getConfig(); $tpl = $app->getTemplating(); $usernameValidationErrors = [ 'trim' => 'Your username may not start or end with spaces!', 'short' => sprintf('Your username is too short, it has to be at least %d characters!', MSZ_USERNAME_MIN_LENGTH), 'long' => sprintf("Your username is too long, it can't be longer than %d characters!", MSZ_USERNAME_MAX_LENGTH), 'double-spaces' => "Your username can't contain double spaces.", 'invalid' => 'Your username contains invalid characters.', 'spacing' => 'Please use either underscores or spaces, not both!', 'in-use' => 'This username is already taken!', ]; $authMode = $_GET['m'] ?? 'login'; $preventRegistration = $config->get('Auth', 'prevent_registration', 'bool', false); $tpl->addPath('auth', __DIR__ . '/../views/auth'); $tpl->vars([ 'prevent_registration' => $preventRegistration, 'auth_mode' => $authMode, 'auth_username' => $_REQUEST['username'] ?? '', 'auth_email' => $_REQUEST['email'] ?? '', ]); switch ($authMode) { case 'logout': if (!$app->hasActiveSession()) { header('Location: /'); return; } if (isset($_GET['s']) && tmp_csrf_verify($_GET['s'])) { set_cookie_m('uid', '', -3600); set_cookie_m('sid', '', -3600); user_session_delete($app->getSessionId()); header('Location: /'); return; } echo $tpl->render('@auth.logout'); break; case 'reset': if ($app->hasActiveSession()) { header('Location: /settings.php'); break; } $resetUser = (int)($_POST['user'] ?? $_GET['u'] ?? 0); $getResetUser = Database::prepare(' SELECT `user_id`, `username` FROM `msz_users` WHERE `user_id` = :user_id '); $getResetUser->bindValue('user_id', $resetUser); $resetUser = $getResetUser->execute() ? $getResetUser->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) : []; if (empty($resetUser)) { header('Location: ?m=forgot'); break; } $tpl->var('auth_reset_message', 'A verification code should\'ve been sent to your e-mail address.'); while ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'POST') { $validateRequest = Database::prepare(' SELECT COUNT(`user_id`) > 0 FROM `msz_users_password_resets` WHERE `user_id` = :user AND `verification_code` = :code AND `verification_code` IS NOT NULL AND `reset_requested` > NOW() - INTERVAL 1 HOUR '); $validateRequest->bindValue('user', $resetUser['user_id']); $validateRequest->bindValue('code', $_POST['verification'] ?? ''); $validateRequest = $validateRequest->execute() ? (bool)$validateRequest->fetchColumn() : false; if (!$validateRequest) { $tpl->var('auth_reset_error', 'Invalid verification code!'); break; } $tpl->var('reset_verify', $_POST['verification']); if (empty($_POST['password']['new']) || empty($_POST['password']['confirm']) || $_POST['password']['new'] !== $_POST['password']['confirm']) { $tpl->var('auth_reset_error', 'Your passwords didn\'t match!'); break; } if (user_validate_password($_POST['password']['new']) !== '') { $tpl->var('auth_reset_error', 'Your password is too weak!'); break; } $updatePassword = Database::prepare(' UPDATE `msz_users` SET `password` = :password WHERE `user_id` = :user '); $updatePassword->bindValue('user', $resetUser['user_id']); $updatePassword->bindValue('password', user_password_hash($_POST['password']['new'])); if ($updatePassword->execute()) { audit_log('PASSWORD_RESET', $resetUser['user_id']); } else { throw new UnexpectedValueException('Password reset failed.'); } $invalidateCode = Database::prepare(' UPDATE `msz_users_password_resets` SET `verification_code` = NULL WHERE `verification_code` = :code AND `user_id` = :user '); $invalidateCode->bindValue('user', $resetUser['user_id']); $invalidateCode->bindValue('code', $_POST['verification']); if (!$invalidateCode->execute()) { throw new UnexpectedValueException('Verification code invalidation failed.'); } header('Location: /auth.php?m=login'); break; } echo $tpl->render('@auth.password', [ 'reset_user' => $resetUser, ]); break; case 'forgot': if ($app->hasActiveSession()) { header('Location: /'); break; } while ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'POST') { if (empty($_POST['email'])) { $tpl->var('auth_forgot_error', 'Please enter an e-mail address.'); break; } $forgotUser = Database::prepare(' SELECT `user_id`, `username`, `email` FROM `msz_users` WHERE LOWER(`email`) = LOWER(:email) '); $forgotUser->bindValue('email', $_POST['email']); $forgotUser = $forgotUser->execute() ? $forgotUser->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) : []; if (empty($forgotUser)) { break; } $ipAddress = IPAddress::remote()->getString(); $emailSent = Database::prepare(' SELECT COUNT(`verification_code`) > 0 FROM `msz_users_password_resets` WHERE `user_id` = :user AND `reset_ip` = INET6_ATON(:ip) AND `reset_requested` > NOW() - INTERVAL 1 HOUR AND `verification_code` IS NOT NULL '); $emailSent->bindValue('user', $forgotUser['user_id']); $emailSent->bindValue('ip', $ipAddress); $emailSent = $emailSent->execute() ? (bool)$emailSent->fetchColumn() : false; if (!$emailSent) { $verificationCode = bin2hex(random_bytes(6)); $insertResetKey = Database::prepare(' REPLACE INTO `msz_users_password_resets` (`user_id`, `reset_ip`, `verification_code`) VALUES (:user, INET6_ATON(:ip), :code) '); $insertResetKey->bindValue('user', $forgotUser['user_id']); $insertResetKey->bindValue('ip', $ipAddress); $insertResetKey->bindValue('code', $verificationCode); if (!$insertResetKey->execute()) { throw new UnexpectedValueException('A verification code failed to insert.'); } $messageBody = <<setFrom([ $config->get('Mail', 'sender_email', 'string', 'sys@misuzu.lh') => $config->get('Mail', 'sender_name', 'string', 'Misuzu') ]) ->setTo([$forgotUser['email'] => $forgotUser['username']]) ->setBody($messageBody); Application::mailer()->send($message); } header("Location: ?m=reset&u={$forgotUser['user_id']}"); break; } echo $tpl->render('@auth.auth'); break; case 'login': if ($app->hasActiveSession()) { header('Location: /'); break; } $userAgent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] ?? ''; $authLoginError = ''; while ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'POST') { $ipAddress = IPAddress::remote()->getString(); if (!isset($_POST['username'], $_POST['password'])) { $authLoginError = "You didn't fill all the forms!"; break; } $remainingAttempts = user_login_attempts_remaining($ipAddress); if ($remainingAttempts < 1) { $authLoginError = 'Too many failed login attempts, try again later.'; break; } $username = $_POST['username'] ?? ''; $password = $_POST['password'] ?? ''; $getUser = Database::prepare(' SELECT `user_id`, `password` FROM `msz_users` WHERE LOWER(`email`) = LOWER(:email) OR LOWER(`username`) = LOWER(:username) '); $getUser->bindValue('email', $username); $getUser->bindValue('username', $username); $userData = $getUser->execute() ? $getUser->fetch() : []; $userId = (int)($userData['user_id'] ?? 0); $loginFailedError = sprintf( "Invalid username or password, %d attempt%s remaining.", $remainingAttempts - 1, $remainingAttempts === 2 ? '' : 's' ); if ($userId < 1) { user_login_attempt_record(false, null, $ipAddress, $userAgent); $authLoginError = $loginFailedError; break; } if (!password_verify($password, $userData['password'])) { user_login_attempt_record(false, $userId, $ipAddress, $userAgent); $authLoginError = $loginFailedError; break; } user_login_attempt_record(true, $userId, $ipAddress, $userAgent); $sessionKey = user_session_create($userId, $ipAddress, $userAgent); if ($sessionKey === '') { $authLoginError = 'Unable to create new session, contact an administrator ASAP.'; break; } $app->startSession($userId, $sessionKey); $cookieLife = Carbon::now()->addMonth()->timestamp; set_cookie_m('uid', $userId, $cookieLife); set_cookie_m('sid', $sessionKey, $cookieLife); header('Location: /'); return; } if (!empty($authLoginError)) { $tpl->var('auth_login_error', $authLoginError); } echo $tpl->render('@auth.auth'); break; case 'register': if ($app->hasActiveSession()) { header('Location: /'); } $authRegistrationError = ''; while ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'POST') { if ($preventRegistration) { $authRegistrationError = 'Registration is not allowed on this instance.'; break; } if (!isset($_POST['username'], $_POST['password'], $_POST['email'])) { $authRegistrationError = "You didn't fill all the forms!"; break; } $username = $_POST['username'] ?? ''; $password = $_POST['password'] ?? ''; $email = $_POST['email'] ?? ''; $usernameValidation = user_validate_username($username, true); if ($usernameValidation !== '') { $authRegistrationError = $usernameValidationErrors[$usernameValidation]; break; } $emailValidation = user_validate_email($email, true); if ($emailValidation !== '') { $authRegistrationError = $emailValidation === 'in-use' ? 'This e-mail address has already been used!' : 'The e-mail address you entered is invalid!'; break; } if (user_validate_password($password) !== '') { $authRegistrationError = 'Your password is too weak!'; break; } $createUser = user_create( $username, $password, $email, IPAddress::remote()->getString() ); if ($createUser < 1) { $authRegistrationError = 'Something happened?'; break; } user_role_add($createUser, MSZ_ROLE_MAIN); $tpl->var('auth_register_message', 'Welcome to Flashii! You may now log in.'); break; } if (!empty($authRegistrationError)) { $tpl->var('auth_register_error', $authRegistrationError); } echo $tpl->render('@auth.auth'); break; }