[ 'Overview' => url('manage-general-overview'), ], ]; if(perms_check_user(MSZ_PERMS_GENERAL, $userId, \Misuzu\General::PERM_VIEW_LOGS)) { $menu['General']['Logs'] = url('manage-general-logs'); } if(perms_check_user(MSZ_PERMS_GENERAL, $userId, \Misuzu\General::PERM_MANAGE_EMOTES)) { $menu['General']['Emoticons'] = url('manage-general-emoticons'); } if(perms_check_user(MSZ_PERMS_GENERAL, $userId, \Misuzu\General::PERM_MANAGE_CONFIG)) { $menu['General']['Settings'] = url('manage-general-settings'); } if(perms_check_user(MSZ_PERMS_GENERAL, $userId, \Misuzu\General::PERM_MANAGE_BLACKLIST)) { $menu['General']['IP Blacklist'] = url('manage-general-blacklist'); } if(perms_check_user(MSZ_PERMS_USER, $userId, MSZ_PERM_USER_MANAGE_USERS)) { $menu['Users & Roles']['Users'] = url('manage-users'); } if(perms_check_user(MSZ_PERMS_USER, $userId, MSZ_PERM_USER_MANAGE_ROLES)) { $menu['Users & Roles']['Roles'] = url('manage-roles'); } if(perms_check_user(MSZ_PERMS_USER, $userId, MSZ_PERM_USER_MANAGE_REPORTS)) { $menu['Users & Roles']['Reports'] = url('manage-users-reports'); } if(perms_check_user(MSZ_PERMS_USER, $userId, MSZ_PERM_USER_MANAGE_WARNINGS)) { $menu['Users & Roles']['Warnings'] = url('manage-users-warnings'); } if(perms_check_user(MSZ_PERMS_NEWS, $userId, MSZ_PERM_NEWS_MANAGE_POSTS)) { $menu['News']['Posts'] = url('manage-news-posts'); } if(perms_check_user(MSZ_PERMS_NEWS, $userId, MSZ_PERM_NEWS_MANAGE_CATEGORIES)) { $menu['News']['Categories'] = url('manage-news-categories'); } if(perms_check_user(MSZ_PERMS_FORUM, $userId, MSZ_PERM_FORUM_MANAGE_FORUMS)) { $menu['Forum']['Categories'] = url('manage-forum-categories'); } if(perms_check_user(MSZ_PERMS_CHANGELOG, $userId, MSZ_PERM_CHANGELOG_MANAGE_CHANGES)) { $menu['Changelog']['Changes'] = url('manage-changelog-changes'); } if(perms_check_user(MSZ_PERMS_CHANGELOG, $userId, MSZ_PERM_CHANGELOG_MANAGE_TAGS)) { $menu['Changelog']['Tags'] = url('manage-changelog-tags'); } return $menu; } define('MSZ_MANAGE_PERM_YES', 'yes'); define('MSZ_MANAGE_PERM_NO', 'no'); define('MSZ_MANAGE_PERM_NEVER', 'never'); function manage_perms_value(int $perm, int $allow, int $deny): string { if(perms_check($deny, $perm)) { return MSZ_MANAGE_PERM_NEVER; } if(perms_check($allow, $perm)) { return MSZ_MANAGE_PERM_YES; } return MSZ_MANAGE_PERM_NO; } function manage_perms_apply(array $list, array $post, ?array $raw = null): ?array { $perms = $raw !== null ? $raw : perms_create(); foreach($list as $section) { if(empty($post[$section['section']]) || !is_array($post[$section['section']])) { continue; } $allowKey = perms_get_key($section['section'], MSZ_PERMS_ALLOW); $denyKey = perms_get_key($section['section'], MSZ_PERMS_DENY); foreach($section['perms'] as $perm) { if(empty($post[$section['section']][$perm['section']]['value'])) { continue; } switch($post[$section['section']][$perm['section']]['value']) { case MSZ_MANAGE_PERM_YES: $perms[$allowKey] |= $perm['perm']; $perms[$denyKey] &= ~$perm['perm']; break; case MSZ_MANAGE_PERM_NEVER: $perms[$allowKey] &= ~$perm['perm']; $perms[$denyKey] |= $perm['perm']; break; case MSZ_MANAGE_PERM_NO: default: $perms[$allowKey] &= ~$perm['perm']; $perms[$denyKey] &= ~$perm['perm']; break; } } } $returnNothing = 0; foreach($perms as $perm) { $returnNothing |= $perm; } if($returnNothing === 0) { return null; } return $perms; } function manage_perms_calculate(array $rawPerms, array $perms): array { for($i = 0; $i < count($perms); $i++) { $section = $perms[$i]['section']; $allowKey = perms_get_key($section, MSZ_PERMS_ALLOW); $denyKey = perms_get_key($section, MSZ_PERMS_DENY); for($j = 0; $j < count($perms[$i]['perms']); $j++) { $permission = $perms[$i]['perms'][$j]['perm']; $perms[$i]['perms'][$j]['value'] = manage_perms_value($permission, $rawPerms[$allowKey], $rawPerms[$denyKey]); } } return $perms; } function manage_perms_list(array $rawPerms): array { return manage_perms_calculate($rawPerms, [ [ 'section' => MSZ_PERMS_GENERAL, 'title' => 'General', 'perms' => [ [ 'section' => 'can-manage', 'title' => 'Can access the management panel.', 'perm' => \Misuzu\General::PERM_CAN_MANAGE, ], [ 'section' => 'view-logs', 'title' => 'Can view audit logs.', 'perm' => \Misuzu\General::PERM_VIEW_LOGS, ], [ 'section' => 'manage-emotes', 'title' => 'Can manage emoticons.', 'perm' => \Misuzu\General::PERM_MANAGE_EMOTES, ], [ 'section' => 'manage-settings', 'title' => 'Can manage general Misuzu settings.', 'perm' => \Misuzu\General::PERM_MANAGE_CONFIG, ], [ 'section' => 'tester', 'title' => 'Can use experimental features.', 'perm' => \Misuzu\General::PERM_IS_TESTER, ], [ 'section' => 'manage-blacklist', 'title' => 'Can manage blacklistings.', 'perm' => \Misuzu\General::PERM_MANAGE_BLACKLIST, ], ], ], [ 'section' => MSZ_PERMS_USER, 'title' => 'User', 'perms' => [ [ 'section' => 'edit-profile', 'title' => 'Can edit own profile.', 'perm' => MSZ_PERM_USER_EDIT_PROFILE, ], [ 'section' => 'change-avatar', 'title' => 'Can change own avatar.', 'perm' => MSZ_PERM_USER_CHANGE_AVATAR, ], [ 'section' => 'change-background', 'title' => 'Can change own background.', 'perm' => MSZ_PERM_USER_CHANGE_BACKGROUND, ], [ 'section' => 'edit-about', 'title' => 'Can change own about section.', 'perm' => MSZ_PERM_USER_EDIT_ABOUT, ], [ 'section' => 'edit-birthdate', 'title' => 'Can change own birthdate.', 'perm' => MSZ_PERM_USER_EDIT_BIRTHDATE, ], [ 'section' => 'edit-signature', 'title' => 'Can change own signature.', 'perm' => MSZ_PERM_USER_EDIT_SIGNATURE, ], [ 'section' => 'manage-users', 'title' => 'Can manage other users.', 'perm' => MSZ_PERM_USER_MANAGE_USERS, ], [ 'section' => 'manage-roles', 'title' => 'Can manage roles.', 'perm' => MSZ_PERM_USER_MANAGE_ROLES, ], [ 'section' => 'manage-perms', 'title' => 'Can manage permissions.', 'perm' => MSZ_PERM_USER_MANAGE_PERMS, ], [ 'section' => 'manage-reports', 'title' => 'Can handle reports.', 'perm' => MSZ_PERM_USER_MANAGE_REPORTS, ], [ 'section' => 'manage-warnings', 'title' => 'Can manage warnings, silences and bans.', 'perm' => MSZ_PERM_USER_MANAGE_WARNINGS, ], ], ], [ 'section' => MSZ_PERMS_NEWS, 'title' => 'News', 'perms' => [ [ 'section' => 'manage-posts', 'title' => 'Can manage posts.', 'perm' => MSZ_PERM_NEWS_MANAGE_POSTS, ], [ 'section' => 'manage-cats', 'title' => 'Can manage catagories.', 'perm' => MSZ_PERM_NEWS_MANAGE_CATEGORIES, ], ], ], [ 'section' => MSZ_PERMS_FORUM, 'title' => 'Forum', 'perms' => [ [ 'section' => 'manage-forums', 'title' => 'Can manage forum sections.', 'perm' => MSZ_PERM_FORUM_MANAGE_FORUMS, ], [ 'section' => 'view-leaderboard', 'title' => 'Can view the forum leaderboard live.', 'perm' => MSZ_PERM_FORUM_VIEW_LEADERBOARD, ], ], ], [ 'section' => MSZ_PERMS_COMMENTS, 'title' => 'Comments', 'perms' => [ [ 'section' => 'create', 'title' => 'Can post comments.', 'perm' => MSZ_PERM_COMMENTS_CREATE, ], [ 'section' => 'delete-own', 'title' => 'Can delete own comments.', 'perm' => MSZ_PERM_COMMENTS_DELETE_OWN, ], [ 'section' => 'delete-any', 'title' => 'Can delete anyone\'s comments.', 'perm' => MSZ_PERM_COMMENTS_DELETE_ANY, ], [ 'section' => 'pin', 'title' => 'Can pin comments.', 'perm' => MSZ_PERM_COMMENTS_PIN, ], [ 'section' => 'lock', 'title' => 'Can lock comment threads.', 'perm' => MSZ_PERM_COMMENTS_LOCK, ], [ 'section' => 'vote', 'title' => 'Can like or dislike comments.', 'perm' => MSZ_PERM_COMMENTS_VOTE, ], ], ], [ 'section' => MSZ_PERMS_CHANGELOG, 'title' => 'Changelog', 'perms' => [ [ 'section' => 'manage-changes', 'title' => 'Can manage changes.', 'perm' => MSZ_PERM_CHANGELOG_MANAGE_CHANGES, ], [ 'section' => 'manage-tags', 'title' => 'Can manage tags.', 'perm' => MSZ_PERM_CHANGELOG_MANAGE_TAGS, ], ], ], ]); } function manage_forum_perms_list(array $rawPerms): array { return manage_perms_calculate($rawPerms, [ [ 'section' => MSZ_FORUM_PERMS_GENERAL, 'title' => 'Forum', 'perms' => [ [ 'section' => 'can-list', 'title' => 'Can see the forum listed, but not access it.', 'perm' => MSZ_FORUM_PERM_LIST_FORUM, ], [ 'section' => 'can-view', 'title' => 'Can view and access the forum.', 'perm' => MSZ_FORUM_PERM_VIEW_FORUM, ], [ 'section' => 'can-create-topic', 'title' => 'Can create topics.', 'perm' => MSZ_FORUM_PERM_CREATE_TOPIC, ], [ 'section' => 'can-move-topic', 'title' => 'Can move topics between forums.', 'perm' => MSZ_FORUM_PERM_MOVE_TOPIC, ], [ 'section' => 'can-lock-topic', 'title' => 'Can lock topics.', 'perm' => MSZ_FORUM_PERM_LOCK_TOPIC, ], [ 'section' => 'can-sticky-topic', 'title' => 'Can make topics sticky.', 'perm' => MSZ_FORUM_PERM_STICKY_TOPIC, ], [ 'section' => 'can-announce-topic', 'title' => 'Can make topics announcements.', 'perm' => MSZ_FORUM_PERM_ANNOUNCE_TOPIC, ], [ 'section' => 'can-global-announce-topic', 'title' => 'Can make topics global announcements.', 'perm' => MSZ_FORUM_PERM_GLOBAL_ANNOUNCE_TOPIC, ], [ 'section' => 'can-bump-topic', 'title' => 'Can bump topics without posting a reply.', 'perm' => MSZ_FORUM_PERM_BUMP_TOPIC, ], [ 'section' => 'can-priority-vote', 'title' => 'Can vote on topic priority.', 'perm' => MSZ_FORUM_PERM_PRIORITY_VOTE, ], [ 'section' => 'can-create-post', 'title' => 'Can make posts (reply only, if create topic is disallowed).', 'perm' => MSZ_FORUM_PERM_CREATE_POST, ], [ 'section' => 'can-edit-post', 'title' => 'Can edit their own posts.', 'perm' => MSZ_FORUM_PERM_EDIT_POST, ], [ 'section' => 'can-edit-any-post', 'title' => 'Can edit any posts.', 'perm' => MSZ_FORUM_PERM_EDIT_ANY_POST, ], [ 'section' => 'can-delete-post', 'title' => 'Can delete own posts.', 'perm' => MSZ_FORUM_PERM_DELETE_POST, ], [ 'section' => 'can-delete-any-post', 'title' => 'Can delete any posts.', 'perm' => MSZ_FORUM_PERM_DELETE_ANY_POST, ], ], ], ]); }