{% extends 'home/master.twig' %} {% from 'news/macros.twig' import news_preview %} {% from 'changelog/macros.twig' import changelog_listing %} {% set canonical_url = '/' %} {% block content %}
{% if users_count < 1 %} This is a fresh installation, create an account! {% else %} We have {{ users_count|number_format }} users and the last person to join was {{ last_user.username }}, ! {% endif %}
Online users
{% if online_users < 1 %} No one was online in the last 5 minutes. {% else %} Online users in the last 5 minutes:
{% for user in online_users %} {{ user.username }} {% endfor %} {% endif %}
{{ changelog_listing(featured_changelog) }}
{% if current_user is defined %}

You have 0 new messages because the PM system doesn't exist yet, have a nice day.

{% endif %} {% for post in featured_news %} {{ news_preview(post) }} {% endfor %}
{% if linked_data is defined and linked_data is iterable %} {% endif %} {% endblock %}