getUserId()); $perms = [ 'edit_profile' => perms_check($userPerms, MSZ_PERM_USER_EDIT_PROFILE), 'edit_avatar' => perms_check($userPerms, MSZ_PERM_USER_CHANGE_AVATAR), 'edit_background' => perms_check($userPerms, MSZ_PERM_USER_CHANGE_BACKGROUND), 'edit_about' => perms_check($userPerms, MSZ_PERM_USER_EDIT_ABOUT), ]; if (!$app->hasActiveSession()) { echo render_error(403); return; } $settingsModes = [ 'account' => 'Account', 'sessions' => 'Sessions', 'logs' => 'Logs', ]; $settingsMode = $_GET['m'] ?? key($settingsModes); $csrfErrorString = "Couldn't verify you, please refresh the page and retry."; $avatarErrorStrings = [ 'upload' => [ 'default' => 'Something happened? (UP:%1$d)', UPLOAD_ERR_OK => '', UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE => 'Select a file before hitting upload!', UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL => 'The upload was interrupted, please try again!', UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE => 'Your avatar is not allowed to be larger in file size than %2$s!', UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE => 'Your avatar is not allowed to be larger in file size than %2$s!', UPLOAD_ERR_NO_TMP_DIR => 'Unable to save your avatar, contact an administator!', UPLOAD_ERR_CANT_WRITE => 'Unable to save your avatar, contact an administator!', ], 'set' => [ 'default' => 'Something happened? (SET:%1$d)', MSZ_USER_AVATAR_NO_ERRORS => '', MSZ_USER_AVATAR_ERROR_INVALID_IMAGE => 'The file you uploaded was not an image!', MSZ_USER_AVATAR_ERROR_PROHIBITED_TYPE => 'This type of image is not supported, keep to PNG, JPG or GIF!', MSZ_USER_AVATAR_ERROR_DIMENSIONS_TOO_LARGE => 'Your avatar can\'t be larger than %3$dx%4$d!', MSZ_USER_AVATAR_ERROR_DATA_TOO_LARGE => 'Your avatar is not allowed to be larger in file size than %2$s!', MSZ_USER_AVATAR_ERROR_TMP_FAILED => 'Unable to save your avatar, contact an administator!', MSZ_USER_AVATAR_ERROR_STORE_FAILED => 'Unable to save your avatar, contact an administator!', MSZ_USER_AVATAR_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND => 'Unable to save your avatar, contact an administator!', ], ]; tpl_vars([ 'settings_perms' => $perms, 'settings_mode' => $settingsMode, 'settings_modes' => $settingsModes, ]); if (!array_key_exists($settingsMode, $settingsModes)) { http_response_code(404); tpl_var('settings_title', 'Not Found'); echo tpl_render('settings.notfound'); return; } $settingsErrors = []; $disableAccountOptions = !MSZ_DEBUG && $app->disableRegistration(); $avatarFileName = "{$app->getUserId()}.msz"; $avatarProps = $app->getAvatarProps(); $backgroundProps = $app->getBackgroundProps(); if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'POST') { if (!tmp_csrf_verify($_POST['csrf'] ?? '')) { $settingsErrors[] = $csrfErrorString; } else { if (!empty($_POST['profile']) && is_array($_POST['profile'])) { if (!$perms['edit_profile']) { $settingsErrors[] = "You're not allowed to edit your profile."; } else { $setUserFieldErrors = user_profile_fields_set($app->getUserId(), $_POST['profile']); if (count($setUserFieldErrors) > 0) { foreach ($setUserFieldErrors as $name => $error) { switch ($error) { case MSZ_USER_PROFILE_INVALID_FIELD: $settingsErrors[] = sprintf("Field '%s' does not exist!", $name); break; case MSZ_USER_PROFILE_FILTER_FAILED: $settingsErrors[] = sprintf( '%s field was invalid!', user_profile_field_get_display_name($name) ); break; case MSZ_USER_PROFILE_UPDATE_FAILED: $settingsErrors[] = 'Failed to update values, contact an administator.'; break; default: $settingsErrors[] = 'An unexpected error occurred, contact an administator.'; break; } } } } } if (!empty($_POST['about']) && is_array($_POST['about'])) { if (!$perms['edit_about']) { $settingsErrors[] = "You're not allowed to edit your about page."; } else { $aboutParser = (int)($_POST['about']['parser'] ?? MSZ_PARSER_PLAIN); $aboutText = $_POST['about']['text'] ?? ''; // TODO: this is disgusting (move this into a user_set_about function or some shit) while (true) { // TODO: take parser shit out of forum_post if (!parser_is_valid($aboutParser)) { $settingsErrors[] = 'Invalid parser specified.'; break; } if (strlen($aboutText) > 0xFFFF) { $settingsErrors[] = 'Please keep the length of your about page to at most ' . 0xFFFF . '.'; break; } $setAbout = Database::prepare(' UPDATE `msz_users` SET `user_about_content` = :content, `user_about_parser` = :parser WHERE `user_id` = :user '); $setAbout->bindValue('user', $app->getUserId()); $setAbout->bindValue('content', strlen($aboutText) < 1 ? null : $aboutText); $setAbout->bindValue('parser', $aboutParser); $setAbout->execute(); break; } } } if (!empty($_POST['avatar']) && is_array($_POST['avatar'])) { switch ($_POST['avatar']['mode'] ?? '') { case 'delete': user_avatar_delete($app->getUserId()); break; case 'upload': if (!$perms['edit_avatar']) { $settingsErrors[] = "You aren't allow to change your avatar."; break; } if (empty($_FILES['avatar']) || !is_array($_FILES['avatar']) || empty($_FILES['avatar']['name']['file'])) { break; } if ($_FILES['avatar']['error']['file'] !== UPLOAD_ERR_OK) { $settingsErrors[] = sprintf( $avatarErrorStrings['upload'][$_FILES['avatar']['error']['file']] ?? $avatarErrorStrings['upload']['default'], $_FILES['avatar']['error']['file'], byte_symbol($avatarProps['max_size'], true), $avatarProps['max_width'], $avatarProps['max_height'] ); break; } $setAvatar = user_avatar_set_from_path( $app->getUserId(), $_FILES['avatar']['tmp_name']['file'], $avatarProps ); if ($setAvatar !== MSZ_USER_AVATAR_NO_ERRORS) { $settingsErrors[] = sprintf( $avatarErrorStrings['set'][$setAvatar] ?? $avatarErrorStrings['set']['default'], $setAvatar, byte_symbol($avatarProps['max_size'], true), $avatarProps['max_width'], $avatarProps['max_height'] ); } break; } } if (!empty($_POST['background']) && is_array($_POST['background'])) { switch ($_POST['background']['mode'] ?? '') { case 'delete': user_background_delete($app->getUserId()); break; case 'upload': if (!$perms['edit_background']) { $settingsErrors[] = "You aren't allow to change your background."; break; } if (empty($_FILES['background']) || !is_array($_FILES['background']) || empty($_FILES['background']['name']['file'])) { break; } if ($_FILES['background']['error']['file'] !== UPLOAD_ERR_OK) { $settingsErrors[] = sprintf( $avatarErrorStrings['upload'][$_FILES['background']['error']['file']] ?? $avatarErrorStrings['upload']['default'], $_FILES['background']['error']['file'], byte_symbol($backgroundProps['max_size'], true), $backgroundProps['max_width'], $backgroundProps['max_height'] ); break; } $setBackground = user_background_set_from_path( $app->getUserId(), $_FILES['background']['tmp_name']['file'], $backgroundProps ); if ($setBackground !== MSZ_USER_BACKGROUND_NO_ERRORS) { $settingsErrors[] = sprintf( $avatarErrorStrings['set'][$setBackground] ?? $avatarErrorStrings['set']['default'], $setBackground, byte_symbol($backgroundProps['max_size'], true), $backgroundProps['max_width'], $backgroundProps['max_height'] ); } break; } } if (!empty($_POST['session_action'])) { switch ($_POST['session_action']) { case 'kill-all': Database::prepare(' DELETE FROM `msz_sessions` WHERE `user_id` = :user_id ')->execute([ 'user_id' => $app->getUserId(), ]); audit_log('PERSONAL_SESSION_DESTROY_ALL', $app->getUserId()); header('Location: /'); return; } } if (!empty($_POST['session']) && is_numeric($_POST['session'])) { $session_id = (int)($_POST['session'] ?? 0); if ($session_id < 1) { $settingsErrors[] = 'Invalid session.'; } else { $findSession = Database::prepare(' SELECT `session_id`, `user_id` FROM `msz_sessions` WHERE `session_id` = :session_id '); $findSession->bindValue('session_id', $session_id); $session = $findSession->execute() ? $findSession->fetch() : null; if (!$session || (int)$session['user_id'] !== $app->getUserId()) { $settingsErrors[] = 'You may only end your own sessions.'; } else { if ((int)$session['session_id'] === $app->getSessionId()) { header('Location: /auth.php?m=logout&s=' . tmp_csrf_token()); return; } user_session_delete($session['session_id']); audit_log('PERSONAL_SESSION_DESTROY', $app->getUserId(), [ $session['session_id'], ]); } } } if (!$disableAccountOptions) { if (!empty($_POST['current_password']) || ( (isset($_POST['password']) || isset($_POST['email'])) && (!empty($_POST['password']['new']) || !empty($_POST['email']['new'])) ) ) { $updateAccountFields = []; $fetchPassword = Database::prepare(' SELECT `password` FROM `msz_users` WHERE `user_id` = :user_id '); $fetchPassword->bindValue('user_id', $app->getUserId()); $currentPassword = $fetchPassword->execute() ? $fetchPassword->fetchColumn() : null; if (empty($currentPassword)) { $settingsErrors[] = 'Something went horribly wrong.'; } else { if (!password_verify($_POST['current_password'], $currentPassword)) { $settingsErrors[] = 'Your current password was incorrect.'; } else { if (!empty($_POST['email']['new'])) { if (empty($_POST['email']['confirm']) || $_POST['email']['new'] !== $_POST['email']['confirm']) { $settingsErrors[] = 'The given e-mail addresses did not match.'; } else { $email_validate = user_validate_email($_POST['email']['new'], true); if ($email_validate !== '') { switch ($email_validate) { case 'dns': $settingsErrors[] = 'No valid MX record exists for this domain.'; break; case 'format': $settingsErrors[] = 'The given e-mail address was incorrectly formatted.'; break; case 'in-use': $settingsErrors[] = 'This e-mail address is already in use.'; break; default: $settingsErrors[] = 'Unknown e-mail validation error.'; } } else { $updateAccountFields['email'] = mb_strtolower($_POST['email']['new']); audit_log('PERSONAL_EMAIL_CHANGE', $app->getUserId(), [ $updateAccountFields['email'], ]); } } } if (!empty($_POST['password']['new'])) { if (empty($_POST['password']['confirm']) || $_POST['password']['new'] !== $_POST['password']['confirm']) { $settingsErrors[] = "The given passwords did not match."; } else { $password_validate = user_validate_password($_POST['password']['new']); if ($password_validate !== '') { $settingsErrors[] = "The given passwords was too weak."; } else { $updateAccountFields['password'] = user_password_hash($_POST['password']['new']); audit_log('PERSONAL_PASSWORD_CHANGE', $app->getUserId()); } } } if (count($updateAccountFields) > 0) { $updateUser = Database::prepare(' UPDATE `msz_users` SET ' . pdo_prepare_array_update($updateAccountFields, true) . ' WHERE `user_id` = :user_id '); $updateAccountFields['user_id'] = $app->getUserId(); $updateUser->execute($updateAccountFields); } } } } } } } tpl_vars([ 'settings_title' => $settingsModes[$settingsMode], 'settings_errors' => $settingsErrors, ]); switch ($settingsMode) { case 'account': // TODO: FIX THIS GARBAGE HOLY HELL $profileFields = user_profile_fields_get(); $getUserFields = Database::prepare(' SELECT ' . pdo_prepare_array($profileFields, true, '`user_%s`') . ' FROM `msz_users` WHERE `user_id` = :user_id '); $getUserFields->bindValue('user_id', $app->getUserId()); $userFields = $getUserFields->execute() ? $getUserFields->fetch() : []; $getMail = Database::prepare(' SELECT `email` FROM `msz_users` WHERE `user_id` = :user_id '); $getMail->bindValue('user_id', $app->getUserId()); $currentEmail = $getMail->execute() ? $getMail->fetchColumn() : 'Failed to fetch e-mail address.'; $userHasAvatar = is_file(build_path($app->getStoragePath(), 'avatars/original', $avatarFileName)); $userHasBackground = is_file(build_path($app->getStoragePath(), 'backgrounds/original', $avatarFileName)); $getAboutInfo = Database::prepare(' SELECT `user_about_content`, `user_about_parser` FROM `msz_users` WHERE `user_id` = :user_id '); $getAboutInfo->bindValue('user_id', $app->getUserId()); $aboutInfo = $getAboutInfo->execute() ? $getAboutInfo->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) : []; tpl_vars([ 'avatar' => $avatarProps, 'background' => $backgroundProps, 'user_has_avatar' => $userHasAvatar, 'user_has_background' => $userHasBackground, 'settings_profile_fields' => $profileFields, 'settings_profile_values' => $userFields, 'settings_disable_account_options' => $disableAccountOptions, 'settings_email' => $currentEmail, 'about_info' => $aboutInfo, ]); break; case 'sessions': $getSessionCount = Database::prepare(' SELECT COUNT(`session_id`) FROM `msz_sessions` WHERE `user_id` = :user_id '); $getSessionCount->bindValue('user_id', $app->getUserId()); $sessionCount = $getSessionCount->execute() ? $getSessionCount->fetchColumn() : 0; $getSessions = Database::prepare(' SELECT `session_id`, `session_country`, `user_agent`, `created_at`, `expires_on`, INET6_NTOA(`session_ip`) as `session_ip_decoded` FROM `msz_sessions` WHERE `user_id` = :user_id ORDER BY `session_id` DESC LIMIT :offset, :take '); $getSessions->bindValue('offset', $queryOffset); $getSessions->bindValue('take', $queryTake); $getSessions->bindValue('user_id', $app->getUserId()); $sessions = $getSessions->execute() ? $getSessions->fetchAll() : []; tpl_vars([ 'active_session_id' => $app->getSessionId(), 'user_sessions' => $sessions, 'sessions_offset' => $queryOffset, 'sessions_take' => $queryTake, 'sessions_count' => $sessionCount, ]); break; case 'logs': $loginAttemptsOffset = max(0, $_GET['lo'] ?? 0); $auditLogOffset = max(0, $_GET['ao'] ?? 0); $getLoginAttemptsCount = Database::prepare(' SELECT COUNT(`attempt_id`) FROM `msz_login_attempts` WHERE `user_id` = :user_id '); $getLoginAttemptsCount->bindValue('user_id', $app->getUserId()); $loginAttemptsCount = $getLoginAttemptsCount->execute() ? $getLoginAttemptsCount->fetchColumn() : 0; $getLoginAttempts = Database::prepare(' SELECT `attempt_id`, `attempt_country`, `was_successful`, `user_agent`, `created_at`, INET6_NTOA(`attempt_ip`) as `attempt_ip_decoded` FROM `msz_login_attempts` WHERE `user_id` = :user_id ORDER BY `attempt_id` DESC LIMIT :offset, :take '); $getLoginAttempts->bindValue('offset', $loginAttemptsOffset); $getLoginAttempts->bindValue('take', min(20, max(5, $queryTake))); $getLoginAttempts->bindValue('user_id', $app->getUserId()); $loginAttempts = $getLoginAttempts->execute() ? $getLoginAttempts->fetchAll() : []; $auditLogCount = audit_log_count($app->getUserId()); $auditLog = audit_log_list( $auditLogOffset, min(20, max(5, $queryTake)), $app->getUserId() ); tpl_vars([ 'audit_logs' => $auditLog, 'audit_log_count' => $auditLogCount, 'audit_log_take' => $queryTake, 'audit_log_offset' => $auditLogOffset, 'log_strings' => [ 'PERSONAL_EMAIL_CHANGE' => 'Changed e-mail address to %s.', 'PERSONAL_PASSWORD_CHANGE' => 'Changed account password.', 'PERSONAL_SESSION_DESTROY' => 'Ended session #%d.', 'PERSONAL_SESSION_DESTROY_ALL' => 'Ended all personal sessions.', 'PASSWORD_RESET' => 'Successfully used the password reset form to change password.', 'CHANGELOG_ENTRY_CREATE' => 'Created a new changelog entry #%d.', 'CHANGELOG_ENTRY_EDIT' => 'Edited changelog entry #%d.', 'CHANGELOG_TAG_ADD' => 'Added tag #%2$d to changelog entry #%1$d.', 'CHANGELOG_TAG_REMOVE' => 'Removed tag #%2$d from changelog entry #%1$d.', 'CHANGELOG_TAG_CREATE' => 'Created new changelog tag #%d.', 'CHANGELOG_TAG_EDIT' => 'Edited changelog tag #%d.', 'CHANGELOG_ACTION_CREATE' => 'Created new changelog action #%d.', 'CHANGELOG_ACTION_EDIT' => 'Edited changelog action #%d.', ], 'user_login_attempts' => $loginAttempts, 'login_attempts_offset' => $loginAttemptsOffset, 'login_attempts_take' => $queryTake, 'login_attempts_count' => $loginAttemptsCount, ]); break; } echo tpl_render("settings.{$settingsMode}");