-- Adminer 4.2.2 MySQL dump
SET time_zone = '+00:00';
SET foreign_key_checks = 0;
TRUNCATE `sakura_bbcodes`;
INSERT INTO `sakura_bbcodes` (`id`, `regex`, `replace`, `title`, `description`, `on_posting`) VALUES
(1, '/\\[b\\](.*?)\\[\\/b\\]/is', '$1', 'Bold', 'Make text bold. Usage: [b]text[/b].', 1),
(2, '/\\[i\\](.*?)\\[\\/i\\]/is', '$1', 'Italics', 'Make text italic. Usage: [i]text[/i].', 1),
(3, '/\\[u\\](.*?)\\[\\/u\\]/is', '$1', 'Underline', 'Make text underlined. Usage: [u]text[/u].', 1),
(4, '/\\[s\\](.*?)\\[\\/s\\]/is', '$1', 'Strikethrough', 'Put a line through text. Usage: [s]text[/s].', 1),
(5, '/\\[img\\]([a-zA-Z0-9\\.\\$\\-\\_\\.\\+\\*\\!\\\'\\(\\)\\/\\:\\#]+)\\[\\/img\\]/is', '
', 'Image', 'Embed an image. Usage: [img]url[/img]', 1),
(6, '/\\[url=([a-zA-Z0-9\\.\\$\\-\\_\\.\\+\\*\\!\\\'\\(\\)\\/\\:\\#]+)\\](.*?)\\[\\/url\\]/is', '$2', 'Link', 'Embed a URL. Usage: [url=http://google.com]Link to google![/url]', 0),
(7, '/\\[url\\]([a-zA-Z0-9\\.\\$\\-\\_\\.\\+\\*\\!\\\'\\(\\)\\/\\:\\#]+)\\[\\/url\\]/is', '$1', 'Link', 'Make a link clickable (if the automatic algorithm doesn\'t do it already). Usage: [url]http://google.com[/url]', 1),
(8, '/\\[quote\\=\\\"(.+)\\\"\\](.+)\\[\\/quote]/is', '
', 'Quote', 'Quote a user\'s post. Usage: [quote=Flashwave]nookls is pretty[/quote]', 0),
(9, '/\\[quote\\](.+)\\[\\/quote]/is', '', 'Quote', 'Quote a user\'s post. Usage: [quote]nookls is pretty[/quote]', 1);
TRUNCATE `sakura_config`;
INSERT INTO `sakura_config` (`config_name`, `config_value`) VALUES
('recaptcha_public', ''),
('recaptcha_private', ''),
('charset', 'utf-8'),
('cookie_prefix', 'fii_'),
('cookie_domain', 'flashii.test'),
('cookie_path', '/'),
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('manage_style', 'broomcloset'),
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('smtp_auth', '1'),
('smtp_secure', 'tls'),
('smtp_port', ''),
('smtp_username', ''),
('smtp_password', ''),
('smtp_replyto_mail', ''),
('smtp_replyto_name', 'Flashwave'),
('smtp_from_email', ''),
('smtp_from_name', 'Flashii Noreply'),
('sitename', 'Cutting Edgii'),
('recaptcha', '0'),
('require_activation', '0'),
('require_registration_code', '0'),
('disable_registration', '0'),
('max_reg_keys', '5'),
('mail_signature', 'Team Flashii'),
('lock_authentication', '0'),
('min_entropy', '1'),
('sitedesc', 'Live development environment for the script that powers Flashii.net called Sakura.'),
('sitetags', '[\"Flashii\",\"Media\",\"Flashwave\",\"Circle\",\"Zeniea\",\"MalwareUp\",\"Cybernetics\",\"Saibateku\",\"Community\",\"osu!\",\"osu\"]'),
('username_min_length', '3'),
('username_max_length', '16'),
('site_closed', '0'),
('site_closed_reason', 'meow'),
('use_gzip', '0'),
('enable_tpl_cache', '0'),
('paypal_client_id', ''),
('paypal_secret', ''),
('premium_price_per_month', '1.49'),
('premium_rank_id', '8'),
('premium_amount_max', '24'),
('alumni_rank_id', '9'),
('url_main', 'flashii.test'),
('front_page_news_posts', '3'),
('date_format', 'D Y-m-d H:i:s T'),
('news_posts_per_page', '3'),
('avatar_min_width', '20'),
('avatar_min_height', '20'),
('avatar_max_height', '512'),
('avatar_max_width', '512'),
('avatar_max_fsize', '2097152'),
('url_api', 'api.flashii.test'),
('content_path', '/content'),
('user_uploads', 'uploads'),
('no_background_img', 'public/content/pixel.png'),
('no_header_img', 'public/content/images/triangles.png'),
('pixel_img', 'public/content/pixel.png'),
('background_max_fsize', '5242880'),
('background_max_width', '2560'),
('background_max_height', '1440'),
('background_min_height', '16'),
('background_min_width', '16'),
('max_online_time', '500'),
('no_avatar_img', 'public/content/data/{{ TPL }}/images/no-av.png'),
('deactivated_avatar_img', 'public/content/data/{{ TPL }}/images/deactivated-av.png'),
('banned_avatar_img', 'public/content/data/{{ TPL }}/images/banned-av.png'),
('session_check', '4'),
('url_rewrite', '1'),
('members_per_page', '30'),
('admin_email', 'me@flash.moe'),
('site_news_category', 'site-news'),
('no_cron_service', '1'),
('no_cron_interval', '30'),
('no_cron_last', '1443040870'),
('old_username_reserve', '90');
TRUNCATE `sakura_emoticons`;
INSERT INTO `sakura_emoticons` (`emote_string`, `emote_path`) VALUES
(':amu:', '/content/images/emoticons/amu.png'),
(':angrier:', '/content/images/emoticons/angrier.png'),
(':angriest:', '/content/images/emoticons/angriest.png'),
(':angry:', '/content/images/emoticons/angry.gif'),
(':blank:', '/content/images/emoticons/blank.png'),
(':childish:', '/content/images/emoticons/childish.png'),
(':congrats:', '/content/images/emoticons/congrats.png'),
(':crying:', '/content/images/emoticons/crying.gif'),
(':dizzy:', '/content/images/emoticons/dizzy.gif'),
(':eat:', '/content/images/emoticons/eat.gif'),
(':evil:', '/content/images/emoticons/evil.png'),
(':extreme:', '/content/images/emoticons/extreme.png'),
(':glare:', '/content/images/emoticons/glare.gif'),
(':happy:', '/content/images/emoticons/happy.gif'),
(':horror:', '/content/images/emoticons/horror.gif'),
(':huh:', '/content/images/emoticons/huh.png'),
(':idea:', '/content/images/emoticons/idea.png'),
(':jew:', '/content/images/emoticons/jew.png'),
(':kiss:', '/content/images/emoticons/kiss.gif'),
(':lmao:', '/content/images/emoticons/lmao.gif'),
(':lol:', '/content/images/emoticons/lol.gif'),
(':love:', '/content/images/emoticons/love.png'),
(':meow:', '/content/images/emoticons/meow.png'),
(':omg:', '/content/images/emoticons/omg.gif'),
(':ouch:', '/content/images/emoticons/ouch.gif'),
(':puke:', '/content/images/emoticons/puke.gif'),
(':ruse:', '/content/images/emoticons/ruse.png'),
(':sad:', '/content/images/emoticons/sad.png'),
(':sigh:', '/content/images/emoticons/sigh.gif'),
(':suspicious:', '/content/images/emoticons/suspicious.gif'),
(':sweat:', '/content/images/emoticons/sweat.gif'),
(':tired:', '/content/images/emoticons/tired.gif'),
(':yay:', '/content/images/emoticons/vhappy.gif'),
(':winxp:', '/content/images/emoticons/winxp.png'),
(':wtf:', '/content/images/emoticons/wtf.gif'),
(':sleep:', '/content/images/emoticons/zzz.gif'),
(':what:', '/content/images/emoticons/what.png'),
(':smug:', '/content/images/emoticons/smug.png');
TRUNCATE `sakura_forums`;
INSERT INTO `sakura_forums` (`forum_id`, `forum_name`, `forum_desc`, `forum_link`, `forum_category`, `forum_type`, `forum_icon`) VALUES
(1, 'General', 'General category', '', 0, 1, ''),
(2, 'Introductions', 'Help us get to know you better!', '', 1, 0, 'fa-smile-o'),
(3, 'General Discussion', 'Civilised discussions about things that don\'t have their own subforum.', '', 1, 0, 'fa-comments'),
(4, 'BUG SPORTS', 'Post all new BUG SPORTS tutorials here (this is the off topic forum for those who couldn\'t guess).', '', 1, 0, 'fa-bug'),
(5, 'Programming', 'Programming discussion', '', 0, 1, ''),
(6, 'Web Development', 'Talk about the PHPython on Rails.js.', '', 5, 0, 'fa-html5'),
(7, 'General Programming', 'Mostly desktop stuff here.', '', 5, 0, 'fa-code'),
(8, 'Media', 'Media discussion', '', 0, 1, ''),
(9, 'Anime & Manga', 'Your waifu is shit.', '', 8, 0, 'fa-yen'),
(10, 'Video Games', 'Sakura Clicker is the best game ever and you know it.', '', 8, 0, 'fa-gamepad'),
(11, 'osu!', 'Talk about clicking circles like an insane person.', '', 10, 0, 'fa-dot-circle-o'),
(12, 'Feedback', 'Site Feedback', '', 0, 1, ''),
(13, 'Staff', 'Tell us how to do our jobs.', '', 12, 0, 'fa-balance-scale'),
(14, 'Sakura', 'Report bugs or give us feature suggestions about the script Flashii runs on here.', '', 12, 0, 'fa-heartbeat'),
(15, 'Staff', 'Staff discussion', '', 0, 1, ''),
(16, 'Slack', 'A direct link to Slack.', 'https://circlestorm.slack.com/', 15, 2, 'fa-slack'),
(17, 'Office 365', 'A direct link to Office 365.', 'https://login.microsoftonline.com/', 15, 2, 'fa-envelope-o'),
(18, 'General Discussion', 'Discuss Staff Stuff.', '', 15, 0, 'fa-user-secret'),
(19, 'Retarded Palace', 'This is where deleted threads rot.', '', 15, 0, 'fa-trash-o');
TRUNCATE `sakura_optionfields`;
INSERT INTO `sakura_optionfields` (`id`, `name`, `description`, `formtype`, `require_perm`) VALUES
('disableProfileParallax', 'Disable Parallaxing', 'This will stop your background from responding to your mouse movement, this will only affect your background.', 'checkbox', 'CHANGE_BACKGROUND'),
('profileBackgroundSiteWide', 'Display profile background site wide', 'This will make the profile background you set on your profile appear on the entire site (except on other profiles).', 'checkbox', 'CREATE_BACKGROUND'),
('useMisaki', 'Use the testing style', 'This will make the site use the new Misaki style instead of Yuuno.', 'checkbox', 'ALTER_PROFILE');
TRUNCATE `sakura_permissions`;
INSERT INTO `sakura_permissions` (`rid`, `uid`, `siteperms`, `manageperms`, `forumperms`, `rankinherit`) VALUES
(1, 0, '0000000000000000000000000001', '00', '0', '000'),
(2, 0, '0000111111111100111101101100', '00', '1', '000'),
(3, 0, '0001111111111111111111111100', '11', '1', '000'),
(4, 0, '1111111111111111111111111100', '11', '1', '000'),
(5, 0, '0001111111111111111111111100', '11', '1', '000'),
(6, 0, '0000111111111100111101101100', '00', '0', '000'),
(7, 0, '0001111111111111111111111100', '01', '1', '000'),
(8, 0, '0001111111111111111111111100', '00', '1', '000'),
(9, 0, '0001111111111111111111111100', '00', '1', '000'),
(10, 0, '0000000011010100101000100010', '00', '0', '000'),
(11, 0, '0000111111111100111101101100', '00', '1', '000');
TRUNCATE `sakura_profilefields`;
INSERT INTO `sakura_profilefields` (`id`, `name`, `formtype`, `islink`, `linkformat`, `description`, `additional`) VALUES
(1, 'Website', 'url', 1, '{{ VAL }}', 'URL to your website', ''),
(2, 'Twitter', 'text', 1, 'https://twitter.com/{{ VAL }}', 'Your @twitter Username', ''),
(3, 'BitBucket', 'text', 1, 'https://bitbucket.org/{{ VAL }}', 'Your BitBucket Username', ''),
(4, 'Skype', 'text', 1, 'skype:{{ VAL }}?userinfo', 'Your Skype Username', ''),
(5, 'YouTube', 'text', 0, '', 'ID or Username excluding http://youtube.com/*/', '{\"youtubetype\": [\"checkbox\", \"I do not have a Channel Username (url looks like https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXZcw5hw5C7Neto-T_nRXBQ).\"]}'),
(6, 'SoundCloud', 'text', 1, 'https://soundcloud.com/{{ VAL }}', 'Your SoundCloud username', ''),
(7, 'Steam', 'text', 1, 'https://steamcommunity.com/id/{{ VAL }}', 'Your Steam Community Username (may differ from login username)', ''),
(8, 'osu!', 'text', 1, 'https://osu.ppy.sh/u/{{ VAL }}', 'Your osu! Username', ''),
(9, 'Origin', 'text', 0, '', 'Your Origin User ID', ''),
(10, 'Xbox Live', 'text', 1, 'https://account.xbox.com/en-GB/Profile?Gamertag={{ VAL }}', 'Your Xbox User ID', ''),
(11, 'PSN', 'text', 1, 'http://psnprofiles.com/{{ VAL }}', 'Your PSN User ID', ''),
(12, 'Last.fm', 'text', 1, 'http://last.fm/user/{{ VAL }}', 'Your Last.fm username', '');
TRUNCATE `sakura_ranks`;
INSERT INTO `sakura_ranks` (`id`, `name`, `multi`, `hidden`, `colour`, `description`, `title`) VALUES
(1, 'Deactivated', 0, 1, '#555', 'Users that are yet to be activated or that deactivated their own account.', 'Deactivated'),
(2, 'Regular user', 1, 0, 'inherit', 'Regular users with regular permissions.', 'Regular user'),
(3, 'Site moderator', 1, 0, '#0A0', 'Users with special permissions like being able to ban and modify users if needed.', 'Staff'),
(4, 'Administrator', 1, 0, '#C00', 'Users that manage the server and everything around that.', 'Administrator'),
(5, 'Developer', 1, 0, '#824CA0', 'Users that either create or test new features of the site.', 'Staff'),
(6, 'Bot', 1, 1, '#9E8DA7', 'Reserved user accounts for services.', 'Bot'),
(7, 'Chat moderator', 1, 0, '#09F', 'Moderators of the chat room.', 'Staff'),
(8, 'Tenshi', 0, 0, '#EE9400', 'Users that bought premium to help us keep the site and its services alive!', 'Tenshi'),
(9, 'Alumnii', 0, 0, '#FF69B4', 'People who have contributed to the community but have moved on or resigned.', 'Alumnii'),
(10, 'Restricted', 0, 1, '#333', 'Users that are restricted.', 'Restricted'),
(11, 'Early Supporter', 1, 0, '#0049EE', 'User that donated before the premium system.', 'Early Supporter');
-- 2015-09-23 20:43:17