{% extends 'settings/master.twig' %} {% from 'macros.twig' import container_title %} {% from '_layout/input.twig' import input_hidden, input_csrf, input_text, input_select %} {% set title = 'Settings / Data' %} {% block settings_content %}
{{ container_title(' Download account data') }} {{ input_csrf() }}

Here you can request raw json files containing pretty much all data relating to your account. Moderator identities are concealed and password hashes are removed from the output.

{{ input_text('password', 'settings__data__password', '', 'password', 'Password', true) }}
{{ container_title(' Deactivate account') }} {{ input_csrf() }}

Deactivation will mark your account for deletion after 7 days unless you log in again. All content associated with your account EXCEPT forum topics and posts will be irrecoverably removed after these 7 days. Forum topics and posts will become associated with a default user effectively removing your identity from them. If you wish to have your forum posts removed please contact staff.

Temporarily deactivating as a means to gain attention of some kind is frowned upon and you will likely be banned after returning. Use this feature cautiously.

{{ input_text('password', 'settings__data__password', '', 'password', 'Password', true) }}
#} {% endblock %}