bindValue('id', $postId); } $post->bindValue('title', $title); $post->bindValue('text', $text); $post->bindValue('category', $category); $post->bindValue('user', $user); $post->bindValue('featured', $featured ? 1 : 0); $post->bindValue('scheduled', empty($scheduled) ? null : date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $scheduled)); return $post->execute() ? ($postId < 1 ? (int)db_last_insert_id() : $postId) : 0; } function news_category_create(string $name, string $description, bool $isHidden, ?int $categoryId = null): int { if ($categoryId < 1) { $category = db_prepare(' INSERT INTO `msz_news_categories` (`category_name`, `category_description`, `category_is_hidden`) VALUES (:name, :description, :hidden) '); } else { $category = db_prepare(' UPDATE `msz_news_categories` SET `category_name` = :name, `category_description` = :description, `category_is_hidden` = :hidden WHERE `category_id` = :id '); $category->bindValue('id', $categoryId); } $category->bindValue('name', $name); $category->bindValue('description', $description); $category->bindValue('hidden', $isHidden ? 1 : 0); return $category->execute() ? ($categoryId < 1 ? (int)db_last_insert_id() : $categoryId) : 0; } function news_categories_get( int $offset, int $take, bool $includePostCount = false, bool $featuredOnly = false, bool $includeHidden = false, bool $exposeScheduled = false, bool $excludeDeleted = true ): array { $getAll = $offset < 0 || $take < 1; if ($includePostCount) { $query = sprintf( ' SELECT c.`category_id`, c.`category_name`, c.`category_is_hidden`, c.`category_created`, ( SELECT COUNT(p.`post_id`) FROM `msz_news_posts` as p WHERE p.`category_id` = c.`category_id` %2$s %3$s %4$s ) as `posts_count` FROM `msz_news_categories` as c %5$s GROUP BY c.`category_id` ORDER BY c.`category_id` DESC %1$s ', $getAll ? '' : 'LIMIT :offset, :take', $featuredOnly ? 'AND p.`post_is_featured` != 0' : '', $exposeScheduled ? '' : 'AND p.`post_scheduled` < NOW()', $excludeDeleted ? 'AND p.`post_deleted` IS NULL' : '', $includeHidden ? '' : 'WHERE c.`category_is_hidden` = 0' ); } else { $query = sprintf( ' SELECT `category_id`, `category_name`, `category_is_hidden`, `category_created` FROM `msz_news_categories` %2$s ORDER BY `category_id` DESC %1$s ', $getAll ? '' : 'LIMIT :offset, :take', $includeHidden ? '' : 'WHERE c.`category_is_hidden` != 0' ); } $getCats = db_prepare($query); if (!$getAll) { $getCats->bindValue('offset', $offset); $getCats->bindValue('take', $take); } return db_fetch_all($getCats); } function news_categories_count(bool $includeHidden = false): int { $countCats = db_prepare(sprintf(' SELECT COUNT(`category_id`) FROM `msz_news_categories` %s ', $includeHidden ? '' : 'WHERE `category_is_hidden` = 0')); return $countCats->execute() ? (int)$countCats->fetchColumn() : 0; } function news_category_get( int $category, bool $includePostCount = false, bool $featuredOnly = false, bool $exposeScheduled = false, bool $excludeDeleted = true ): array { if ($includePostCount) { $query = sprintf( ' SELECT c.`category_id`, c.`category_name`, c.`category_description`, c.`category_is_hidden`, c.`category_created`, ( SELECT COUNT(p.`post_id`) FROM `msz_news_posts` as p WHERE p.`category_id` = c.`category_id` %1$s %2$s %3$s ) as `posts_count` FROM `msz_news_categories` as c WHERE c.`category_id` = :category GROUP BY c.`category_id` ', $featuredOnly ? 'AND p.`post_is_featured` != 0' : '', $exposeScheduled ? '' : 'AND p.`post_scheduled` < NOW()', $excludeDeleted ? 'AND p.`post_deleted` IS NULL' : '' ); } else { $query = ' SELECT `category_id`, `category_name`, `category_description`, `category_is_hidden`, `category_created` FROM `msz_news_categories` WHERE `category_id` = :category GROUP BY `category_id` '; } $getCategory = db_prepare($query); $getCategory->bindValue('category', $category); return db_fetch($getCategory); } function news_posts_count( ?int $category = null, bool $featuredOnly = false, bool $exposeScheduled = false, bool $excludeDeleted = true ): int { $hasCategory= $category !== null; $countPosts = db_prepare(sprintf( ' SELECT COUNT(`post_id`) FROM `msz_news_posts` WHERE %1$s %2$s %3$s %4$s ', $hasCategory ? '`category_id` = :category' : '1', $featuredOnly ? 'AND `post_is_featured` != 0' : '', $exposeScheduled ? '' : 'AND `post_scheduled` < NOW()', $excludeDeleted ? 'AND `post_deleted` IS NULL' : '' )); if ($hasCategory) { $countPosts->bindValue('category', $category); } return $countPosts->execute() ? (int)$countPosts->fetchColumn() : 0; } function news_posts_get( int $offset, int $take, ?int $category = null, bool $featuredOnly = false, bool $exposeScheduled = false, bool $excludeDeleted = true ): array { $getAll = $offset < 0 || $take < 1; $hasCategory= $category !== null; $getPosts = db_prepare(sprintf( ' SELECT p.`post_id`, p.`post_is_featured`, p.`post_title`, p.`post_text`, p.`comment_section_id`, p.`post_created`, p.`post_updated`, p.`post_deleted`, p.`post_scheduled`, c.`category_id`, c.`category_name`, u.`user_id`, u.`username`, COALESCE(u.`user_colour`, r.`role_colour`) as `user_colour`, ( SELECT COUNT(`comment_id`) FROM `msz_comments_posts` WHERE `category_id` = `comment_section_id` AND `comment_deleted` IS NULL ) as `post_comments` FROM `msz_news_posts` as p LEFT JOIN `msz_news_categories` as c ON p.`category_id` = c.`category_id` LEFT JOIN `msz_users` as u ON p.`user_id` = u.`user_id` LEFT JOIN `msz_roles` as r ON u.`display_role` = r.`role_id` WHERE %5$s %2$s %3$s %4$s ORDER BY p.`post_created` DESC %1$s ', $getAll ? '' : 'LIMIT :offset, :take', $featuredOnly ? 'AND p.`post_is_featured` != 0' : '', $exposeScheduled ? '' : 'AND p.`post_scheduled` < NOW()', $excludeDeleted ? 'AND p.`post_deleted` IS NULL' : '', $hasCategory ? 'p.`category_id` = :category' : '1' )); if ($hasCategory) { $getPosts->bindValue('category', $category); } if (!$getAll) { $getPosts->bindValue('take', $take); $getPosts->bindValue('offset', $offset); } return db_fetch_all($getPosts); } function news_posts_search(string $query): array { $searchPosts = db_prepare(' SELECT p.`post_id`, p.`post_is_featured`, p.`post_title`, p.`post_text`, p.`comment_section_id`, p.`post_created`, p.`post_updated`, p.`post_deleted`, p.`post_scheduled`, c.`category_id`, c.`category_name`, u.`user_id`, u.`username`, COALESCE(u.`user_colour`, r.`role_colour`) as `user_colour`, ( SELECT COUNT(`comment_id`) FROM `msz_comments_posts` WHERE `category_id` = `comment_section_id` AND `comment_deleted` IS NULL ) as `post_comments` FROM `msz_news_posts` as p LEFT JOIN `msz_news_categories` as c ON p.`category_id` = c.`category_id` LEFT JOIN `msz_users` as u ON p.`user_id` = u.`user_id` LEFT JOIN `msz_roles` as r ON u.`display_role` = r.`role_id` WHERE MATCH(`post_title`, `post_text`) AGAINST (:query IN NATURAL LANGUAGE MODE) AND p.`post_deleted` IS NULL AND p.`post_scheduled` < NOW() ORDER BY p.`post_created` DESC '); $searchPosts->bindValue('query', $query); return db_fetch_all($searchPosts); } function news_post_comments_set(int $postId, int $sectionId): void { db_prepare(' UPDATE `msz_news_posts` SET `comment_section_id` = :comment_section_id WHERE `post_id` = :post_id ')->execute([ 'comment_section_id' => $sectionId, 'post_id' => $postId, ]); } function news_post_get(int $postId): array { $getPost = db_prepare(' SELECT p.`post_id`, p.`post_title`, p.`post_text`, p.`post_is_featured`, p.`post_scheduled`, p.`post_created`, p.`post_updated`, p.`post_deleted`, p.`comment_section_id`, c.`category_id`, c.`category_name`, u.`user_id`, u.`username`, COALESCE(u.`user_colour`, r.`role_colour`) as `user_colour` FROM `msz_news_posts` as p LEFT JOIN `msz_news_categories` as c ON p.`category_id` = c.`category_id` LEFT JOIN `msz_users` as u ON p.`user_id` = u.`user_id` LEFT JOIN `msz_roles` as r ON u.`display_role` = r.`role_id` WHERE `post_id` = :post_id '); $getPost->bindValue(':post_id', $postId); return db_fetch($getPost); } function news_feed(string $type, array $posts, array $info): string { $document = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'utf-8'); $urlPrefix = url_prefix(false); $htmlUrl = $urlPrefix . $info['html-url']; $feedUrl = $urlPrefix . $info['feed-url']; if ($type === 'rss') { $dateFormat = 'r'; $rss = $document->appendChild($document->createElement('rss')); $rss->setAttribute('version', '2.0'); $rss->setAttribute('xmlns:atom', ''); $feed = $rss->appendChild($document->createElement('channel')); $feed->appendChild($document->createElement('ttl', '900')); } else { $dateFormat = 'c'; $feed = $document->appendChild($document->createElement('feed')); $feed->setAttribute('xmlns', ''); $link = $feed->appendChild($document->createElement('link')); $link->setAttribute('href', $htmlUrl); } $feed->appendChild($document->createElement('title', $info['title'])); $feed->appendChild($document->createElement( $type === 'rss' ? 'description' : 'subtitle', $info['subtitle'] )); $feed->appendChild($document->createElement( $type === 'rss' ? 'link' : 'id', $htmlUrl )); $feed->appendChild($document->createElement( $type === 'rss' ? 'pubDate' : 'updated', date($dateFormat, strtotime($posts[0]['post_created'])) )); $link = $feed->appendChild($document->createElement($type === 'rss' ? 'atom:link' : 'link')); $link->setAttribute('rel', 'self'); $link->setAttribute('href', $feedUrl); foreach ($posts as $post) { $entry = $feed->appendChild($document->createElement($type === 'rss' ? 'item' : 'entry')); $entry->appendChild($document->createElement('title', $post['post_title'])); $entry->appendChild($document->createElement( $type === 'rss' ? 'link' : 'id', $urlPrefix . url('news-post', ['post' => $post['post_id']]) )); $entry->appendChild($document->createElement( $type === 'rss' ? 'pubDate' : 'updated', date($dateFormat, strtotime($post['post_created'])) )); $entry->appendChild($document->createElement( $type === 'rss' ? 'description' : 'summary', first_paragraph($post['post_text']) )); if ($type === 'rss') { $entry->appendChild($document->createElement( 'comments', $urlPrefix . url('news-post-comments', ['post' => $post['post_id']]) )); $guid = $entry->appendChild($document->createElement( 'guid', $urlPrefix . url('news-post', ['post' => $post['post_id']]) )); $guid->setAttribute('isPermaLink', 'true'); } else { $link = $entry->appendChild($document->createElement('link')); $link->setAttribute('href', $urlPrefix . url('news-post', ['post' => $post['post_id']])); $link->setAttribute('type', 'text/html'); $html = $entry->appendChild($document->createElement( 'content', htmlentities(parse_text($post['post_text'], MSZ_PARSER_MARKDOWN)) )); $html->setAttribute('type', 'html'); $author = $entry->appendChild($document->createElement('author')); $author->appendChild($document->createElement('name', $post['username'])); $author->appendChild($document->createElement('uri', $urlPrefix . url('user-profile', ['user' => $post['user_id']]))); } } return $document->saveXML(); }