{{ profile_user.countryName }}{% if profile_user.hasAge %},{% set age = profile_user.age %} {{ age }} year{{ age != 's' ? 's' : '' }} old{% endif %}
{% else %}
User not found!
Check the link and try again.
{% endif %}
{% if profile_viewer is not null and profile_user.id != profile_viewer.id and profile_user.relationString(profile_viewer) != 'none' %}
{% if profile_user.relationString(profile_viewer) == 'mutual' %}
Mutual Friends
{% elseif profile_user.relationString(profile_viewer) == 'followed' %}
You Follow
{% elseif profile_user.relationString(profile_viewer) == 'following' %}
Follows You
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if profile_user is defined %}
{% if profile_mode is empty %}
{% if profile_is_editing %}
{% elseif profile_can_edit %}
Edit Profile
{% endif %}
{% if current_user2 is defined and current_user2.id|default(0) != profile_user.id and not profile_is_editing %}
{% if profile_user.relationString(profile_viewer) != 'following' %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if stats is defined %}
{% for stat in stats %}
{% if stat.value|default(0) > 0 %}
{% set is_date = stat.is_date|default(false) %}
{% set is_url = stat.url is defined %}
{% set active_class = stat.active|default(false) ? ' profile__header__stat--active' : '' %}
{% if is_url %}
{% else %}