user registered and there are in chat right now. loggedIn()) { $getBirthdays = $database->query("SELECT * FROM `flashii_users` WHERE `userrole` != '0' ORDER BY `id`"); $getBirthdays = $getBirthdays->fetch_all(MYSQLI_ASSOC); $birthdayCount = 0; $birthdays = array(); foreach($getBirthdays as $userData) { if(!empty($userData['birthdate'])) { if(date('m-d') == substr(date('Y-m-d', $userData['birthdate']), 5, 5) || (date('y')%4 <> 0 && substr(date('Y-m-d', $userData['birthdate']), 5, 5) == '02-29' && date('m-d') == '02-28')) { ++$birthdayCount; $birthdays[$birthdayCount] = array(); $birthdays[$birthdayCount]['id'] = $birthdayCount; $birthdays[$birthdayCount]['uid'] = $userData['id']; $birthdays[$birthdayCount]['uname'] = $userData['username']; } } } if($birthdayCount) { print '
'; print 'Congratulations to '; foreach($birthdays as $userData) { print ''; print $userData['uname']; print ''; if($userData['id'] + 1 === count($birthdays)) print ' and '; elseif($userData['id'] === count($birthdays)) print '!'; else print ', '; } } $getOnlineUsers = $database->query("SELECT DISTINCT `uid` FROM `flashii_sessions` WHERE `time` > '". (time() - 3600) ."' AND `uid` != '212';")->fetch_all(MYSQLI_ASSOC); $getOnlineCount = count($getOnlineUsers); if($getOnlineCount) { print '
Online users
'; print 'These users were active on the site in the last hour:
'; foreach($getOnlineUsers as $okCountThisFuckingShit => $userData) { $userData = $flashii->getUserdata($userData['uid']); print ''; print $userData['username']; print ''; if($okCountThisFuckingShit + 2 === $getOnlineCount) print ' and '; elseif($okCountThisFuckingShit + 1 === $getOnlineCount) print '.'; else print ', '; } } } ?>
query("SELECT * FROM `flashii_news` ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 3"); $getNews = $getNews->fetch_all(MYSQLI_ASSOC); foreach($getNews as $newsPost) { print ''.$newsPost['title'].''; print '
'; print ''; print '
'; print '';
                    print $flashii->getUserdata($newsPost['uid'])['username'];
                    print ''; print '

'; print $flashii->getUserdata($newsPost['uid'])['username']; print '

'; print '
'; print '
'; print '
'; print $mdparser->text($newsPost['content']); print '
'; print '
'; print '
'; print '
Posted on '; print date($fwSettings['dateFormat'], $newsPost['date']); print isset($_GET['id']) ? null : ' View comments'; print '
'; } ?>