import std.stdio; import core.thread; enum CONFIG_PATH = "mikoto.cfg"; __gshared bool hasCancelled; void main() { import std.file : exists; import std.range : padLeft; import std.string : format; version(Windows) { import : SetConsoleCtrlHandler, TRUE; if(!SetConsoleCtrlHandler(&ctrlHandler, TRUE)) stderr.writeln("Failed to register Windows CTRL handler."); } version(Posix) { import core.stdc.signal : signal, SIGINT; signal(SIGINT, &signalHander); } if(hasCancelled) return; writeln(r" __ ____ __ __ "); writeln(r" / |/ (_) /______ / /_____ "); writeln(r" / /|_/ / / //_/ __ \/ __/ __ \"); writeln(r" / / / / / ,< / /_/ / /_/ /_/ /"); writeln(r"/_/ /_/_/_/|_|\____/\__/\____/ "); debug writeln("== %s ========= DEBUG ==".format("aabbccddee")); else writeln("v0.0.0".padLeft(' ', 30)); if(hasCancelled) return; string configPath = CONFIG_PATH; if(!configPath.exists && configPath == CONFIG_PATH) createExampleConfig(configPath); if(hasCancelled) return; for(;;) { Thread.sleep(1.seconds); if(hasCancelled) break; } writeln("Exiting!"); } void createExampleConfig(string path) { auto cfg = File(path, "wb+"); cfg.writeln("# and ; can be used at the start of a line for comments."); cfg.writeln(); cfg.writeln("# General Configuration"); cfg.writeln(";chat:port {SockChatServer.DEFAULT_PORT}"); cfg.writeln(";chat:msgMaxLength {SockChatServer.DEFAULT_MSG_LENGTH_MAX}"); cfg.writeln(";chat:connMaxCount {SockChatServer.DEFAULT_MAX_CONNECTIONS}"); cfg.writeln(";chat:floodKickLength {SockChatServer.DEFAULT_FLOOD_KICK_LENGTH}"); cfg.writeln(); cfg.writeln("# Channels"); cfg.writeln("chat:channels lounge staff"); cfg.writeln(); cfg.writeln("# Lounge channel settings"); cfg.writeln("chat:channels:lounge:name Lounge"); cfg.writeln("chat:channels:lounge:autoJoin true"); cfg.writeln(); cfg.writeln("# Staff channel settings"); cfg.writeln("chat:channels:staff:name Staff"); cfg.writeln("chat:channels:staff:minRank 5"); cfg.writeln(); cfg.writeln("# Misuzu integration settings"); cfg.writeln(";msz:secret woomy"); cfg.writeln(";msz:url"); cfg.writeln(); cfg.writeln("# MariaDB configuration"); cfg.writeln(";mariadb:host "); cfg.writeln(";mariadb:user "); cfg.writeln(";mariadb:pass "); cfg.writeln(";mariadb:db "); } version(Posix) { extern(C) void signalHander(int num) nothrow @nogc @system { import core.stdc.signal : SIGINT; if(num == SIGINT) hasCancelled = true; } } version(Windows) { import : BOOL, DWORD; extern(Windows) BOOL ctrlHandler(DWORD fdwCtrlType) nothrow @nogc @system { import : CTRL_C_EVENT, CTRL_CLOSE_EVENT, TRUE, FALSE; switch(fdwCtrlType) { case CTRL_C_EVENT: case CTRL_CLOSE_EVENT: hasCancelled = true; return TRUE; default: return FALSE; } } }