role_id < 1 ? -1 : $this->role_id; } public function getRank(): int { return $this->role_hierarchy; } public function setRank(int $rank): self { $this->role_hierarchy = $rank; return $this; } public function getName(): string { return $this->role_name; } public function setName(string $name): self { $this->role_name = $name; return $this; } public function getTitle(): string { return $this->role_title ?? ''; } public function setTitle(string $title): self { $this->role_title = empty($title) ? null : $title; return $this; } public function getDescription(): string { return $this->role_description ?? ''; } public function setDescription(string $description): self { $this->role_description = empty($description) ? null : $description; return $this; } public function isHidden(): bool { return boolval($this->role_hidden); } public function setHidden(bool $hidden): self { $this->role_hidden = $hidden ? 1 : 0; return $this; } public function getCanLeave(): bool { return boolval($this->role_can_leave); } public function setCanLeave(bool $canLeave): bool { $this->role_can_leave = $canLeave ? 1 : 0; return $this; } // Provided just because, avoid using these for validations sake public function getColourRaw(): ?int { return $this->role_colour; } public function setColourRaw(?int $colour): self { $this->role_colour = $colour; return $this; } public function getColour(): Colour { if($this->colour === null || ($this->getColourRaw() ?? 0x40000000) !== $this->colour->getRaw()) $this->colour = new Colour($this->role_colour ?? 0x40000000); return $this->colour; } public function setColour(Colour $colour): self { $this->role_colour = $colour->getInherit() ? null : $colour->getRaw(); $this->colour = $this->colour; return $this; } public function getCreatedTime(): int { return $this->role_created === null ? -1 : $this->role_created; } public function getUserCount(): int { if($this->userCount < 0) $this->userCount = UserRoleRelation::countUsers($this); return $this->userCount; } public function isDefault(): bool { return $this->getId() === self::DEFAULT; } public function hasAuthorityOver(HasRankInterface $other): bool { if($other instanceof User && $other->isSuper()) return false; return $this->getRank() > $other->getRank(); } public function save(): void { $isInsert = $this->role_id < 1; if($isInsert) { $set = DB::prepare( 'INSERT INTO `' . DB::PREFIX . self::TABLE . '` (`role_hierarchy`, `role_name`, `role_title`, `role_description`, `role_hidden`, `role_can_leave`, `role_colour`)' . ' VALUES (:rank, :name, :title, :desc, :hide, :can_leave, :colour)' ); } else { $set = DB::prepare( 'UPDATE `' . DB::PREFIX . self::TABLE . '` SET' . ' `role_hierarchy` = :rank, `role_name` = :name, `role_title` = :title,' . ' `role_description` = :desc, `role_hidden` = :hide, `role_can_leave` = :can_leave, `role_colour` = :colour' . ' WHERE `role_id` = :role' )->bind('role', $this->role_id); } $set->bind('rank', $this->role_hierarchy) ->bind('name', $this->role_name) ->bind('title', $this->role_title) ->bind('desc', $this->role_description) ->bind('hide', $this->role_hidden) ->bind('can_leave', $this->role_can_leave) ->bind('colour', $this->role_colour); if($isInsert) { $this->role_id = $set->executeGetId(); $this->role_created = time(); } else $set->execute(); } private static function countQueryBase(): string { return sprintf(self::QUERY_SELECT, sprintf('COUNT(*)', self::TABLE)); } public static function countAll(bool $showHidden = false): int { return (int)DB::prepare( self::countQueryBase() . ($showHidden ? '' : ' WHERE `role_hidden` = 0') )->fetchColumn(); } private static function memoizer() { static $memoizer = null; if($memoizer === null) $memoizer = new Memoizer; return $memoizer; } private static function byQueryBase(): string { return sprintf(self::QUERY_SELECT, sprintf(self::SELECT, self::TABLE)); } public static function byId(int $roleId): self { return self::memoizer()->find($roleId, function() use ($roleId) { $object = DB::prepare( self::byQueryBase() . ' WHERE `role_id` = :role' ) ->bind('role', $roleId) ->fetchObject(self::class); if(!$object) throw new UserRoleNotFoundException; return $object; }); } public static function byDefault(): self { return self::byId(self::DEFAULT); } public static function all(bool $showHidden = false, ?Pagination $pagination = null): array { $query = self::byQueryBase(); if(!$showHidden) $query .= ' WHERE `role_hidden` = 0'; if($pagination !== null) $query .= ' LIMIT :range OFFSET :offset'; $getObjects = DB::prepare($query); if($pagination !== null) $getObjects->bind('range', $pagination->getRange()) ->bind('offset', $pagination->getOffset()); return $getObjects->fetchObjects(self::class); } // to satisfy the fucked behaviour array_diff has public function __toString() { return md5($this->getId() . '#' . $this->getName()); } // Twig shim for the roles list on the members page, don't use this class as an array normally. public function offsetExists($offset): bool { return $offset === 'name' || $offset === 'id'; } public function offsetGet($offset) { return $this->{'get' . ucfirst($offset)}(); } public function offsetSet($offset, $value) {} public function offsetUnset($offset) {} }