# and ; can be used at the start of a line for comments. # General Configuration #chat:port 6770 #chat:msgMaxLength 5000 #chat:connMaxCount 5 #chat:floodKickLength 30 chat:floodKickExemptRank 10 # Channels chat:channels lounge staff # Lounge channel settings chat:channels:lounge:name Lounge chat:channels:lounge:autoJoin true # Staff channel settings chat:channels:staff:name Staff chat:channels:staff:minRank 5 # Misuzu integration settings msz:secret veemo57c092d519d6764ebe2afe6207fa403f47885627a61e #msz:url https://flashii.net/_sockchat # MariaDB configuration mariadb:host localhost mariadb:user chat mariadb:pass F5o6AVpWYe9K3qQphldxw9NAlpmrINAF mariadb:db chat