getTemplating(); if ($forumId > 0) { $getForum = $db->prepare(' SELECT `forum_id`, `forum_name`, `forum_type`, `forum_link`, `forum_parent` FROM `msz_forum_categories` WHERE `forum_id` = :forum_id '); $getForum->bindValue('forum_id', $forumId); $forum = $getForum->execute() ? $getForum->fetch() : []; } if (empty($forum) || ($forum['forum_type'] == 2 && empty($forum['forum_link']))) { http_response_code(404); echo $templating->render('errors.404'); return; } if ($forum['forum_type'] == 2) { header('Location: ' . $forum['forum_link']); return; } // declare this, templating engine assumes it exists $topics = []; // no need to fetch topics for categories (or links but we're already done with those at this point) if ($forum['forum_type'] == 0) { $getTopics = $db->prepare(' SELECT t.`topic_id`, t.`topic_title`, t.`topic_view_count`, au.`user_id` as `author_id`, au.`username` as `author_name`, COUNT(p.`post_id`) as `topic_post_count`, MIN(p.`post_id`) as `topic_first_post_id`, MAX(p.`post_id`) as `topic_last_post_id`, COALESCE(ar.`role_colour`, CAST(0x40000000 AS UNSIGNED)) as `author_colour` FROM `msz_forum_topics` as t LEFT JOIN `msz_users` as au ON t.`user_id` = au.`user_id` LEFT JOIN `msz_roles` as ar ON ar.`role_id` = au.`display_role` LEFT JOIN `msz_forum_posts` as p ON t.`topic_id` = p.`topic_id` WHERE t.`forum_id` = :forum_id AND t.`topic_deleted` IS NULL GROUP BY t.`topic_id` ORDER BY t.`topic_type`, t.`topic_bumped` '); $getTopics->bindValue('forum_id', $forum['forum_id']); $topics = $getTopics->execute() ? $getTopics->fetchAll() : $topics; } $getSubforums = $db->prepare(' SELECT `forum_id`, `forum_name`, `forum_description`, `forum_type`, `forum_link`, ( SELECT COUNT(t.`topic_id`) FROM `msz_forum_topics` as t WHERE t.`forum_id` = f.`forum_id` ) as `forum_topic_count`, ( SELECT COUNT(p.`post_id`) FROM `msz_forum_posts` as p WHERE p.`forum_id` = f.`forum_id` ) as `forum_post_count` FROM `msz_forum_categories` as f WHERE `forum_parent` = :forum_id AND `forum_hidden` = false '); $getSubforums->bindValue('forum_id', $forum['forum_id']); $forum['forum_subforums'] = $getSubforums->execute() ? $getSubforums->fetchAll() : []; if (count($forum['forum_subforums']) > 0) { // this really, really needs a better name $getSubSubs = $db->prepare(' SELECT `forum_id`, `forum_name` FROM `msz_forum_categories` WHERE `forum_parent` = :forum_id AND `forum_hidden` = false '); foreach ($forum['forum_subforums'] as $skey => $subforum) { $getSubSubs->bindValue('forum_id', $subforum['forum_id']); $forum['forum_subforums'][$skey]['forum_subforums'] = $getSubSubs->execute() ? $getSubSubs->fetchAll() : []; } } $lastParent = $forum['forum_parent']; $breadcrumbs = [$forum['forum_name'] => '/forum/forum.php?f=' . $forum['forum_id']]; $getBreadcrumb = $db->prepare(' SELECT `forum_id`, `forum_name`, `forum_parent` FROM `msz_forum_categories` WHERE `forum_id` = :forum_id '); while ($lastParent > 0) { $getBreadcrumb->bindValue('forum_id', $lastParent); if (!$getBreadcrumb->execute()) { break; } $parentForum = $getBreadcrumb->fetch(); $breadcrumbs[$parentForum['forum_name']] = '/forum/forum.php?f=' . $parentForum['forum_id']; $lastParent = $parentForum['forum_parent']; } $breadcrumbs['Forums'] = '/forum/'; $breadcrumbs = array_reverse($breadcrumbs); echo $app->getTemplating()->render('', [ 'forum_info' => $forum, 'forum_breadcrumbs' => $breadcrumbs, 'forum_topics' => $topics, ]);