using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Drawing; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Security.Principal; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace TopMostFriend { public static class Program { private static NotifyIcon SysIcon; private static ContextMenuStrip CtxMenu; private static HotKeyWindow HotKeys; private static Icon OriginalIcon; private const string GUID = #if DEBUG @"{1A22D9CA-2AA9-48F2-B007-3A48CF205CDD}"; #else @"{5BE25191-E1E2-48A7-B038-E986CD989E91}"; #endif private static readonly Mutex GlobalMutex = new Mutex(true, GUID); public const string FOREGROUND_HOTKEY_ATOM = @"{86795D64-770D-4BD6-AA26-FA638FBAABCF}"; #if DEBUG public const string FOREGROUND_HOTKEY_SETTING = @"ForegroundHotKey_DEBUG"; #else public const string FOREGROUND_HOTKEY_SETTING = @"ForegroundHotKey"; #endif public const string PROCESS_SEPARATOR_SETTING = @"InsertProcessSeparator"; public const string LIST_SELF_SETTING = @"ListSelf"; public const string SHOW_EMPTY_WINDOW_SETTING = @"ShowEmptyWindowTitles"; public const string LIST_BACKGROUND_PATH_SETTING = @"ListBackgroundPath"; public const string LIST_BACKGROUND_LAYOUT_SETTING = @"ListBackgroundLayout"; public const string ALWAYS_ADMIN_SETTING = @"RunAsAdministrator"; public const string TOGGLE_BALLOON_SETTING = @"ShowNotificationOnHotKey"; public static readonly bool ToggleBalloonDefault = Environment.OSVersion.Version.Major < 10; public const string SHIFT_CLICK_BLACKLIST = @"ShiftClickToBlacklist"; public const string TITLE_BLACKLIST = @"TitleBlacklist"; public const string SHOW_HOTKEY_ICON = @"ShowHotkeyIcon"; public const string SHOW_WINDOW_LIST = @"ShowWindowList"; private static ToolStripItem RefreshButton; private static ToolStripItem LastSelectedItem = null; private static readonly List TitleBlacklist = new List(); private static ToolStripItem[] ListActionItems; private static ToolStripItem[] AppActionItems; [STAThread] public static void Main(string[] args) { if(Environment.OSVersion.Version.Major >= 6) Win32.SetProcessDPIAware(); Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); if(args.Contains(@"--reset-admin")) Settings.Remove(ALWAYS_ADMIN_SETTING); string cliToggle = args.FirstOrDefault(x => x.StartsWith(@"--hwnd=")); if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cliToggle) && int.TryParse(cliToggle.Substring(7), out int cliToggleHWnd)) { WindowInfo cliWindow = new WindowInfo(cliToggleHWnd); if(!cliWindow.ToggleTopMost()) TopMostFailed(cliWindow); } if(args.Contains(@"--stop")) return; if(!GlobalMutex.WaitOne(0, true)) { MessageBox.Show(@"An instance of Top Most Friend is already running.", @"Top Most Friend"); return; } Settings.SetDefault(FOREGROUND_HOTKEY_SETTING, 0); Settings.SetDefault(ALWAYS_ADMIN_SETTING, false); Settings.SetDefault(SHIFT_CLICK_BLACKLIST, true); Settings.SetDefault(SHOW_HOTKEY_ICON, true); Settings.SetDefault(SHOW_WINDOW_LIST, true); // Defaulting to false on Windows 10 because it uses the stupid, annoying and intrusive new Android style notification system // This would fucking piledrive the notification history and also just be annoying in general because intrusive Settings.SetDefault(TOGGLE_BALLOON_SETTING, ToggleBalloonDefault); if(!Settings.Has(TITLE_BLACKLIST)) { List titles = new List { @"Program Manager" }; if(Environment.OSVersion.Version.Major >= 10) titles.Add(@"Windows Shell Experience Host"); if(Environment.OSVersion.Version.Major == 6 && Environment.OSVersion.Version.Minor >= 2) titles.Add(@"Start menu"); else if(Environment.OSVersion.Version.Major > 6 || (Environment.OSVersion.Version.Major <= 6 && Environment.OSVersion.Version.Minor < 2)) titles.Add(@"Start"); Settings.Set(TITLE_BLACKLIST, titles.ToArray()); } if(Settings.Get(ALWAYS_ADMIN_SETTING) && !IsElevated()) { Elevate(); return; } TitleBlacklist.Clear(); string[] titleBlacklist = Settings.Get(TITLE_BLACKLIST); if(titleBlacklist != null) ApplyBlacklistedTitles(titleBlacklist); string backgroundPath = Settings.Get(LIST_BACKGROUND_PATH_SETTING, string.Empty); Image backgroundImage = null; ImageLayout backgroundLayout = 0; if(File.Exists(backgroundPath)) { try { backgroundImage = Image.FromFile(backgroundPath); backgroundLayout = (ImageLayout)Settings.Get(LIST_BACKGROUND_LAYOUT_SETTING, 0); } catch { } } OriginalIcon = Icon.ExtractAssociatedIcon(Application.ExecutablePath); CtxMenu = new ContextMenuStrip { BackgroundImage = backgroundImage, BackgroundImageLayout = backgroundLayout, }; CtxMenu.Closing += CtxMenu_Closing; CtxMenu.ItemClicked += CtxMenu_ItemClicked; ListActionItems = new ToolStripItem[] { new ToolStripSeparator(), RefreshButton = new ToolStripMenuItem(@"&Refresh", Properties.Resources.arrow_refresh, new EventHandler((s, e) => RefreshWindowList())), }; AppActionItems = new ToolStripItem[] { new ToolStripMenuItem(@"&Settings", Properties.Resources.cog, new EventHandler((s, e) => SettingsWindow.Display())), new ToolStripMenuItem(@"&About",, new EventHandler((s, e) => AboutWindow.Display())), new ToolStripMenuItem(@"&Quit", Properties.Resources.door_in, new EventHandler((s, e) => Application.Exit())), }; CtxMenu.Items.AddRange(AppActionItems); SysIcon = new NotifyIcon { Visible = true, Icon = OriginalIcon, Text = @"Top Most Application Manager", }; SysIcon.ContextMenuStrip = CtxMenu; SysIcon.MouseDown += SysIcon_MouseDown; HotKeys = new HotKeyWindow(); SetForegroundHotKey(Settings.Get(FOREGROUND_HOTKEY_SETTING)); Application.Run(); Shutdown(); } public static void AddBlacklistedTitle(string title) { lock(TitleBlacklist) TitleBlacklist.Add(title); } public static void RemoveBlacklistedTitle(string title) { lock(TitleBlacklist) TitleBlacklist.RemoveAll(x => x == title); } public static void ApplyBlacklistedTitles(string[] arr) { lock(TitleBlacklist) { TitleBlacklist.Clear(); TitleBlacklist.AddRange(arr); } } public static bool CheckBlacklistedTitles(string title) { lock(TitleBlacklist) return TitleBlacklist.Contains(title); } public static string[] GetBlacklistedTitles() { lock(TitleBlacklist) return TitleBlacklist.ToArray(); } public static void SaveBlacklistedTitles() { lock(TitleBlacklist) Settings.Set(TITLE_BLACKLIST, TitleBlacklist.ToArray()); } public static void Shutdown() { HotKeys?.Dispose(); SysIcon?.Dispose(); GlobalMutex.ReleaseMutex(); } private static bool? IsElevatedValue; public static bool IsElevated() { if(!IsElevatedValue.HasValue) { using(WindowsIdentity identity = WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent()) IsElevatedValue = identity != null && new WindowsPrincipal(identity).IsInRole(WindowsBuiltInRole.Administrator); } return IsElevatedValue.Value; } public static void Elevate(string args = null) { if(IsElevated()) return; Shutdown(); Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo { UseShellExecute = true, FileName = Application.ExecutablePath, WorkingDirectory = Environment.CurrentDirectory, Arguments = args ?? string.Empty, Verb = @"runas", }); Application.Exit(); } public static void SetForegroundHotKey(int keyCode) { SetForegroundHotKey((Win32ModKeys)(keyCode & 0xFFFF), (Keys)((keyCode & 0xFFFF0000) >> 16)); } public static void SetForegroundHotKey(Win32ModKeys mods, Keys key) { try { Settings.Set(FOREGROUND_HOTKEY_SETTING, ((int)key << 16) | (int)mods); HotKeys.Unregister(FOREGROUND_HOTKEY_ATOM); if(mods != 0 && key != 0) HotKeys.Register(FOREGROUND_HOTKEY_ATOM, mods, key, ToggleForegroundWindow); } catch(Win32Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine(@"Hotkey registration failed:"); Debug.WriteLine(ex); } } private static void RefreshWindowList() { IEnumerable windows = WindowInfo.GetAllWindows(); List items = new List(); Process lastProc = null; bool procSeparator = Settings.Get(PROCESS_SEPARATOR_SETTING, false); bool showEmptyTitles = Settings.Get(SHOW_EMPTY_WINDOW_SETTING, false); bool listSelf = Settings.Get(LIST_SELF_SETTING, Debugger.IsAttached); foreach(WindowInfo window in windows) { if(!listSelf && window.IsOwnWindow) continue; if(procSeparator && lastProc != window.Owner) { if(lastProc != null) items.Add(new ToolStripSeparator()); lastProc = window.Owner; } string title = window.Title; // i think it's a fair assumption that any visible window worth a damn has a window title if(!showEmptyTitles && string.IsNullOrEmpty(title)) continue; // Skip items in the blacklist if(CheckBlacklistedTitles(title)) continue; items.Add(new ToolStripMenuItem(title, window.IconBitmap, new EventHandler((s, e) => { if(Settings.Get(SHIFT_CLICK_BLACKLIST, true) && Control.ModifierKeys.HasFlag(Keys.Shift)) { AddBlacklistedTitle(title); SaveBlacklistedTitles(); } else if(!window.ToggleTopMost()) TopMostFailed(window); })) { CheckOnClick = true, Checked = window.IsTopMost, }); } items.AddRange(ListActionItems); items.AddRange(AppActionItems); CtxMenu.Items.Clear(); CtxMenu.Items.AddRange(items.ToArray()); } private static void TopMostFailed(WindowInfo window) { MessageBoxButtons buttons = MessageBoxButtons.OK; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine(@"Wasn't able to change topmost status on this window."); if(!IsElevated()) { sb.AppendLine(@"Do you want to restart Top Most Friend as administrator and try again?"); buttons = MessageBoxButtons.YesNo; } DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show(sb.ToString(), @"Top Most Friend", buttons, MessageBoxIcon.Error); if(result == DialogResult.Yes) Elevate($@"--hwnd={window.Handle}"); } private class ActionTimeout { private readonly Action Action; private bool Continue = true; private int Remaining = 0; private const int STEP = 500; public ActionTimeout(Action action, int timeout) { Action = action ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(action)); if(timeout < 1) throw new ArgumentException(@"Timeout must be a positive integer.", nameof(timeout)); Remaining = timeout; new Thread(ThreadBody) { IsBackground = true }.Start(); } private void ThreadBody() { do { Thread.Sleep(STEP); Remaining -= STEP; if(!Continue) return; } while(Remaining > 0); Action.Invoke(); } public void Cancel() { Continue = false; } } private static ActionTimeout IconTimeout; public static void ToggleForegroundWindow() { WindowInfo window = WindowInfo.GetForegroundWindow(); if(window.ToggleTopMost()) { if(Settings.Get(TOGGLE_BALLOON_SETTING, false)) { string title = window.Title; SysIcon?.ShowBalloonTip( 2000, window.IsTopMost ? @"Always on top" : @"No longer always on top", string.IsNullOrEmpty(title) ? @"Window has no title." : title, ToolTipIcon.Info ); } if(SysIcon != null && Settings.Get(SHOW_HOTKEY_ICON, true)) { Icon icon = window.Icon; if(icon != null) { IconTimeout?.Cancel(); SysIcon.Icon = icon; IconTimeout = new ActionTimeout(() => SysIcon.Icon = OriginalIcon, 2000); } } } else TopMostFailed(window); } private static void CtxMenu_ItemClicked(object sender, ToolStripItemClickedEventArgs e) { LastSelectedItem = e.ClickedItem; } private static void CtxMenu_Closing(object sender, ToolStripDropDownClosingEventArgs e) { if(e.CloseReason == ToolStripDropDownCloseReason.ItemClicked && LastSelectedItem == RefreshButton) e.Cancel = true; } private static void SysIcon_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if((e.Button & MouseButtons.Right) > 0) RefreshWindowList(); } } }