getTemplating(); $query_offset = (int)($_GET['o'] ?? 0); $query_take = 15; if (!$app->hasActiveSession()) { echo render_error(403); return; } $csrf_error_str = "Couldn't verify you, please refresh the page and retry."; $settings_profile_fields = [ 'twitter' => [ 'name' => 'Twitter', 'regex' => '#^(?:https?://(?:www\.)?\#!\/)?)?@?([A-Za-z0-9_]{1,20})/?$#u', 'no-match' => 'Twitter field was invalid.', ], 'osu' => [ 'name' => 'osu!', 'regex' => '#^(?:https?://[a-zA-Z0-9-\[\]_ ]{1,20})/?$#u', 'no-match' => 'osu! field was invalid.', ], 'website' => [ 'name' => 'Website', 'type' => 'url', 'regex' => '#^((?:https?)://.{1,240})$#u', 'no-match' => 'Website field was invalid.', ], 'youtube' => [ 'name' => 'Youtube', 'regex' => '#^(?:https?://(?:www.)?|c|channel)/)?)?(UC[a-zA-Z0-9-_]{1,22}|[a-zA-Z0-9-_%]{1,100})/?$#u', 'no-match' => 'Youtube field was invalid.', ], 'steam' => [ 'name' => 'Steam', 'regex' => '#^(?:https?://(?:www.)?|profiles)/)?([a-zA-Z0-9_-]{2,100})/?$#u', 'no-match' => 'Steam field was invalid.', ], 'twitchtv' => [ 'name' => '', 'regex' => '#^(?:https?://(?:www.)?[0-9A-Za-z_]{3,25})/?$#u', 'no-match' => ' field was invalid.', ], 'lastfm' => [ 'name' => '', 'regex' => '#^(?:https?://(?:www.)?[a-zA-Z]{1}[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{1,14})/?$#u', 'no-match' => ' field was invalid.', ], 'github' => [ 'name' => 'Github', 'regex' => '#^(?:https?://(?:www.)?[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9]|-(?=[a-zA-Z0-9])){0,38})/?$#u', 'no-match' => 'Github field was invalid.', ], 'skype' => [ 'name' => 'Skype', 'regex' => '#^((?:live:)?[a-zA-Z][\w\.,\-_@]{1,100})$#u', 'no-match' => 'Skype field was invalid.', ], 'discord' => [ 'name' => 'Discord', 'regex' => '#^(.{1,32}\#[0-9]{4})$#u', 'no-match' => 'Discord field was invalid.', ], ]; $settings_modes = [ 'account' => 'Account', 'avatar' => 'Avatar', 'sessions' => 'Sessions', 'login-history' => 'Login History', ]; $settings_mode = $_GET['m'] ?? key($settings_modes); $templating->vars(compact('settings_mode', 'settings_modes')); if (!array_key_exists($settings_mode, $settings_modes)) { http_response_code(404); $templating->var('settings_title', 'Not Found'); echo $templating->render('settings.notfound'); return; } $settings_errors = []; $prevent_registration = $app->getConfig()->get('Auth', 'prevent_registration', 'bool', false); $avatar_filename = "{$app->getUserId()}.msz"; $avatar_max_width = $app->getConfig()->get('Avatar', 'max_width', 'int', 4000); $avatar_max_height = $app->getConfig()->get('Avatar', 'max_height', 'int', 4000); $avatar_max_filesize = $app->getConfig()->get('Avatar', 'max_filesize', 'int', 1000000); $avatar_max_filesize_human = byte_symbol($avatar_max_filesize, true); if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'POST') { switch ($settings_mode) { case 'account': if (!tmp_csrf_verify($_POST['csrf'] ?? '')) { $settings_errors[] = $csrf_error_str; break; } $updatedUserFields = []; if (isset($_POST['profile']) && is_array($_POST['profile'])) { foreach ($settings_profile_fields as $name => $props) { if (isset($_POST['profile'][$name])) { $field_value = ''; if (!empty($_POST['profile'][$name])) { $field_regex = preg_match( $props['regex'], $_POST['profile'][$name], $field_matches ); if ($field_regex !== 1) { $settings_errors[] = $props['no-match']; break; } $field_value = $field_matches[1]; } $updatedUserFields["user_{$name}"] = $field_value; } } } if (!$prevent_registration) { if (!empty($_POST['current_password']) || ( (isset($_POST['password']) || isset($_OST['email'])) && (!empty($_POST['password']['new']) || !empty($_POST['email']['new'])) ) ) { $fetchPassword = $db->prepare(' SELECT `password` FROM `msz_users` WHERE `user_id` = :user_id '); $fetchPassword->bindValue('user_id', $app->getUserId()); $currentPassword = $fetchPassword->execute() ? $fetchPassword->fetchColumn() : null; if (empty($currentPassword)) { $settings_errors[] = 'Something went horribly wrong.'; break; } if (!password_verify($_POST['current_password'], $currentPassword)) { $settings_errors[] = 'Your current password was incorrect.'; break; } if (!empty($_POST['email']['new'])) { if (empty($_POST['email']['confirm']) || $_POST['email']['new'] !== $_POST['email']['confirm']) { $settings_errors[] = 'The given e-mail addresses did not match.'; break; } $checkIfAlreadySet = $db->prepare(' SELECT COUNT(`user_id`) FROM `msz_users` WHERE LOWER(:email) = LOWER(:email) '); $checkIfAlreadySet->bindValue('email', $_POST['email']['new']); $isAlreadySet = $checkIfAlreadySet->execute() ? $checkIfAlreadySet->fetchColumn() > 0 : false; if ($isAlreadySet) { $settings_errors[] = 'This is your e-mail address already!'; break; } $email_validate = user_validate_email($_POST['email']['new'], true); if ($email_validate !== '') { switch ($email_validate) { case 'dns': $settings_errors[] = 'No valid MX record exists for this domain.'; break; case 'format': $settings_errors[] = 'The given e-mail address was incorrectly formatted.'; break; case 'in-use': $settings_errors[] = 'This e-mail address has already been used by another user.'; break; default: $settings_errors[] = 'Unknown e-mail validation error.'; } break; } $updatedUserFields['email'] = strtolower($_POST['email']['new']); } if (!empty($_POST['password']['new'])) { if (empty($_POST['password']['confirm']) || $_POST['password']['new'] !== $_POST['password']['confirm']) { $settings_errors[] = "The given passwords did not match."; break; } $password_validate = user_validate_password($_POST['password']['new']); if ($password_validate !== '') { $settings_errors[] = "The given passwords was too weak."; break; } $updatedUserFields['password'] = password_hash($_POST['password']['new'], PASSWORD_ARGON2I); } } } if (count($settings_errors) < 1 && count($updatedUserFields) > 0) { $updateUser = $db->prepare(' UPDATE `msz_users` SET ' . pdo_prepare_array_update($updatedUserFields, true) . ' WHERE `user_id` = :user_id '); $updatedUserFields['user_id'] = $app->getUserId(); $updateUser->execute($updatedUserFields); } break; case 'avatar': if (isset($_POST['delete'])) { if (!tmp_csrf_verify($_POST['delete'])) { $settings_errors[] = $csrf_error_str; break; } $delete_this = [ $app->getStore('avatars/original')->filename($avatar_filename), $app->getStore('avatars/200x200')->filename($avatar_filename), ]; foreach ($delete_this as $delete_avatar) { if (File::exists($delete_avatar)) { File::delete($delete_avatar); } } break; } if (isset($_POST['upload'])) { if (!tmp_csrf_verify($_POST['upload'])) { $settings_errors[] = $csrf_error_str; break; } switch ($_FILES['avatar']['error']) { case UPLOAD_ERR_OK: break; case UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE: $settings_errors[] = 'Select a file before hitting upload!'; break; case UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL: $settings_errors[] = 'The upload was interrupted, please try again!'; break; case UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE: case UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE: $settings_errors[] = "Your avatar is not allowed to be larger in filesize than {$avatar_max_filesize_human}!"; break; case UPLOAD_ERR_NO_TMP_DIR: case UPLOAD_ERR_CANT_WRITE: $settings_errors[] = 'Unable to save your avatar, contact an administator!'; break; case UPLOAD_ERR_EXTENSION: default: $settings_errors[] = 'Something happened?'; break; } if (count($settings_errors) > 0) { break; } $upload_path = $_FILES['avatar']['tmp_name']; $upload_meta = getimagesize($upload_path); if (!$upload_meta || !in_array($upload_meta[2], [IMAGETYPE_GIF, IMAGETYPE_JPEG, IMAGETYPE_PNG], true) || $upload_meta[0] < 1 || $upload_meta[1] < 1) { $settings_errors[] = 'Please provide a valid image.'; break; } if ($upload_meta[0] > $avatar_max_width || $upload_meta[1] > $avatar_max_height) { $settings_errors[] = "Your avatar can't be larger than {$avatar_max_width}x{$avatar_max_height}, yours was {$upload_meta[0]}x{$upload_meta[1]}"; break; } if (filesize($upload_path) > $avatar_max_filesize) { $settings_errors[] = "Your avatar is not allowed to be larger in filesize than {$avatar_max_filesize_human}!"; break; } $avatar_path = $app->getStore('avatars/original')->filename($avatar_filename); move_uploaded_file($upload_path, $avatar_path); $crop_path = $app->getStore('avatars/200x200')->filename($avatar_filename); if (File::exists($crop_path)) { File::delete($crop_path); } break; } $settings_errors[] = "You shouldn't have done that."; break; case 'sessions': if (!tmp_csrf_verify($_POST['csrf'] ?? '')) { $settings_errors[] = $csrf_error_str; break; } $session_id = (int)($_POST['session'] ?? 0); if ($session_id < 1) { $settings_errors[] = 'Invalid session.'; break; } $findSession = $db->prepare(' SELECT `session_id`, `user_id` FROM `msz_sessions` WHERE `session_id` = :session_id '); $findSession->bindValue('session_id', $session_id); $session = $findSession->execute() ? $findSession->fetch() : null; if (!$session || (int)$session['user_id'] !== $app->getUserId()) { $settings_errors[] = 'You may only end your own sessions.'; break; } if ((int)$session['session_id'] === $app->getSessionId()) { header('Location: /auth.php?m=logout&s=' . tmp_csrf_token()); return; } $deleteSession = $db->prepare(' DELETE FROM `msz_sessions` WHERE `session_id` = :session_id '); $deleteSession->bindValue('session_id', $session['session_id']); $deleteSession->execute(); break; } } $templating->vars(compact('settings_errors')); $templating->var('settings_title', $settings_modes[$settings_mode]); switch ($settings_mode) { case 'account': $getUserFields = $db->prepare(' SELECT ' . pdo_prepare_array($settings_profile_fields, true, '`user_%s`') . ' FROM `msz_users` WHERE `user_id` = :user_id '); $getUserFields->bindValue('user_id', $app->getUserId()); $userFields = $getUserFields->execute() ? $getUserFields->fetch() : []; $templating->var('settings_profile_values', $userFields); $templating->vars(compact('settings_profile_fields', 'prevent_registration')); break; case 'avatar': $user_has_avatar = File::exists($app->getStore('avatars/original')->filename($avatar_filename)); $templating->var('avatar_user_id', $app->getUserId()); $templating->vars(compact( 'avatar_max_width', 'avatar_max_height', 'avatar_max_filesize', 'user_has_avatar' )); break; case 'sessions': $getSessionCount = $db->prepare(' SELECT COUNT(`session_id`) FROM `msz_sessions` WHERE `user_id` = :user_id '); $getSessionCount->bindValue('user_id', $app->getUserId()); $sessionCount = $getSessionCount->execute() ? $getSessionCount->fetchColumn() : 0; $getSessions = $db->prepare(' SELECT `session_id`, `session_country`, `user_agent`, `created_at`, `expires_on`, INET6_NTOA(`session_ip`) as `session_ip_decoded` FROM `msz_sessions` WHERE `user_id` = :user_id ORDER BY `session_id` DESC LIMIT :offset, :take '); $getSessions->bindValue('offset', $query_offset); $getSessions->bindValue('take', $query_take); $getSessions->bindValue('user_id', $app->getUserId()); $sessions = $getSessions->execute() ? $getSessions->fetchAll() : []; $templating->vars([ 'active_session_id' => $app->getSessionId(), 'user_sessions' => $sessions, 'sessions_offset' => $query_offset, 'sessions_take' => $query_take, 'sessions_count' => $sessionCount, ]); break; case 'login-history': $getLoginAttemptsCount = $db->prepare(' SELECT COUNT(`attempt_id`) FROM `msz_login_attempts` WHERE `user_id` = :user_id '); $getLoginAttemptsCount->bindValue('user_id', $app->getUserId()); $loginAttemptsCount = $getLoginAttemptsCount->execute() ? $getLoginAttemptsCount->fetchColumn() : 0; $getLoginAttempts = $db->prepare(' SELECT `attempt_id`, `attempt_country`, `was_successful`, `user_agent`, `created_at`, INET6_NTOA(`attempt_ip`) as `attempt_ip_decoded` FROM `msz_login_attempts` WHERE `user_id` = :user_id ORDER BY `attempt_id` DESC LIMIT :offset, :take '); $getLoginAttempts->bindValue('offset', $query_offset); $getLoginAttempts->bindValue('take', $query_take); $getLoginAttempts->bindValue('user_id', $app->getUserId()); $loginAttempts = $getLoginAttempts->execute() ? $getLoginAttempts->fetchAll() : []; $templating->vars([ 'user_login_attempts' => $loginAttempts, 'login_attempts_offset' => $query_offset, 'login_attempts_take' => $query_take, 'login_attempts_count' => $loginAttemptsCount, ]); break; } echo $templating->render("settings.{$settings_mode}");