{% extends 'manage/users/master.twig' %} {% from 'macros.twig' import pagination, container_title, avatar %} {% set notes_pagination = pagination(manage_notes_pagination, 'manage-users-notes', {'user': manage_notes_filter_user.id|default(0)}) %} {% set notes_filtering = manage_notes_filter_user is not null %} {% block manage_content %}
{{ container_title(' Moderator Notes') }}
Private moderator notes, can be used for anything you'd like to share internally. {% if not notes_filtering %}Filter by a user to create a new note.{% endif %}
{% if notes_pagination|trim|length > 0 %}
{{ notes_pagination }}
{% endif %} {% if notes_filtering %}
New Note
{% endif %}
{% for note in manage_notes %}
{% if note.author is not null %} {% endif %}
{% if not notes_filtering %} {% endif %}
{% if note.info.body is not empty %}
{% if notes_filtering %} {{ note.info.body|escape|parse_md|raw }} {% else %} {{ note.info.firstParagraph|escape|parse_md|raw }} {% endif %}
{% else %}
This note has no additional content.
{% endif %} {% if not notes_filtering and note.info.hasMoreParagraphs %} {% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% if notes_pagination|trim|length > 0 %}
{{ notes_pagination }}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}