using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Drawing; using System.Threading; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace TopMostFriend { public class FirstRunWindow : Form { public static void Display() { using(FirstRunWindow firstRun = new FirstRunWindow()) firstRun.ShowDialog(); } private bool CanClose = false; private bool IsClosing = false; private bool IsSizing = false; private Button NextBtn { get; } private Button PrevBtn { get; } private Action NextAct = null; private Action PrevAct = null; private bool NextVisible { get => NextBtn.Visible; set => NextBtn.Visible = value; } private bool PrevVisible { get => PrevBtn.Visible; set => PrevBtn.Visible = value; } private Panel WorkArea { get; } public FirstRunWindow() { Text = Program.TITLE + @" v" + Application.ProductVersion.Substring(0, Application.ProductVersion.Length - 2); Icon = Icon.ExtractAssociatedIcon(Application.ExecutablePath); StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen; FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedSingle; AutoScaleMode = AutoScaleMode.Dpi; MaximizeBox = MinimizeBox = false; TopMost = true; ClientSize = new Size(410, 80); Controls.Add(new PictureBox { Image = Properties.Resources.firstrun, Size = Properties.Resources.firstrun.Size, Location = new Point(0, 0), }); NextBtn = new Button { Text = Locale.String(@"FirstRunNext"), Anchor = AnchorStyles.Right | AnchorStyles.Bottom, Visible = false, Location = new Point(ClientSize.Width - 81, ClientSize.Height - 29), }; NextBtn.Click += NextBtn_Click; Controls.Add(NextBtn); PrevBtn = new Button { Text = Locale.String(@"FirstRunPrev"), Anchor = AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Bottom, Visible = false, Location = new Point(6, ClientSize.Height - 29), }; PrevBtn.Click += PrevBtn_Click; Controls.Add(PrevBtn); WorkArea = new Panel { Dock = DockStyle.Fill, }; Controls.Add(WorkArea); } private void PrevBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if(!PrevVisible) return; WorkArea.Controls.Clear(); if(PrevAct == null) Close(); else Invoke(PrevAct); } private void NextBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if(!NextVisible) return; WorkArea.Controls.Clear(); if(NextAct == null) Close(); else Invoke(NextAct); } protected override void OnShown(EventArgs e) { base.OnShown(e); Update(); Thread.Sleep(500); ShowPageIntro(); } protected override void OnFormClosing(FormClosingEventArgs e) { if(e.CloseReason == CloseReason.UserClosing && !CanClose) { e.Cancel = true; if(!IsClosing) { IsClosing = true; SetHeight(80, new Action(() => { CanClose = true; Thread.Sleep(100); Close(); })); } return; } base.OnFormClosing(e); } public void SetHeight(int height, Action onFinish = null) { if(height < 80) throw new ArgumentException(@"target height must be more than or equal to 80.", nameof(height)); if(IsSizing) return; IsSizing = true; const int timeout = 1000 / 60; double time = 0; double period = timeout / 400d; int currentHeight = ClientSize.Height; int currentY = Location.Y; int diffHeight = height - currentHeight; int diffY = diffHeight / 2; Action setHeight = new Action(() => { int newHeight = currentHeight + (int)Math.Ceiling(time * diffHeight); int newY = currentY - (int)Math.Ceiling(time * diffY); ClientSize = new Size(ClientSize.Width, newHeight); Location = new Point(Location.X, newY); }); new Thread(() => { Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); try { do { sw.Restart(); Invoke(setHeight); time += period; int delay = timeout - (int)sw.ElapsedMilliseconds; if(delay > 1) Thread.Sleep(delay); } while(time < 1d + period); } finally { sw.Stop(); if(onFinish != null) Invoke(onFinish); IsSizing = false; } }) { IsBackground = true, Priority = ThreadPriority.AboveNormal, }.Start(); } public void ShowPageIntro() { Text = Locale.String(@"FirstRunWelcomeTitle"); PrevVisible = false; NextVisible = true; NextAct = ShowPageHotKey; SetHeight(190, new Action(() => { WorkArea.Controls.Add(new Label { Text = Locale.String(@"FirstRunWelcomeIntro"), Location = new Point(10, 90), Size = new Size(ClientSize.Width - 20, 200), }); })); } public void ShowPageHotKey() { Text = Locale.String(@"FirstRunHotKeyTitle"); PrevVisible = NextVisible = true; PrevAct = ShowPageIntro; NextAct = () => { Program.SetForegroundHotKey(Settings.Get(Program.FOREGROUND_HOTKEY_SETTING, 0)); ShowPageElevation(); }; SetHeight(230, new Action(() => { WorkArea.Controls.Add(new Label { Text = Locale.String(@"FirstRunHotKeyExplain"), Location = new Point(10, 90), Size = new Size(ClientSize.Width - 20, 40), }); SettingsWindow.CreateHotKeyInput( WorkArea, () => Settings.Get(Program.FOREGROUND_HOTKEY_SETTING, 0), keyCode => Settings.Set(Program.FOREGROUND_HOTKEY_SETTING, keyCode), 0, 110 ); CheckBox flShowNotification = new CheckBox { Text = Locale.String(@"FirstRunHotKeyNotify"), Location = new Point(12, 170), Checked = Settings.Get(Program.TOGGLE_BALLOON_SETTING, Program.ToggleBalloonDefault), AutoSize = true, TabIndex = 201, }; flShowNotification.CheckedChanged += (s, e) => { Settings.Set(Program.TOGGLE_BALLOON_SETTING, flShowNotification.Checked); }; WorkArea.Controls.Add(flShowNotification); })); } public void ShowPageElevation() { Text = Locale.String(@"FirstRunAdminTitle"); PrevVisible = NextVisible = true; PrevAct = ShowPageHotKey; NextAct = ShowPageThanks; SetHeight(280, () => { WorkArea.Controls.Add(new Label { Text = Locale.String(@"FirstRunAdminExplain"), Location = new Point(10, 90), Size = new Size(ClientSize.Width - 20, 40), }); bool alwaysAdmin = Settings.Get(Program.ALWAYS_ADMIN_SETTING, false); bool implicitAdmin = Settings.Get(Program.ALWAYS_RETRY_ELEVATED, false); RadioButton rdAsk = new RadioButton { Text = Locale.String(@"FirstRunAdminOptionAsk"), Location = new Point(10, 140), Size = new Size(ClientSize.Width - 20, 30), Appearance = Appearance.Button, Checked = !alwaysAdmin && !implicitAdmin, }; rdAsk.CheckedChanged += (s, e) => { if(rdAsk.Checked) { Settings.Set(Program.ALWAYS_ADMIN_SETTING, false); Settings.Set(Program.ALWAYS_RETRY_ELEVATED, false); } }; WorkArea.Controls.Add(rdAsk); RadioButton rdImplicit = new RadioButton { Text = Locale.String(@"FirstRunAdminOptionImplicit"), Location = new Point(rdAsk.Location.X, rdAsk.Location.Y + 36), Size = rdAsk.Size, Appearance = rdAsk.Appearance, Checked = implicitAdmin && !alwaysAdmin, }; rdImplicit.CheckedChanged += (s, e) => { if(rdImplicit.Checked) { Settings.Set(Program.ALWAYS_ADMIN_SETTING, false); Settings.Set(Program.ALWAYS_RETRY_ELEVATED, true); } }; WorkArea.Controls.Add(rdImplicit); RadioButton rdAlways = new RadioButton { Text = Locale.String(@"FirstRunAdminOptionAlways"), Location = new Point(rdAsk.Location.X, rdImplicit.Location.Y + 36), Size = rdAsk.Size, Appearance = rdAsk.Appearance, Checked = alwaysAdmin, }; rdAlways.CheckedChanged += (s, e) => { if(rdAlways.Checked) { Settings.Set(Program.ALWAYS_ADMIN_SETTING, true); Settings.Set(Program.ALWAYS_RETRY_ELEVATED, false); } }; WorkArea.Controls.Add(rdAlways); }); } public void ShowPageThanks() { Text = Locale.String(@"FirstRunThanksTitle"); PrevVisible = NextVisible = true; PrevAct = ShowPageElevation; NextAct = CheckRestartNeeded; SetHeight(270, () => { Label thankYou = new Label { Text = Locale.String(@"FirstRunThanksThank"), Location = new Point(10, 90), Size = new Size(ClientSize.Width - 20, 20), }; WorkArea.Controls.Add(thankYou); string updateLinkString = Locale.String(@"FirstRunThanksUpdate"); int websiteStart = updateLinkString.IndexOf(@"[WEB]"); updateLinkString = updateLinkString.Substring(0, websiteStart) + updateLinkString.Substring(websiteStart + 5); int websiteEnd = updateLinkString.IndexOf(@"[/WEB]"); updateLinkString = updateLinkString.Substring(0, websiteEnd) + updateLinkString.Substring(websiteEnd + 6); int changelogStart = updateLinkString.IndexOf(@"[CHANGELOG]"); updateLinkString = updateLinkString.Substring(0, changelogStart) + updateLinkString.Substring(changelogStart + 11); int changelogEnd = updateLinkString.IndexOf(@"[/CHANGELOG]"); updateLinkString = updateLinkString.Substring(0, changelogEnd) + updateLinkString.Substring(changelogEnd + 12); LinkLabel updateLink; WorkArea.Controls.Add(updateLink = new LinkLabel { Text = updateLinkString, Location = new Point(10, 120), Size = new Size(ClientSize.Width - 20, 34), Font = thankYou.Font, Links = { new LinkLabel.Link(websiteStart, websiteEnd - websiteStart, @""), new LinkLabel.Link(changelogStart, changelogEnd - changelogStart, @""), }, }); updateLink.LinkClicked += (s, e) => { Process.Start((string)e.Link.LinkData); }; string settingsLinkString = Locale.String(@"FirstRunThanksSettings"); int settingsStart = settingsLinkString.IndexOf(@"[SETTINGS]"); settingsLinkString = settingsLinkString.Substring(0, settingsStart) + settingsLinkString.Substring(settingsStart + 10); int settingsEnd = settingsLinkString.IndexOf(@"[/SETTINGS]"); settingsLinkString = settingsLinkString.Substring(0, settingsEnd) + settingsLinkString.Substring(settingsEnd + 11); LinkLabel settingsLink; WorkArea.Controls.Add(settingsLink = new LinkLabel { Text = settingsLinkString, Location = new Point(10, 160), Size = new Size(ClientSize.Width - 20, 30), Font = thankYou.Font, Links = { new LinkLabel.Link(settingsStart, settingsEnd - settingsStart), }, }); settingsLink.LinkClicked += (s, e) => { SettingsWindow.Display(); }; WorkArea.Controls.Add(new Label { Text = Locale.String(@"FirstRunThanksAdmin"), Location = new Point(10, 200), Size = new Size(ClientSize.Width - 20, 80), }); }); } public void CheckRestartNeeded() { if(Settings.Get(Program.ALWAYS_ADMIN_SETTING, false)) UAC.RestartElevated(); Close(); } } }