getTemplating(); $changelogOffset = max((int)($_GET['o'] ?? 0), 0); $changelogRange = 30; $changelogChange = (int)($_GET['c'] ?? 0); $changelogDate = $_GET['d'] ?? ''; $changelogUser = (int)($_GET['u'] ?? 0); $tpl->vars([ 'changelog_offset' => $changelogOffset, 'changelog_take' => $changelogRange, ]); if ($changelogChange > 0) { $getChange = $db->prepare(' SELECT c.`change_id`, c.`change_created`, c.`change_log`, c.`change_text`, a.`action_name`, a.`action_colour`, a.`action_class`, u.`user_id`, u.`username`, DATE(`change_created`) as `change_date`, COALESCE(u.`user_title`, r.`role_title`) as `user_title`, COALESCE(r.`role_colour`, CAST(0x40000000 AS UNSIGNED)) as `user_colour` FROM `msz_changelog_changes` as c LEFT JOIN `msz_users` as u ON u.`user_id` = c.`user_id` LEFT JOIN `msz_roles` as r ON r.`role_id` = u.`display_role` LEFT JOIN `msz_changelog_actions` as a ON a.`action_id` = c.`action_id` WHERE `change_id` = :change_id '); $getChange->bindValue('change_id', $changelogChange); $change = $getChange->execute() ? $getChange->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) : []; if (!$change) { http_response_code(404); } else { $getTags = $db->prepare(' SELECT t.`tag_id`, t.`tag_name`, t.`tag_description` FROM `msz_changelog_tags` as t LEFT JOIN `msz_changelog_change_tags` as ct ON ct.`tag_id` = t.`tag_id` WHERE ct.`change_id` = :change_id '); $getTags->bindValue('change_id', $change['change_id']); $tags = $getTags->execute() ? $getTags->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) : []; $tpl->var('tags', $tags); } echo $tpl->render('changelog.change', compact('change')); return; } if (!empty($changelogDate)) { $dateParts = explode('-', $changelogDate, 3); if (count($dateParts) !== 3 || !checkdate($dateParts[1], $dateParts[2], $dateParts[0])) { echo render_error(404); return; } $getChanges = $db->prepare(' SELECT c.`change_id`, c.`change_log`, a.`action_name`, a.`action_colour`, a.`action_class`, u.`user_id`, u.`username`, DATE(`change_created`) as `change_date`, !ISNULL(c.`change_text`) as `change_has_text`, COALESCE(r.`role_colour`, CAST(0x40000000 AS UNSIGNED)) as `user_colour` FROM `msz_changelog_changes` as c LEFT JOIN `msz_users` as u ON u.`user_id` = c.`user_id` LEFT JOIN `msz_roles` as r ON r.`role_id` = u.`display_role` LEFT JOIN `msz_changelog_actions` as a ON a.`action_id` = c.`action_id` WHERE DATE(c.`change_created`) = :date GROUP BY `change_created`, `change_id` ORDER BY `change_created` DESC, `change_id` DESC '); $getChanges->bindValue('date', $changelogDate); $changes = $getChanges->execute() ? $getChanges->fetchAll() : []; // settings the response code to 404, but rendering our own page anyway. if (count($changes) < 1) { http_response_code(404); } echo $tpl->render('', [ 'changes' => $changes, ]); return; } $changesCount = (int)$db->query(' SELECT COUNT(`change_id`) FROM `msz_changelog_changes` ')->fetchColumn(); $getChanges = $db->prepare(' SELECT c.`change_id`, c.`change_log`, a.`action_name`, a.`action_colour`, a.`action_class`, u.`user_id`, u.`username`, DATE(`change_created`) as `change_date`, !ISNULL(c.`change_text`) as `change_has_text`, COALESCE(r.`role_colour`, CAST(0x40000000 AS UNSIGNED)) as `user_colour` FROM `msz_changelog_changes` as c LEFT JOIN `msz_users` as u ON u.`user_id` = c.`user_id` LEFT JOIN `msz_roles` as r ON r.`role_id` = u.`display_role` LEFT JOIN `msz_changelog_actions` as a ON a.`action_id` = c.`action_id` GROUP BY `change_created`, `change_id` ORDER BY `change_created` DESC, `change_id` DESC LIMIT :offset, :take '); $getChanges->bindValue('offset', $changelogOffset); $getChanges->bindValue('take', $changelogRange); $changes = $getChanges->execute() ? $getChanges->fetchAll() : []; echo $tpl->render('changelog.index', [ 'changes' => $changes, 'changelog_count' => $changesCount, ]);