{% extends 'clients/master.twig' %} {% set title = 'Clients' %} {% block content %}


On this page you can manage what Minecraft username is linked to your account as well as what clients are authorised to use that username. Please check the list of authorised clients from time to time if you know your IP address changes frequently to prevent any unauthorised access.

{% if link is not defined %} {% else %}

Your IP Address

Use this to verify the clients list below. The Authorise button only becomes available once your IP address is visible here.


This list contains the list of both authorised and pending clients. Only authorise clients you recognise and take care to remove old ones you don't use anymore.

{% if clients is empty %}

You currently don't have any pending or authorised clients.

{% else %} {% for client in clients %} {% endfor %}
IP Address Requested Granted Last Used Actions
{{ client.addressRaw }} {{ client.requestedTime|date('Y-m-d H:i:s T') }} {{ client.isPending ? 'pending' : client.grantedTime|date('Y-m-d H:i:s T') }} {{ client.isUsed ? client.lastUsedTime|date('Y-m-d H:i:s T') : 'unused' }} {% if client.isPending %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}

Crowd Control

Provided for those who prefer the nuclear option. Pressing the first button will deauthorise all clients, the other one will only remove pending ones.

{% endif %} {% endblock %}