0, 'username' => 'Deleted User', 'username_clean' => 'deleted user', 'password_hash' => '', 'password_salt' => '', 'password_algo' => 'sha256', 'password_iter' => 1000, 'password_chan' => 0, 'password_new' => '', 'email' => 'deleted@flashii.net', 'rank_main' => 0, 'ranks' => '[0]', 'name_colour' => '', 'register_ip' => '', 'last_ip' => '', 'usertitle' => 'Non-existent user account', 'profile_md' => '', 'avatar_url' => '', 'background_url' => '', 'regdate' => 0, 'lastdate' => 0, 'lastunamechange' => 0, 'birthday' => '', 'profile_data' => '[]' ]; // Empty rank template public static $emptyRank = [ 'id' => 0, 'rankname' => 'Non-existent Rank', 'multi' => 0, 'colour' => '', 'description' => 'A hardcoded dummy rank for fallback.' ]; // Check if a user is logged in public static function loggedIn() { // Just return false for now since we don't have a user system yet return false; } // Log a user in public static function login($username, $password) { // Check if the user that's trying to log in actually exists if(!$uid = self::userExists($username, false)) return [0, 'USER_NOT_EXIST']; // Get account data $userData = self::getUser($uid); // Validate password if($userData['password_algo'] == 'legacy') { // Shitty legacy method of sha512(strrev(sha512())) if(Main::legacyPasswordHash($password) != $userData['password_hash']) return [0, 'INCORRECT_PASSWORD']; } else { // Dank ass PBKDF2 hashing if(!Hashing::validate_password($password, [ $userData['password_algo'], $userData['password_iter'], $userData['password_salt'], $userData['password_hash'] ])) return [0, 'INCORRECT_PASSWORD']; } // Successful login! (also has a thing for the legacy password system) return [1, ($userData['password_algo'] == 'legacy' ? 'LEGACY_SUCCESS' : 'LOGIN_SUCESS')]; } // Check if a user exists public static function userExists($user, $id = true) { // Clean string $user = Main::cleanString($user, true); // Do database request $user = Database::fetch('users', true, [($id ? 'id' : 'username_clean') => [$user, '=']]); // Return count (which would return 0, aka false, if nothing was found) return count($user) ? $user[0]['id'] : false; } // Get user data by id public static function getUser($id) { // Execute query $user = Database::fetch('users', false, ['id' => [$id, '=']]); // Return false if no user was found if(empty($user)) return self::$emptyUser; // If user was found return user data return $user; } // Get rank data by id public static function getRank($id) { // Execute query $rank = Database::fetch('ranks', false, ['id' => [$id, '=']]); // Return false if no rank was found if(empty($rank)) return self::$emptyRank; // If rank was found return rank data return $rank; } // Get all users public static function getAllUsers() { // Execute query $getUsers = Database::fetch('users', true); // Reorder shit foreach($getUsers as $user) $users[$user['id']] = $user; // and return an array with the users return $users; } // Get all ranks public static function getAllRanks() { // Execute query $getRanks = Database::fetch('ranks', true); // Reorder shit foreach($getRanks as $rank) $ranks[$rank['id']] = $rank; // and return an array with the ranks return $ranks; } }