dbConn = $dbConn; $this->cache = new DbStatementCache($dbConn); } public function countTopics( ForumCategoryInfo|string|array|null $categoryInfo = null, UserInfo|string|null $userInfo = null, ?bool $global = null, ?bool $deleted = null ): int { if($categoryInfo instanceof ForumCategoryInfo) $categoryInfo = $categoryInfo->id; if($userInfo instanceof UserInfo) $userInfo = $userInfo->id; $hasCategoryInfo = $categoryInfo !== null; $hasUserInfo = $userInfo !== null; $hasGlobal = $global !== null; $hasDeleted = $deleted !== null; $args = 0; $query = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM msz_forum_topics'; if($hasCategoryInfo || $hasGlobal) { ++$args; // wow this sucks $hasGlobalAndCategory = $hasCategoryInfo && $hasGlobal; $query .= ' WHERE '; if($hasGlobalAndCategory) $query .= '('; if($hasCategoryInfo) { if(is_array($categoryInfo)) $query .= sprintf('forum_id IN (%s)', DbTools::prepareListString($categoryInfo)); else $query .= 'forum_id = ?'; } if($hasGlobalAndCategory) $query .= ' OR '; if($hasGlobal) // not sure why you would ever set this to false, but consistency! $query .= sprintf('topic_type %s %d', $global ? '=' : '<>', ForumTopicInfo::TYPE_GLOBAL); if($hasGlobalAndCategory) $query .= ')'; } if($hasUserInfo) $query .= sprintf(' %s user_id = ?', ++$args > 1 ? 'AND' : 'WHERE'); if($hasDeleted) $query .= sprintf(' %s topic_deleted %s NULL', ++$args > 1 ? 'AND' : 'WHERE', $deleted ? 'IS NOT' : 'IS'); $args = 0; $stmt = $this->cache->get($query); if($hasCategoryInfo) { if(is_array($categoryInfo)) { foreach($categoryInfo as $categoryInfoEntry) $stmt->addParameter(++$args, $categoryInfoEntry instanceof ForumCategoryInfo ? $categoryInfoEntry->id : (string)$categoryInfoEntry); } else $stmt->addParameter(++$args, $categoryInfo); } if($hasUserInfo) $stmt->addParameter(++$args, $userInfo); $stmt->execute(); $result = $stmt->getResult(); return $result->next() ? $result->getInteger(0) : 0; } public function getTopics( ForumCategoryInfo|string|array|null $categoryInfo = null, UserInfo|string|null $userInfo = null, ?array $searchQuery = null, ?bool $global = null, ?bool $deleted = null, ?Pagination $pagination = null ): iterable { // remove this hack when search server $hasSearchQuery = $searchQuery !== null; $hasAfterTopicId = false; $afterTopicId = null; $doSearchOrder = false; if($hasSearchQuery) { if(!empty($searchQuery['type']) && $searchQuery['type'] !== 'forum' && $searchQuery['type'] !== 'forum:topic') return []; $deleted = false; $pagination = null; $doSearchOrder = true; if(!empty($searchQuery['author'])) $userInfo = $searchQuery['author']; if(!empty($searchQuery['after'])) { $hasAfterTopicId = true; $afterTopicId = $searchQuery['after']; } $searchQuery = $searchQuery['query_string']; $hasSearchQuery = !empty($searchQuery); } if($categoryInfo instanceof ForumCategoryInfo) $categoryInfo = $categoryInfo->id; if($userInfo instanceof UserInfo) $userInfo = $userInfo->id; $hasCategoryInfo = $categoryInfo !== null; $hasUserInfo = $userInfo !== null; $hasGlobal = $global !== null; $hasDeleted = $deleted !== null; $hasPagination = $pagination !== null; $args = 0; $query = 'SELECT topic_id, forum_id, user_id, topic_type, topic_title, topic_count_views, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(topic_created), UNIX_TIMESTAMP(topic_bumped), UNIX_TIMESTAMP(topic_deleted), UNIX_TIMESTAMP(topic_locked), (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM msz_forum_posts WHERE topic_id = ft.topic_id AND post_deleted IS NULL) AS topic_count_posts, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM msz_forum_posts WHERE topic_id = ft.topic_id AND post_deleted IS NOT NULL) AS topic_count_posts_deleted FROM msz_forum_topics AS ft'; if($hasCategoryInfo || $hasGlobal) { ++$args; // wow this sucks $hasGlobalAndCategory = $hasCategoryInfo && $hasGlobal; $query .= ' WHERE '; if($hasGlobalAndCategory) $query .= '('; if($hasCategoryInfo) { if(is_array($categoryInfo)) $query .= sprintf('forum_id IN (%s)', DbTools::prepareListString($categoryInfo)); else $query .= 'forum_id = ?'; } if($hasGlobalAndCategory) $query .= ' OR '; if($hasGlobal) // not sure why you would ever set this to false, but consistency! $query .= sprintf('topic_type %s %d', $global ? '=' : '<>', ForumTopicInfo::TYPE_GLOBAL); if($hasGlobalAndCategory) $query .= ')'; } if($hasUserInfo) $query .= sprintf(' %s user_id = ?', ++$args > 1 ? 'AND' : 'WHERE'); if($hasAfterTopicId) $query .= sprintf(' %s topic_id > ?', ++$args > 1 ? 'AND' : 'WHERE'); if($hasSearchQuery) $query .= sprintf(' %s MATCH(topic_title) AGAINST (? IN NATURAL LANGUAGE MODE)', ++$args > 1 ? 'AND' : 'WHERE'); if($hasDeleted) $query .= sprintf(' %s topic_deleted %s NULL', ++$args > 1 ? 'AND' : 'WHERE', $deleted ? 'IS NOT' : 'IS'); if($doSearchOrder) { $query .= ' ORDER BY topic_id ASC LIMIT 20'; } else { $query .= ' ORDER BY topic_type DESC, topic_bumped DESC'; if($hasPagination) $query .= ' LIMIT ? OFFSET ?'; } $args = 0; $stmt = $this->cache->get($query); if($hasCategoryInfo) { if(is_array($categoryInfo)) { foreach($categoryInfo as $categoryInfoEntry) $stmt->addParameter(++$args, $categoryInfoEntry instanceof ForumCategoryInfo ? $categoryInfoEntry->id : (string)$categoryInfoEntry); } else $stmt->addParameter(++$args, $categoryInfo); } if($hasUserInfo) $stmt->addParameter(++$args, $userInfo); if($hasAfterTopicId) $stmt->addParameter(++$args, $afterTopicId); if($hasSearchQuery) $stmt->addParameter(++$args, $searchQuery); if($hasPagination) { $stmt->addParameter(++$args, $pagination->getRange()); $stmt->addParameter(++$args, $pagination->getOffset()); } $stmt->execute(); return $stmt->getResult()->getIterator(ForumTopicInfo::fromResult(...)); } public function getTopic( ?string $topicId = null, ForumPostInfo|string|null $postInfo = null ): ForumTopicInfo { $hasTopicId = $topicId !== null; $hasPostInfo = $postInfo !== null; if(!$hasTopicId && !$hasPostInfo) throw new InvalidArgumentException('At least one argument must be specified.'); if($hasTopicId && $hasPostInfo) throw new InvalidArgumentException('Only one argument may be specified.'); $value = null; $query = 'SELECT topic_id, forum_id, user_id, topic_type, topic_title, topic_count_views, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(topic_created), UNIX_TIMESTAMP(topic_bumped), UNIX_TIMESTAMP(topic_deleted), UNIX_TIMESTAMP(topic_locked), (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM msz_forum_posts WHERE topic_id = ft.topic_id AND post_deleted IS NULL) AS topic_count_posts, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM msz_forum_posts WHERE topic_id = ft.topic_id AND post_deleted IS NOT NULL) AS topic_count_posts_deleted FROM msz_forum_topics AS ft'; if($hasTopicId) { $query .= ' WHERE topic_id = ?'; $value = $topicId; } if($hasPostInfo) { if($postInfo instanceof ForumPostInfo) { $query .= ' WHERE topic_id = ?'; $value = $postInfo->topicId; } else { $query .= ' WHERE topic_id = (SELECT topic_id FROM msz_forum_posts WHERE post_id = ?)'; $value = $postInfo; } } $stmt = $this->cache->get($query); $stmt->addParameter(1, $value); $stmt->execute(); $result = $stmt->getResult(); if(!$result->next()) throw new RuntimeException('Forum topic not found.'); return ForumTopicInfo::fromResult($result); } public function createTopic( ForumCategoryInfo|string $categoryInfo, UserInfo|string|null $userInfo, string $title, string|int $type = ForumTopicInfo::TYPE_DISCUSSION ): ForumTopicInfo { if(is_string($type)) { if(!array_key_exists($type, ForumTopicInfo::TYPE_ALIASES)) throw new InvalidArgumentException('$type is not a valid alias.'); $type = ForumTopicInfo::TYPE_ALIASES[$type]; } if($categoryInfo instanceof ForumCategoryInfo) $categoryInfo = $categoryInfo->id; if($userInfo instanceof UserInfo) $userInfo = $userInfo->id; $stmt = $this->cache->get('INSERT INTO msz_forum_topics (forum_id, user_id, topic_type, topic_title) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)'); $stmt->addParameter(1, $categoryInfo); $stmt->addParameter(2, $userInfo); $stmt->addParameter(3, $type); $stmt->addParameter(4, $title); $stmt->execute(); return $this->getTopic(topicId: (string)$this->dbConn->getLastInsertId()); } public function updateTopic( ForumTopicInfo|string $topicInfo, ?string $title = null, string|int|null $type = null ): void { if($topicInfo instanceof ForumTopicInfo) $topicInfo = $topicInfo->id; $fields = []; $values = []; if($title !== null) { $fields[] = 'topic_title = ?'; $values[] = $title; } if($type !== null) { if(is_string($type)) { if(!array_key_exists($type, ForumTopicInfo::TYPE_ALIASES)) throw new InvalidArgumentException('$type is not a valid type alias.'); $type = ForumTopicInfo::TYPE_ALIASES[$type]; } $fields[] = 'topic_type = ?'; $values[] = $type; } if(empty($fields)) return; $args = 0; $stmt = $this->cache->get(sprintf('UPDATE msz_forum_topics SET %s WHERE topic_id = ?', implode(', ', $fields))); foreach($values as $value) $stmt->addParameter(++$args, $value); $stmt->addParameter(++$args, $topicInfo); $stmt->execute(); } public function incrementTopicViews(ForumTopicInfo|string $topicInfo): void { if($topicInfo instanceof ForumTopicInfo) $topicInfo = $topicInfo->id; $stmt = $this->cache->get('UPDATE msz_forum_topics SET topic_count_views = topic_count_views + 1 WHERE topic_id = ?'); $stmt->addParameter(1, $topicInfo); $stmt->execute(); } public function bumpTopic(ForumTopicInfo|string $topicInfo): void { if($topicInfo instanceof ForumTopicInfo) $topicInfo = $topicInfo->id; $stmt = $this->cache->get('UPDATE msz_forum_topics SET topic_bumped = NOW() WHERE topic_id = ?'); $stmt->addParameter(1, $topicInfo); $stmt->execute(); } public function lockTopic(ForumTopicInfo|string $topicInfo): void { if($topicInfo instanceof ForumTopicInfo) $topicInfo = $topicInfo->id; $stmt = $this->cache->get('UPDATE msz_forum_topics SET topic_locked = NOW() WHERE topic_id = ?'); $stmt->addParameter(1, $topicInfo); $stmt->execute(); } public function unlockTopic(ForumTopicInfo|string $topicInfo): void { if($topicInfo instanceof ForumTopicInfo) $topicInfo = $topicInfo->id; $stmt = $this->cache->get('UPDATE msz_forum_topics SET topic_locked = NULL WHERE topic_id = ?'); $stmt->addParameter(1, $topicInfo); $stmt->execute(); } public function deleteTopic(ForumTopicInfo|string $topicInfo): void { if($topicInfo instanceof ForumTopicInfo) $topicInfo = $topicInfo->id; $stmt = $this->cache->get('UPDATE msz_forum_topics SET topic_deleted = COALESCE(topic_deleted, NOW()) WHERE topic_id = ? AND topic_deleted IS NULL'); $stmt->addParameter(1, $topicInfo); $stmt->execute(); $stmt = $this->cache->get('UPDATE msz_forum_posts AS fp SET post_deleted = (SELECT topic_deleted FROM msz_forum_topics WHERE topic_id = fp.topic_id) WHERE topic_id = ? AND post_deleted = NULL'); $stmt->addParameter(1, $topicInfo); $stmt->execute(); } public function restoreTopic(ForumTopicInfo|string $topicInfo): void { if($topicInfo instanceof ForumTopicInfo) $topicInfo = $topicInfo->id; $stmt = $this->cache->get('UPDATE msz_forum_posts AS fp SET post_deleted = NULL WHERE topic_id = ? AND post_deleted = (SELECT topic_deleted FROM msz_forum_topics WHERE topic_id = fp.topic_id)'); $stmt->addParameter(1, $topicInfo); $stmt->execute(); $stmt = $this->cache->get('UPDATE msz_forum_topics SET topic_deleted = NULL WHERE topic_id = ?'); $stmt->addParameter(1, $topicInfo); $stmt->execute(); } public function nukeTopic(ForumTopicInfo|string $topicInfo): void { if($topicInfo instanceof ForumTopicInfo) $topicInfo = $topicInfo->id; $stmt = $this->cache->get('DELETE FROM msz_forum_topics WHERE topic_id = ?'); $stmt->addParameter(1, $topicInfo); $stmt->execute(); } public function checkTopicParticipated( ForumTopicInfo|string $topicInfo, UserInfo|string|null $userInfo ): bool { if($userInfo === null) return false; if($topicInfo instanceof ForumTopicInfo) $topicInfo = $topicInfo->id; if($userInfo instanceof UserInfo) $userInfo = $userInfo->id; $stmt = $this->cache->get('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM msz_forum_posts WHERE topic_id = ? AND user_id = ?'); $stmt->addParameter(1, $topicInfo); $stmt->addParameter(2, $userInfo); $stmt->execute(); $result = $stmt->getResult(); return $result->next() && $result->getInteger(0) > 0; } public function checkTopicUnread( ForumTopicInfo|string $topicInfo, UserInfo|string|null $userInfo ): bool { if($userInfo === null) return false; $topicInfoIsInstance = $topicInfo instanceof ForumTopicInfo; if($topicInfoIsInstance && !$topicInfo->active) return false; $query = 'SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(track_last_read) FROM msz_forum_topics_track AS ftt WHERE user_id = ? AND topic_id = ?'; if(!$topicInfoIsInstance) $query .= ' AND track_last_read = (SELECT topic_bumped FROM msz_forum_topics WHERE topic_id = ftt.topic_id AND topic_bumped >= NOW() - INTERVAL 1 MONTH)'; $stmt = $this->cache->get($query); $stmt->addParameter(1, $userInfo instanceof UserInfo ? $userInfo->id : $userInfo); $stmt->addParameter(2, $topicInfoIsInstance ? $topicInfo->id : $topicInfo); $stmt->execute(); $result = $stmt->getResult(); // user has never read this topic, return unread if(!$result->next()) return true; return $result->getInteger(0) < $topicInfo->bumpedTime; } public function getMostActiveTopicInfo( UserInfo|string $userInfo, array $exceptCategoryInfos = [], array $exceptTopicInfos = [], ?bool $deleted = null ): object { if($userInfo instanceof UserInfo) $userInfo = $userInfo->id; $hasExceptCategoryInfos = !empty($exceptCategoryInfos); $hasExceptTopicInfos = !empty($exceptTopicInfos); $hasDeleted = $deleted !== null; $query = 'SELECT topic_id, forum_id, COUNT(*) AS post_count FROM msz_forum_posts WHERE user_id = ?'; if($hasDeleted) $query .= sprintf(' AND post_deleted %s NULL', $deleted ? 'IS NOT' : 'IS'); if($hasExceptCategoryInfos) $query .= sprintf(' AND forum_id NOT IN (%s)', DbTools::prepareListString($exceptCategoryInfos)); if($hasExceptTopicInfos) $query .= sprintf(' AND topic_id NOT IN (%s)', DbTools::prepareListString($exceptTopicInfos)); $query .= ' GROUP BY topic_id ORDER BY post_count DESC LIMIT 1'; $args = 0; $stmt = $this->cache->get($query); $stmt->addParameter(++$args, $userInfo); foreach($exceptCategoryInfos as $categoryInfo) { if($categoryInfo instanceof ForumCategoryInfo) $stmt->addParameter(++$args, $categoryInfo->id); elseif(is_string($categoryInfo) || is_int($categoryInfo)) $stmt->addParameter(++$args, (string)$categoryInfo); else throw new InvalidArgumentException('$exceptCategoryInfos may only contain string ids or instances of ForumCategoryInfo.'); } foreach($exceptTopicInfos as $topicInfo) { if($topicInfo instanceof ForumTopicInfo) $stmt->addParameter(++$args, $topicInfo->id); elseif(is_string($topicInfo) || is_int($topicInfo)) $stmt->addParameter(++$args, (string)$topicInfo); else throw new InvalidArgumentException('$exceptTopicInfos may only contain string ids or instances of ForumTopicInfo.'); } $stmt->execute(); $result = $stmt->getResult(); $info = new stdClass; $info->success = $result->next(); if($info->success) { $info->topicId = $result->getString(0); $info->categoryId = $result->getString(1); $info->postCount = $result->getInteger(2); } return $info; } public function checkUserHasReadTopic( UserInfo|string|null $userInfo, ForumTopicInfo|string $topicInfo ): bool { // this method is primarily used to check if we should increment the view count // guests shouldn't increment it so we just if($userInfo === null) return true; $stmt = $this->cache->get('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM msz_forum_topics_track WHERE topic_id = ? AND user_id = ?'); $stmt->addParameter(1, $topicInfo instanceof ForumTopicInfo ? $topicInfo->id : $topicInfo); $stmt->addParameter(2, $userInfo instanceof UserInfo ? $userInfo->id : $userInfo); $stmt->execute(); $result = $stmt->getResult(); return $result->next() && $result->getInteger(0) > 0; } public function updateUserReadTopic( UserInfo|string|null $userInfo, ForumTopicInfo|string $topicInfo, ForumCategoryInfo|string|null $categoryInfo = null ): void { if($userInfo === null) return; if($userInfo instanceof UserInfo) $userInfo = $userInfo->id; if($topicInfo instanceof ForumTopicInfo) { $categoryInfo = $topicInfo->categoryId; $topicInfo = $topicInfo->id; } else { if($categoryInfo === null) throw new InvalidArgumentException('$categoryInfo must be specified if $topicInfo is not an instance of ForumTopicInfo.'); if($categoryInfo instanceof ForumCategoryInfo) $categoryInfo = $categoryInfo->id; } $stmt = $this->cache->get('REPLACE INTO msz_forum_topics_track (user_id, topic_id, forum_id, track_last_read) VALUES (?, ?, ?, NOW())'); $stmt->addParameter(1, $userInfo); $stmt->addParameter(2, $topicInfo); $stmt->addParameter(3, $categoryInfo); $stmt->execute(); } }