emote_id ?? 0; } public function hasId(): bool { return isset($this->emote_id) && $this->emote_id > 0; } public function getOrder(): int { return $this->emote_order ?? 0; } public function setOrder(int $order): self { $this->emote_order = $order; return $this; } public function changeOrder(int $difference): self { if(!$this->hasId()) return $this; DB::prepare(' UPDATE `msz_emoticons` SET `emote_order` = `emote_order` + :diff WHERE `emote_id` = :id ')->bind('id', $this->getId()) ->bind('diff', $difference) ->execute(); return $this; } public function getRank(): int { return $this->emote_hierarchy ?? 0; } public function setRank(int $rank): self { $this->emote_hierarchy = $rank; return $this; } public function getUrl(): string { return $this->emote_url ?? ''; } public function setUrl(string $url): self { $this->emote_url = $url; return $this; } public function addString(string $string, ?int $order = null): bool { if(!$this->hasId()) return false; if($order === null) { $order = DB::prepare(' SELECT MAX(`emote_string_order`) + 1 FROM `msz_emoticons_strings` WHERE `emote_id` = :id ')->bind('id', $this->getId())->fetchColumn(); } return DB::prepare(' REPLACE INTO `msz_emoticons_strings` (`emote_id`, `emote_string_order`, `emote_string`) VALUES (:id, :order, :string) ')->bind('id', $this->getId()) ->bind('order', $order) ->bind('string', $string) ->execute(); } public function removeString(string $string): bool { if(!$this->hasId()) return false; return DB::prepare(' DELETE FROM `msz_emoticons_strings` WHERE `emote_string` = :string ')->bind('string', $string) ->execute(); } public function getStrings(): array { if(!$this->hasId()) return []; return DB::prepare(' SELECT `emote_string_order`, `emote_string` FROM `msz_emoticons_strings` WHERE `emote_id` = :id ORDER BY `emote_string_order` ')->bind('id', $this->getId())->fetchObjects(); } public function save(): bool { if($this->hasId()) { $save = DB::prepare(' UPDATE `msz_emoticons` SET `emote_order` = :order, `emote_hierarchy` = :hierarchy, `emote_url` = :url WHERE `emote_id` = :id ')->bind('id', $this->getId()); } else { $save = DB::prepare(' INSERT INTO `msz_emoticons` (`emote_order`, `emote_hierarchy`, `emote_url`) VALUES (:order, :hierarchy, :url) '); } $saved = $save->bind('order', $this->getOrder()) ->bind('hierarchy', $this->getRank()) ->bind('url', $this->getUrl()) ->execute(); if(!$this->hasId() && $saved) $this->emote_id = DB::lastId(); return $saved; } public function delete(): void { if(!$this->hasId()) return; DB::prepare('DELETE FROM `msz_emoticons` WHERE `emote_id` = :id') ->bind('id', $this->getId()) ->execute(); } public static function byId(int $emoteId): self { if($emoteId < 1) return []; $getEmote = DB::prepare(' SELECT `emote_id`, `emote_order`, `emote_hierarchy`, `emote_url` FROM `msz_emoticons` WHERE `emote_id` = :id '); $getEmote->bind('id', $emoteId); return $getEmote->fetchObject(self::class); } public static function all(int $hierarchy = self::ALL, bool $unique = false, bool $order = true): array { $getEmotes = DB::prepare(' SELECT `emote_id`, `emote_order`, `emote_hierarchy`, `emote_url` FROM `msz_emoticons` WHERE `emote_hierarchy` <= :hierarchy ORDER BY IF(:order, `emote_order`, `emote_id`) '); $getEmotes->bind('hierarchy', $hierarchy); $getEmotes->bind('order', $order); $emotes = $getEmotes->fetchObjects(self::class); // Removes aliases, emote with lowest ordering is considered the main if($unique) { $existing = []; for($i = 0; $i < count($emotes); $i++) { if(in_array($emotes[$i]->emote_url, $existing)) { unset($emotes[$i]); } else { $existing[] = $emotes[$i]->emote_url; } } } return $emotes; } }