 * Sakura Forum List Viewer

// Declare Namespace
namespace Sakura;

// Include components
require_once str_replace(basename(__DIR__), '', dirname(__FILE__)) .'_sakura/sakura.php';

// Get the forum's data
$forum = Forum::getForum(isset($_GET['f']) ? $_GET['f'] : 0);

// Check if the forum exists
if(!$forum) {

    // Set render data
    $renderData['page'] = [
        'title'     => 'Information',
        'message'   => 'The subforum you tried to access does not exist.'

    // Print template
    print Templates::render('errors/information.tpl', $renderData);


// Check if the forum isn't a link
if($forum['forum']['forum_type'] === 2) {

    // Set render data
    $renderData['page'] = [
        'title'     => 'Information',
        'message'   => 'The forum you tried to access is a link. You\'re being redirected.',
        'redirect'  => $forum['forum']['forum_link']

    // Print template
    print Templates::render('errors/information.tpl', $renderData);


$renderData['page'] = [
    'title' => 'Forums / '. $forum['forum']['forum_name']

$renderData['board'] = [
    'forums' => [
    'topics' => Forum::getTopics($forum['forum']['forum_id']),
    'viewforum' => true,
    'viewtopic' => false

// Print page contents
print Templates::render('forum/viewforum.tpl', $renderData);