bindValue('forum_id', $forumId); $forum = $getForum->execute() ? $getForum->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) : false; } if (empty($forum)) { echo render_error(404); return; } $perms = forum_perms_get_user(MSZ_FORUM_PERMS_GENERAL, $forum['forum_id'], user_session_current('user_id')); if ($forum['forum_archived'] || (!empty($topic['topic_locked']) && !perms_check($perms, MSZ_FORUM_PERM_LOCK_TOPIC)) || !perms_check($perms, MSZ_FORUM_PERM_VIEW_FORUM | MSZ_FORUM_PERM_CREATE_POST) || (empty($topic) && !perms_check($perms, MSZ_FORUM_PERM_CREATE_TOPIC))) { echo render_error(403); return; } if (!forum_may_have_topics($forum['forum_type'])) { echo render_error(400); return; } $topicTypes = []; if ($mode === 'create' || $mode === 'edit') { $topicTypes[MSZ_TOPIC_TYPE_DISCUSSION] = 'Normal discussion'; if (perms_check($perms, MSZ_FORUM_PERM_STICKY_TOPIC)) { $topicTypes[MSZ_TOPIC_TYPE_STICKY] = 'Sticky topic'; } if (perms_check($perms, MSZ_FORUM_PERM_ANNOUNCE_TOPIC)) { $topicTypes[MSZ_TOPIC_TYPE_ANNOUNCEMENT] = 'Announcement'; } if (perms_check($perms, MSZ_FORUM_PERM_GLOBAL_ANNOUNCE_TOPIC)) { $topicTypes[MSZ_TOPIC_TYPE_GLOBAL_ANNOUNCEMENT] = 'Global Announcement'; } } // edit mode stuff if ($mode === 'edit') { if (empty($post)) { echo render_error(404); return; } if (!perms_check($perms, $post['poster_id'] === user_session_current('user_id') ? MSZ_FORUM_PERM_EDIT_POST : MSZ_FORUM_PERM_EDIT_ANY_POST)) { echo render_error(403); return; } } $notices = []; if (!empty($_POST)) { if (!csrf_verify('forum_post', $_POST['csrf'] ?? '')) { $notices[] = 'Could not verify request.'; } else { $isEditingTopic = empty($topic) || ($mode === 'edit' && $post['is_opening_post']); $timeoutCheck = max(1, forum_timeout($forumId, user_session_current('user_id'))); if ($timeoutCheck < 5) { $notices[] = sprintf("You're posting too quickly! Please wait %s seconds before posting again.", number_format($timeoutCheck)); $notices[] = "It's possible that your post went through successfully and you pressed the submit button twice by accident."; } if ($isEditingTopic) { $topicTitle = $_POST['post']['title'] ?? ''; $originalTopicTitle = $topic['topic_title'] ?? null; $topicTitleChanged = $topicTitle !== $originalTopicTitle; $originalTopicType = (int)($topic['topic_type'] ?? MSZ_TOPIC_TYPE_DISCUSSION); $topicType = isset($_POST['post']['type']) ? (int)$_POST['post']['type'] : null; $topicTypeChanged = $topicType !== null && $topicType !== $originalTopicType; switch (forum_validate_title($topicTitle)) { case 'too-short': $notices[] = 'Topic title was too short.'; break; case 'too-long': $notices[] = 'Topic title was too long.'; break; } if ($mode === 'create' && $topicType === null) { $topicType = array_key_first($topicTypes); } elseif (!array_key_exists($topicType, $topicTypes) && $topicTypeChanged) { $notices[] = 'You are not allowed to set this topic type.'; } } $postText = $_POST['post']['text'] ?? ''; $postParser = (int)($_POST['post']['parser'] ?? MSZ_PARSER_BBCODE); if (!parser_is_valid($postParser)) { $notices[] = 'Invalid parser selected.'; } switch (forum_validate_post($postText)) { case 'too-short': $notices[] = 'Post content was too short.'; break; case 'too-long': $notices[] = 'Post content was too long.'; break; } if (empty($notices)) { switch ($mode) { case 'create': if (!empty($topic)) { forum_topic_bump($topic['topic_id']); } else { $topicId = forum_topic_create( $forum['forum_id'], user_session_current('user_id', 0), $topicTitle, $topicType ); } $postId = forum_post_create( $topicId, $forum['forum_id'], user_session_current('user_id', 0), ip_remote_address(), $postText, $postParser ); forum_topic_mark_read(user_session_current('user_id', 0), $topicId, $forum['forum_id']); break; case 'edit': if (!forum_post_update($postId, ip_remote_address(), $postText, $postParser, $postText !== $post['post_text'])) { $notices[] = 'Post edit failed.'; } if ($isEditingTopic && ($topicTitleChanged || $topicTypeChanged)) { if (!forum_topic_update($topicId, $topicTitle, $topicType)) { $notices[] = 'Topic update failed.'; } } break; } if (empty($notices)) { $redirect = '/forum/topic.php' . (empty($topic) ? "?t={$topicId}" : "?p={$postId}#p{$postId}"); header("Location: {$redirect}"); return; } } } } if (!empty($topic)) { tpl_var('posting_topic', $topic); } if ($mode === 'edit') { // $post is pretty much sure to be populated at this point tpl_var('posting_post', $post); } // fetches additional data for simulating a forum post $getDisplayInfo = db_prepare(' SELECT u.`user_country`, u.`user_created`, ( SELECT COUNT(`post_id`) FROM `msz_forum_posts` WHERE `user_id` = u.`user_id` ) AS `user_forum_posts` FROM `msz_users` as u WHERE `user_id` = :user_id '); $getDisplayInfo->bindValue('user_id', user_session_current('user_id')); $displayInfo = $getDisplayInfo->execute() ? $getDisplayInfo->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) : []; echo tpl_render('forum.posting', [ 'posting_breadcrumbs' => forum_get_breadcrumbs($forumId), 'global_accent_colour' => forum_get_colour($forumId), 'posting_forum' => $forum, 'posting_info' => $displayInfo, 'posting_notices' => $notices, 'posting_mode' => $mode, 'posting_types' => $topicTypes, 'posting_defaults' => [ 'title' => $topicTitle ?? null, 'type' => $topicType ?? null, 'text' => $postText ?? null, 'parser' => $postParser ?? null, ], ]);