<?php /** * Holds the templating engine class. * @package Sakura */ namespace Sakura; use Twig_Environment; use Twig_Extension_StringLoader; use Twig_Loader_Filesystem; use Twig_SimpleFilter; use Twig_SimpleFunction; /** * Sakura wrapper for Twig. * @package Sakura * @author Julian van de Groep <me@flash.moe> */ class Template { /** * The file extension used by template files. */ const FILE_EXT = '.twig'; /** * The path relative to the root. */ const VIEWS_DIR = 'resources/views/'; /** * The template name. * @var string */ public static $name; /** * The templating engine. * @var Twig_Environment */ private static $engine; /** * The variables passed on to the templating engine. * @var array */ private static $vars = []; /** * List of utility functions to add to templating. * @var array */ protected static $utilityFunctions = [ 'route', 'config', 'session_id', ]; /** * List of utility filters to add to templating. * @var array */ protected static $utilityFilters = [ 'json_decode', 'byte_symbol', ]; /** * Set the template name. * @param string $name */ public static function set($name) { // Set variables self::$name = $name; // Reinitialise self::init(); } /** * Initialise the templating engine. */ public static function init() { $views_dir = path(self::VIEWS_DIR); // Initialise Twig Filesystem Loader $loader = new Twig_Loader_Filesystem(); foreach (glob("{$views_dir}*") as $dir) { $key = basename($dir); if ($key === self::$name) { $loader->addPath($dir, '__main__'); } $loader->addPath($dir, $key); } // Environment variable $env = [ 'cache' => config("performance.template_cache") ? path(config("performance.cache_dir") . 'views') : false, 'auto_reload' => true, 'debug' => config("dev.twig_debug"), ]; // And now actually initialise the templating engine self::$engine = new Twig_Environment($loader, $env); // Load String template loader self::$engine->addExtension(new Twig_Extension_StringLoader()); // Add utility functions foreach (self::$utilityFunctions as $function) { self::$engine->addFunction(new Twig_SimpleFunction($function, $function)); } // Add utility filters foreach (self::$utilityFilters as $filter) { self::$engine->addFilter(new Twig_SimpleFilter($filter, $filter)); } } /** * Checks if twig is available. * @return bool */ public static function available() { return self::$engine !== null && self::$name !== null; } /** * Merge the parse variables. * @param array $vars */ public static function vars($vars) { self::$vars = array_merge(self::$vars, $vars); } /** * Render a template file. * @param string $file * @return string */ public static function render($file) { return self::$engine->render($file . self::FILE_EXT, self::$vars); } /** * Checks if a template directory exists. * @return bool */ public static function exists($name) { return ctype_alnum($name) && file_exists(path(self::VIEWS_DIR . $name . "/")); } }