const MszShowConfirmBox = async (text, title, target) => { let result = false; await MszShowMessageBox(text, title, [ { text: 'Yes', callback: async () => result = true }, { text: 'No' }, ], target); return result; }; const MszShowMessageBox = (text, title, buttons, target) => { if(typeof text !== 'string') { if(text !== undefined && text !== null && typeof text.toString === 'function') text = text.toString(); else throw 'text must be a string'; } if(!(target instanceof Element)) target = document.body; if(typeof title !== 'string') title = 'Information'; if(!Array.isArray(buttons)) buttons = []; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if(target.querySelector('.messagebox')) { reject(); return; } let buttonsElem; const html =
{buttonsElem =
; let firstButton; if(buttons.length < 1) { firstButton = ; buttonsElem.appendChild(firstButton); } else { for(const button of buttons) { const buttonElem = ; buttonsElem.appendChild(buttonElem); if(firstButton === undefined) firstButton = buttonElem; } } target.appendChild(html); firstButton.focus(); }); };