'[', ']' => ']', '.' => '.', ':' => ':', ]; // Spaces protected $spaces = [ "(^|\s)", "((?:\.|\))?(?:$|\s|\n|\r))", ]; // Simple bbcodes protected $simple = [ 'b', 'i', 'u', 's', 'h', 'img', 'spoiler', ]; // Constructor public function __construct($text = "", $seed = "") { $this->setText($text); $this->seed = $seed; } // Set text public function setText($text) { $this->text = $text; } // Colour tag public function parseColour($text) { return preg_replace( ",\[(color=(?:#[[:xdigit:]]{6}|[[:alpha:]]+))\](.+?)\[(/color)\],", "[\\1:{$this->seed}]\\2[\\3:{$this->seed}]", $text ); } // Align tag public function parseAlign($text) { return preg_replace( ",\[(align=(?:[[:alpha:]]+))\](.+?)\[(/align)\],", "[\\1:{$this->seed}]\\2[\\3:{$this->seed}]", $text ); } // Size tag public function parseSize($text) { return preg_replace( ",\[(size=(?:[[:digit:]]+))\](.+?)\[(/size)\],", "[\\1:{$this->seed}]\\2[\\3:{$this->seed}]", $text ); } // Simple tags public function parseSimple($text) { // Parse all simple tags foreach ($this->simple as $code) { $text = preg_replace( "#\[{$code}](.*?)\[/{$code}\]#s", "[{$code}:{$this->seed}]\\1[/{$code}:{$this->seed}]", $text ); } return $text; } // Code tag public function parseCode($text) { $text = preg_replace_callback( "#\[code\](((?R)|.)*?)\[/code\]#s", function ($t) { $escaped = $this->escape($t[1]); return "[code:{$this->seed}]{$escaped}[/code:{$this->seed}]"; }, $text ); return $text; } // Quote tag public function parseQuote($text) { $patterns = ["/\[(quote(?:=".+?")?)\]/", '[/quote]']; $counts = [preg_match_all($patterns[0], $text), substr_count($text, $patterns[1])]; $limit = min($counts); $text = preg_replace($patterns[0], "[\\1:{$this->seed}]", $text, $limit); $text = preg_replace('/' . preg_quote($patterns[1], '/') . '/', "[/quote:{$this->seed}]", $text, $limit); return $text; } public function parseList($text) { $patterns = ["/\[(list(?:=.+?)?)\]/", '[/list]']; $counts = [preg_match_all($patterns[0], $text), substr_count($text, $patterns[1])]; $limit = min($counts); $text = str_replace('[*]', "[*:{$this->seed}]", $text); $text = str_replace('[/*]', '', $text); $text = preg_replace($patterns[0], "[\\1:{$this->seed}]", $text, $limit); $text = preg_replace('/' . preg_quote($patterns[1], '/') . '/', "[/list:o:{$this->seed}]", $text, $limit); return $text; } public function parseUrl($text) { $urlPattern = '(?:https?|ftp)://.+?'; $text = preg_replace_callback( "#\[url\]({$urlPattern})\[/url\]#", function ($m) { $url = $this->escape($m[1]); return "[url:{$this->seed}]{$url}[/url:{$this->seed}]"; }, $text ); $text = preg_replace_callback( "#\[url=({$urlPattern})\](.+?)\[/url\]#", function ($m) { $url = $this->escape($m[1]); return "[url={$url}:{$this->seed}]{$m[2]}[/url:{$this->seed}]"; }, $text ); return $text; } public function parseLinks($text) { // Spaces $spaces = ["(^|\s)", "((?:\.|\))?(?:$|\s|\n|\r))"]; // HTTP(s), FTP, IRC and osu $text = preg_replace( "#{$spaces[0]}((?:https?|ftp|irc|osu)://[^\s]+?){$spaces[1]}#", "\\1\\2\\3", $text ); // Prefixed with www. $text = preg_replace( "/{$spaces[0]}(www\.[^\s]+){$spaces[1]}/", "\\1\\2\\3", $text ); // E-mail addresses $text = preg_replace( "/{$spaces[0]}([A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\.[A-Za-z-]+){$spaces[1]}/", "\\1\\2\\3", $text ); return $text; } // Escapes public function escape($text) { return str_replace( array_keys($this->escapes), $this->escapes, $text ); } // Generator public function generate() { $text = htmlentities($this->text); $text = $this->parseCode($text); $text = $this->parseQuote($text); $text = $this->parseList($text); $text = $this->parseSimple($text); $text = $this->parseAlign($text); $text = $this->parseUrl($text); $text = $this->parseSize($text); $text = $this->parseColour($text); $text = $this->parseLinks($text); return $text; } }