v1.6.0 - 2021-07-09 [+] Added localisation system. [+] Added Dutch language support. [+] Added a first-run window that runs the user through common configuration options on first start. [+] Added an option to revert top most states to before Top Most Friend edited it upon closing the program. Thank you Fransiscu for the idea and a reference implementation! [+] Added the option to start Top Most Friend with Windows on log in. [*] TopMostFriend will only run as administrator when necessary rather than always. Though, an option to always run as administrator still remains. [*] Changed order of toggle options in the settings window. [*] Windows created by Top Most Friend are now always on top themselves, obviously you can alter this again with the hot key if you want to. [*] Altered layout of the blacklist editor slightly to make it look more natural.