getConfig(); if ($config === null) { return $fallback; } $database_path = $config->get('GeoIP', 'database_path'); if ($database_path === null) { return $fallback; } $_msz_geoip = new \GeoIp2\Database\Reader($database_path); } $record = $_msz_geoip->country($ipAddr); return $record->country->isoCode; } catch (\Exception $e) { // report error? } return $fallback; } function get_country_name(string $code): string { switch (strtolower($code)) { case 'xx': return 'Unknown'; case 'a1': return 'Anonymous Proxy'; case 'a2': return 'Satellite Provider'; default: return locale_get_display_region("-{$code}", 'en'); } } // this is temporary, don't scream at me for using md5 // BIG TODO: make these functions not dependent on sessions so they can be used outside of those. function tmp_csrf_verify(string $token): bool { return hash_equals(tmp_csrf_token(), $token); } function tmp_csrf_token(): string { return md5($_COOKIE['msz_sid'] ?? 'this is very insecure lmao'); } function crop_image_centred_path(string $filename, int $target_width, int $target_height): \Imagick { return crop_image_centred(new \Imagick($filename), $target_width, $target_height); } function crop_image_centred(Imagick $image, int $target_width, int $target_height): Imagick { $image->setImageFormat($image->getNumberImages() > 1 ? 'gif' : 'png'); $image = $image->coalesceImages(); $width = $image->getImageWidth(); $height = $image->getImageHeight(); if ($width > $height) { $resize_width = $width * $target_height / $height; $resize_height = $target_height; } else { $resize_width = $target_width; $resize_height = $height * $target_width / $width; } do { $image->resizeImage( $resize_width, $resize_height, Imagick::FILTER_LANCZOS, 0.9 ); $image->cropImage( $target_width, $target_height, ($resize_width - $target_width) / 2, ($resize_height - $target_height) / 2 ); $image->setImagePage( $target_width, $target_height, 0, 0 ); } while ($image->nextImage()); return $image->deconstructImages(); } function running_on_windows(): bool { return starts_with(strtolower(PHP_OS), 'win'); } function first_paragraph(string $text, string $delimiter = "\n"): string { $index = mb_strpos($text, $delimiter); return $index === false ? $text : mb_substr($text, 0, $index); } function pdo_prepare_array_update(array $keys, bool $useKeys = false, string $format = '%s'): string { return pdo_prepare_array($keys, $useKeys, sprintf($format, '`%1$s` = :%1$s')); } function pdo_prepare_array(array $keys, bool $useKeys = false, string $format = '`%s`'): string { $parts = []; if ($useKeys) { $keys = array_keys($keys); } foreach ($keys as $key) { $parts[] = sprintf($format, $key); } return implode(', ', $parts); } function parse_markdown(string $text): string { return \Misuzu\Parsers\MarkdownParser::instance()->parseText($text); } function parse_bbcode(string $text): string { return \Misuzu\Parsers\BBCode\BBCodeParser::instance()->parseText($text); } function parse_text(string $text, string $parser): string { switch (strtolower($parser)) { case 'md': case 'markdown': return \Misuzu\Parsers\MarkdownParser::instance()->parseText($text); case 'bb': case 'bbcode': return \Misuzu\Parsers\BBCode\BBCodeParser::instance()->parseText($text); default: return $text; } } function parse_line(string $line, string $parser): string { switch (strtolower($parser)) { case 'md': case 'markdown': return \Misuzu\Parsers\MarkdownParser::instance()->parseLine($line); case 'bb': case 'bbcode': return \Misuzu\Parsers\BBCode\BBCodeParser::instance()->parseLine($line); default: return $line; } } function render_error(int $code, string $template = 'errors.%d'): string { http_response_code($code); try { return \Misuzu\Application::getInstance()->getTemplating()->render(sprintf($template, $code)); } catch (Exception $ex) { return ''; } } function html_link(string $url, ?string $content = null, $attributes = []): string { $content = $content ?? $url; $attributes = array_merge( is_string($attributes) ? ['class' => $attributes] : $attributes, ['href' => $url] ); if (strpos($url, '://') !== false) { $attributes['target'] = '_blank'; $attributes['rel'] = 'noreferrer noopener'; } $html = ' $value) { $value = str_replace('"', '\"', $value); $html .= " {$name}=\"{$value}\""; } $html .= ">{$content}"; return $html; } function html_colour(?int $colour, array $attribs = []): string { $colour = $colour ?? colour_none(); if (!$attribs) { $attribs['color'] = '%s'; } $css = ''; $value = colour_get_css($colour); foreach ($attribs as $name => $format) { $css .= $name . ':' . sprintf($format, $value) . ';'; } return $css; } function url_construct(string $path, array $query = [], string $host = ''): string { $url = $host . $path; if (count($query)) { $url .= '?'; foreach ($query as $key => $value) { if ($value) { $url .= urlencode($key) . '=' . urlencode($value) . '&'; } } } return substr($url, 0, -1); } function camel_to_snake(string $camel): string { return trim(strtolower(preg_replace('#([A-Z][a-z]+)#', '$1_', $camel)), '_'); } function snake_to_camel(string $snake): string { return str_replace('_', '', ucwords($snake, '_')); }