var MszEmbed = (function() { let uiharu = undefined; return { init: function(endPoint) { uiharu = new Uiharu(endPoint); }, handle: function(targets) { if(!Array.isArray(targets)) targets = Array.from(targets); const filtered = new Map; for(const target of targets) { if(!(target instanceof HTMLElement) || !('dataset' in target) || !('mszEmbedUrl' in target.dataset)) continue; const cleanUrl = target.dataset.mszEmbedUrl.replace(/ /, '%20'); if(cleanUrl.indexOf('https://') !== 0 && cleanUrl.indexOf('http://') !== 0 && cleanUrl.indexOf('//') !== 0) { target.textContent = target.dataset.mszEmbedUrl; continue; } $rc(target); target.appendChild($e({ tag: 'i', attrs: { className: 'fas fa-2x fa-spinner fa-pulse', style: { width: '32px', height: '32px', lineHeight: '32px', textAlign: 'center', }, }, })); if(filtered.has(cleanUrl)) filtered.get(cleanUrl).push(target); else filtered.set(cleanUrl, [target]); } const replaceWithUrl = function(targets, url) { for(const target of targets) { let body = $e({ tag: 'a', attrs: { className: 'link', href: url, target: '_blank', rel: 'noopener noreferrer', }, child: url }); $ib(target, body); $r(target); } }; filtered.forEach(function(targets, url) { uiharu.lookupOne(url, function(metadata) { if(metadata.error) { replaceWithUrl(targets, url); console.error(metadata.error); return; } if(metadata.title === undefined) { replaceWithUrl(targets, url); console.warn('Media is no longer available.'); return; } let phc = undefined, options = { onembed: console.log, }; if(metadata.type === 'youtube:video') { phc = MszVideoEmbedPlaceholder; options.type = 'youtube'; options.player = MszVideoEmbedYouTube; } else if(metadata.type === 'niconico:video') { phc = MszVideoEmbedPlaceholder; options.type = 'nicovideo'; options.player = MszVideoEmbedNicoNico; } else if(metadata.is_video) { phc = MszVideoEmbedPlaceholder; options.type = 'external'; options.player = MszVideoEmbedPlayer; //options.frame = MszVideoEmbedFrame; options.nativeControls = true; options.autosize = false; options.maxWidth = 640; options.maxHeight = 360; } else if(metadata.is_audio) { phc = MszAudioEmbedPlaceholder; options.type = 'external'; options.player = MszAudioEmbedPlayer; options.nativeControls = true; } else if(metadata.is_image) { phc = MszImageEmbed; options.type = 'external'; } if(phc === undefined) return; for(const target of targets) { const placeholder = new phc(metadata, options, target); if(placeholder !== undefined) placeholder.replaceElement(target); } }); }); }, }; })();