isDeleted()) { http_response_code(404); echo 'User not found.'; return; } $notices = []; $currentUser = User::getCurrent(); $viewingAsGuest = $currentUser === null; $currentUserId = $viewingAsGuest ? 0 : $currentUser->getId(); $viewingOwnProfile = $currentUserId === $profileUser->getId(); $isBanned = $profileUser->hasActiveWarning(); $userPerms = perms_get_user($currentUserId)[MSZ_PERMS_USER]; $canManageWarnings = perms_check($userPerms, MSZ_PERM_USER_MANAGE_WARNINGS); $canEdit = !$isBanned && UserSession::hasCurrent() && ($viewingOwnProfile || $currentUser->isSuper() || ( perms_check($userPerms, MSZ_PERM_USER_MANAGE_USERS) && $currentUser->hasAuthorityOver($profileUser) )); if($isEditing) { if(!$canEdit) { echo render_error(403); return; } $perms = perms_check_bulk($userPerms, [ 'edit_profile' => MSZ_PERM_USER_EDIT_PROFILE, 'edit_avatar' => MSZ_PERM_USER_CHANGE_AVATAR, 'edit_background' => MSZ_PERM_USER_CHANGE_BACKGROUND, 'edit_about' => MSZ_PERM_USER_EDIT_ABOUT, 'edit_birthdate' => MSZ_PERM_USER_EDIT_BIRTHDATE, 'edit_signature' => MSZ_PERM_USER_EDIT_SIGNATURE, ]); Template::set([ 'perms' => $perms, 'background_attachments' => UserBackgroundAsset::getAttachmentStringOptions(), ]); if(!empty($_POST) && is_array($_POST)) { if(!CSRF::validateRequest()) { $notices[] = 'Couldn\'t verify you, please refresh the page and retry.'; } else { if(!empty($_POST['profile']) && is_array($_POST['profile'])) { if(!$perms['edit_profile']) { $notices[] = 'You\'re not allowed to edit your profile'; } else { $profileFields = $profileUser->profileFields(false); foreach($profileFields as $profileField) { if(isset($_POST['profile'][$profileField->field_key]) && $profileField->field_value !== $_POST['profile'][$profileField->field_key] && !$profileField->setFieldValue($_POST['profile'][$profileField->field_key])) { $notices[] = sprintf('%s was formatted incorrectly!', $profileField->field_title); } } } } if(!empty($_POST['about']) && is_array($_POST['about'])) { if(!$perms['edit_about']) { $notices[] = 'You\'re not allowed to edit your about page.'; } else { $aboutText = (string)($_POST['about']['text'] ?? ''); $aboutParse = (int)($_POST['about']['parser'] ?? Parser::PLAIN); $aboutValid = User::validateProfileAbout($aboutParse, $aboutText, strlen($profileUser->getProfileAboutText()) > User::PROFILE_ABOUT_MAX_LENGTH); if($aboutValid === '') $currentUser->setProfileAboutText($aboutText)->setProfileAboutParser($aboutParse); else switch($aboutValid) { case 'parser': $notices[] = 'The selected about section parser is invalid.'; break; case 'long': $notices[] = sprintf('Please keep the length of your about section below %d characters.', User::PROFILE_ABOUT_MAX_LENGTH); break; default: $notices[] = 'Failed to update about section, contact an administator.'; break; } } } if(!empty($_POST['signature']) && is_array($_POST['signature'])) { if(!$perms['edit_signature']) { $notices[] = 'You\'re not allowed to edit your forum signature.'; } else { $sigText = (string)($_POST['signature']['text'] ?? ''); $sigParse = (int)($_POST['signature']['parser'] ?? Parser::PLAIN); $sigValid = User::validateForumSignature($sigParse, $sigText); if($sigValid === '') $currentUser->setForumSignatureText($sigText)->setForumSignatureParser($sigParse); else switch($sigValid) { case 'parser': $notices[] = 'The selected forum signature parser is invalid.'; break; case 'long': $notices[] = sprintf('Please keep the length of your signature below %d characters.', User::FORUM_SIGNATURE_MAX_LENGTH); break; default: $notices[] = 'Failed to update signature, contact an administator.'; break; } } } if(!empty($_POST['birthdate']) && is_array($_POST['birthdate'])) { if(!$perms['edit_birthdate']) { $notices[] = "You aren't allow to change your birthdate."; } else { $birthYear = (int)($_POST['birthdate']['year'] ?? 0); $birthMonth = (int)($_POST['birthdate']['month'] ?? 0); $birthDay = (int)($_POST['birthdate']['day'] ?? 0); $birthValid = User::validateBirthdate($birthYear, $birthMonth, $birthDay); if($birthValid === '') $currentUser->setBirthdate($birthYear, $birthMonth, $birthDay); else switch($birthValid) { case 'year': $notices[] = 'The given birth year is invalid.'; break; case 'date': $notices[] = 'The given birthdate is invalid.'; break; default: $notices[] = 'Something unexpected happened while setting your birthdate.'; break; } } } if(!empty($_FILES['avatar'])) { $avatarInfo = $profileUser->getAvatarInfo(); if(!empty($_POST['avatar']['delete'])) { $avatarInfo->delete(); } else { if(!$perms['edit_avatar']) { $notices[] = 'You aren\'t allow to change your avatar.'; } elseif(!empty($_FILES['avatar']) && is_array($_FILES['avatar']) && !empty($_FILES['avatar']['name']['file'])) { if($_FILES['avatar']['error']['file'] !== UPLOAD_ERR_OK) { switch($_FILES['avatar']['error']['file']) { case UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE: $notices[] = 'Select a file before hitting upload!'; break; case UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL: $notices[] = 'The upload was interrupted, please try again!'; break; case UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE: case UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE: $notices[] = sprintf('Your avatar is not allowed to be larger in file size than %s!', byte_symbol($avatarInfo->getMaxBytes(), true)); break; default: $notices[] = 'Unable to save your avatar, contact an administator!'; break; } } else { try { $avatarInfo->setFromPath($_FILES['avatar']['tmp_name']['file']); } catch(UserImageAssetInvalidImageException $ex) { $notices[] = 'The file you uploaded was not an image!'; } catch(UserImageAssetInvalidTypeException $ex) { $notices[] = 'This type of image is not supported, keep to PNG, JPG or GIF!'; } catch(UserImageAssetInvalidDimensionsException $ex) { $notices[] = sprintf('Your avatar can\'t be larger than %dx%d!', $avatarInfo->getMaxWidth(), $avatarInfo->getMaxHeight()); } catch(UserImageAssetFileTooLargeException $ex) { $notices[] = sprintf('Your avatar is not allowed to be larger in file size than %s!', byte_symbol($avatarInfo->getMaxBytes(), true)); } catch(UserImageAssetException $ex) { $notices[] = 'Unable to save your avatar, contact an administator!'; } } } } } if(!empty($_FILES['background'])) { $backgroundInfo = $profileUser->getBackgroundInfo(); if((int)($_POST['background']['attach'] ?? -1) === 0) { $backgroundInfo->delete(); } else { if(!$perms['edit_background']) { $notices[] = 'You aren\'t allow to change your background.'; } elseif(!empty($_FILES['background']) && is_array($_FILES['background'])) { if(!empty($_FILES['background']['name']['file'])) { if($_FILES['background']['error']['file'] !== UPLOAD_ERR_OK) { switch($_FILES['background']['error']['file']) { case UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE: $notices[] = 'Select a file before hitting upload!'; break; case UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL: $notices[] = 'The upload was interrupted, please try again!'; break; case UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE: case UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE: $notices[] = sprintf('Your background is not allowed to be larger in file size than %s!', byte_symbol($backgroundProps['max_size'], true)); break; default: $notices[] = 'Unable to save your background, contact an administator!'; break; } } else { try { $backgroundInfo->setFromPath($_FILES['background']['tmp_name']['file']); } catch(UserImageAssetInvalidImageException $ex) { $notices[] = 'The file you uploaded was not an image!'; } catch(UserImageAssetInvalidTypeException $ex) { $notices[] = 'This type of image is not supported, keep to PNG, JPG or GIF!'; } catch(UserImageAssetInvalidDimensionsException $ex) { $notices[] = sprintf('Your background can\'t be larger than %dx%d!', $backgroundInfo->getMaxWidth(), $backgroundInfo->getMaxHeight()); } catch(UserImageAssetFileTooLargeException $ex) { $notices[] = sprintf('Your background is not allowed to be larger in file size than %2$s!', byte_symbol($backgroundInfo->getMaxBytes(), true)); } catch(UserImageAssetException $ex) { $notices[] = 'Unable to save your background, contact an administator!'; } } } $backgroundInfo->setAttachment((int)($_POST['background']['attach'] ?? 0)) ->setBlend(!empty($_POST['background']['attr']['blend'])) ->setSlide(!empty($_POST['background']['attr']['slide'])); } } } $profileUser->saveProfile(); } // Unset $isEditing and hope the user doesn't refresh their profile! if(empty($notices)) $isEditing = false; } } $profileStats = DB::prepare(' SELECT ( SELECT COUNT(`topic_id`) FROM `msz_forum_topics` WHERE `user_id` = u.`user_id` AND `topic_deleted` IS NULL ) AS `forum_topic_count`, ( SELECT COUNT(`post_id`) FROM `msz_forum_posts` WHERE `user_id` = u.`user_id` AND `post_deleted` IS NULL ) AS `forum_post_count`, ( SELECT COUNT(`change_id`) FROM `msz_changelog_changes` WHERE `user_id` = u.`user_id` ) AS `changelog_count`, ( SELECT COUNT(`comment_id`) FROM `msz_comments_posts` WHERE `user_id` = u.`user_id` AND `comment_deleted` IS NULL ) AS `comments_count` FROM `msz_users` AS u WHERE `user_id` = :user_id ')->bind('user_id', $profileUser->getId())->fetch(); switch($profileMode) { default: echo render_error(404); return; case 'forum-topics': $template = 'profile.topics'; $topicsCount = forum_topic_count_user($profileUser->getId(), $currentUserId); $topicsPagination = new Pagination($topicsCount, 20); if(!$topicsPagination->hasValidOffset()) { echo render_error(404); return; } $topics = forum_topic_listing_user( $profileUser->getId(), $currentUserId, $topicsPagination->getOffset(), $topicsPagination->getRange() ); Template::set([ 'title' => $profileUser->getUsername() . ' / topics', 'canonical_url' => url('user-profile-forum-topics', ['user' => $profileUser->getId(), 'page' => Pagination::param()]), 'profile_topics' => $topics, 'profile_topics_pagination' => $topicsPagination, ]); break; case 'forum-posts': $template = 'profile.posts'; $postsCount = forum_post_count_user($profileUser->getId()); $postsPagination = new Pagination($postsCount, 20); if(!$postsPagination->hasValidOffset()) { echo render_error(404); return; } $posts = forum_post_listing( $profileUser->getId(), $postsPagination->getOffset(), $postsPagination->getRange(), false, true ); Template::set([ 'title' => $profileUser->getUsername() . ' / posts', 'canonical_url' => url('user-profile-forum-posts', ['user' => $profileUser->getId(), 'page' => Pagination::param()]), 'profile_posts' => $posts, 'profile_posts_pagination' => $postsPagination, ]); break; case '': $template = 'profile.index'; $warnings = $profileUser->getProfileWarnings($currentUser); Template::set([ 'profile_warnings' => $warnings, 'profile_warnings_view_private' => $canManageWarnings, 'profile_warnings_can_manage' => $canManageWarnings, ]); break; } if(!empty($template)) { Template::render($template, [ 'profile_viewer' => $currentUser, 'profile_user' => $profileUser, 'profile_stats' => $profileStats, 'profile_mode' => $profileMode, 'profile_notices' => $notices, 'profile_can_edit' => $canEdit, 'profile_is_editing' => $isEditing, 'profile_is_banned' => $isBanned, ]); }