getTemplating(); $category_id = isset($_GET['c']) ? (int)$_GET['c'] : null; $post_id = isset($_GET['n']) ? (int)$_GET['n'] : null; $page_id = (int)($_GET['p'] ?? 1); if ($post_id !== null) { $getPost = $db->prepare(' SELECT p.`post_id`, p.`post_title`, p.`post_text`, p.`created_at`, c.`category_id`, c.`category_name`, u.`user_id`, u.`username`, COALESCE(r.`role_colour`, CAST(0x40000000 AS UNSIGNED)) as `display_colour` FROM `msz_news_posts` as p LEFT JOIN `msz_news_categories` as c ON p.`category_id` = c.`category_id` LEFT JOIN `msz_users` as u ON p.`user_id` = u.`user_id` LEFT JOIN `msz_roles` as r ON u.`display_role` = r.`role_id` WHERE `post_id` = :post_id '); $getPost->bindValue(':post_id', $post_id, PDO::PARAM_INT); $post = $getPost->execute() ? $getPost->fetch() : false; if ($post === false) { http_response_code(404); echo $templating->render('errors.404'); return; } echo $templating->render('', compact('post')); return; } if ($category_id !== null) { $getCategory = $db->prepare(' SELECT `category_id`, `category_name`, `category_description` FROM `msz_news_categories` WHERE `category_id` = :category_id '); $getCategory->bindValue(':category_id', $category_id, PDO::PARAM_INT); $category = $getCategory->execute() ? $getCategory->fetch() : false; if ($category === false) { http_response_code(404); echo $templating->render('errors.404'); return; } $getPosts = $db->prepare(' SELECT p.`post_id`, p.`post_title`, p.`post_text`, p.`created_at`, c.`category_id`, c.`category_name`, u.`user_id`, u.`username`, COALESCE(r.`role_colour`, CAST(0x40000000 AS UNSIGNED)) as `display_colour` FROM `msz_news_posts` as p LEFT JOIN `msz_news_categories` as c ON p.`category_id` = c.`category_id` LEFT JOIN `msz_users` as u ON p.`user_id` = u.`user_id` LEFT JOIN `msz_roles` as r ON u.`display_role` = r.`role_id` WHERE p.`category_id` = :category_id ORDER BY `created_at` DESC LIMIT 0, 5 '); $getPosts->bindValue('category_id', $category['category_id'], PDO::PARAM_INT); $posts = $getPosts->execute() ? $getPosts->fetchAll() : false; //$posts = $category->posts()->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->paginate(5, ['*'], 'p', $page_id); //if (!is_valid_page($posts, $page_id)) { if ($posts === false) { http_response_code(404); echo $templating->render('errors.404'); return; } $getFeatured = $db->prepare(' SELECT `post_id`, `post_title` FROM `msz_news_posts` WHERE `category_id` = :category_id AND `is_featured` = true ORDER BY `created_at` DESC LIMIT 10 '); $getFeatured->bindValue('category_id', $category['category_id'], PDO::PARAM_INT); $featured = $getFeatured->execute() ? $getFeatured->fetchAll() : []; echo $templating->render('news.category', compact('category', 'posts', 'featured', 'page_id')); return; } $getCategories = $db->prepare(' SELECT c.`category_id`, c.`category_name`, COUNT(p.`post_id`) AS count FROM `msz_news_categories` as c LEFT JOIN `msz_news_posts` as p ON c.`category_id` = p.`category_id` WHERE `is_hidden` = false GROUP BY c.`category_id` HAVING count > 0 '); $categories = $getCategories->execute() ? $getCategories->fetchAll() : []; $getPosts = $db->prepare(' SELECT p.`post_id`, p.`post_title`, p.`post_text`, p.`created_at`, c.`category_id`, c.`category_name`, u.`user_id`, u.`username`, COALESCE(r.`role_colour`, CAST(0x40000000 AS UNSIGNED)) as `display_colour` FROM `msz_news_posts` as p LEFT JOIN `msz_news_categories` as c ON p.`category_id` = c.`category_id` LEFT JOIN `msz_users` as u ON p.`user_id` = u.`user_id` LEFT JOIN `msz_roles` as r ON u.`display_role` = r.`role_id` WHERE p.`is_featured` = true AND c.`is_hidden` = false ORDER BY p.`created_at` DESC LIMIT 0, 5 '); $posts = $getPosts->execute() ? $getPosts->fetchAll() : []; //$posts = NewsPost::where('is_featured', true)->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->paginate(5, ['*'], 'p', $page_id); //if (!is_valid_page($posts, $page_id)) { if ($posts === false) { http_response_code(404); echo $templating->render('errors.404'); return; } echo $templating->render('news.index', compact('categories', 'posts', 'page_id'));