Path part of URL. // [1] => Query part of URL. // [2] => Fragment part of URL. // // text surrounded by < and > will be replaced accordingly to an array of variables supplied to the format function // text surrounded by [ and ] will be replaced by the constant/define of that name // text surrounded by { and } will be replaced by a CSRF token with the given text as its realm, this will have no effect in a sessionless environment define('MSZ_URLS', [ 'index' => ['/'], 'info' => ['/info.php/{title}'], 'auth-login' => ['/auth.php', ['m' => 'login']], 'auth-register' => ['/auth.php', ['m' => 'register']], 'auth-forgot' => ['/auth.php', ['m' => 'forgot']], 'auth-reset' => ['/auth.php', ['m' => 'reset', 'u' => '']], 'auth-logout' => ['/auth.php', ['m' => 'logout', 's' => '{logout}']], 'changelog-index' => ['/changelog.php'], 'changelog-date' => ['/changelog.php', ['d' => '']], 'changelog-tag' => ['/changelog.php', ['t' => '']], 'news-post' => ['/news.php', ['p' => '']], 'news-post-comments' => ['/news.php', ['p' => ''], 'comments'], 'news-category' => ['/news.php', ['c' => '', 'page' => '']], 'news-index' => ['/news.php', ['page' => '']], 'forum-index' => ['/forum'], 'forum-mark-global' => ['/forum/index.php', ['m' => 'mark', 'c' => '{forum_mark}']], 'forum-mark-single' => ['/forum/index.php', ['m' => 'mark', 'c' => '{forum_mark}', 'f' => '']], 'forum-topic-new' => ['/forum/posting.php', ['f' => '']], 'forum-reply-new' => ['/forum/posting.php', ['t' => '']], 'forum-category' => ['/forum/forum.php', ['f' => '', 'p' => '']], 'forum-topic' => ['/forum/topic.php', ['t' => '', 'page' => '']], 'forum-post' => ['/forum/topic.php', ['p' => ''], ''], 'forum-post-delete' => ['/forum/post.php', ['p' => '', 'm' => 'delete']], 'forum-post-restore' => ['/forum/post.php', ['p' => '', 'm' => 'restore']], 'forum-post-nuke' => ['/forum/post.php', ['p' => '', 'm' => 'nuke']], 'forum-post-quote' => ['/forum/posting.php', ['q' => '']], 'forum-post-edit' => ['/forum/posting.php', ['p' => '', 'm' => 'edit']], 'user-profile' => ['/profile.php', ['u' => '']], 'user-profile-edit' => ['/profile.php', ['u' => '', 'm' => 'edit']], 'user-avatar' => ['/profile.php', ['u' => '', 'm' => 'avatar']], 'user-background' => ['/profile.php', ['u' => '', 'm' => 'background']], 'user-account-standing' => ['/profile.php', ['u' => ''], 'account-standing'], 'guest-avatar' => ['/profile.php', ['m' => 'avatar']], 'user-relation-none' => ['/relations.php', ['u' => '', 'm' => '[MSZ_USER_RELATION_NONE]', 'c' => '{user_relation}']], 'user-relation-follow' => ['/relations.php', ['u' => '', 'm' => '[MSZ_USER_RELATION_FOLLOW]', 'c' => '{user_relation}']], 'members-role' => ['/members.php', ['r' => '']], 'settings-index' => ['/settings.php'], 'settings-mode' => ['/settings.php', [], ''], 'comment-vote' => ['/comments.php', ['c' => '', 'csrf' => '{comments}', 'm' => 'vote', 'v' => '']], 'comment-delete' => ['/comments.php', ['c' => '', 'csrf' => '{comments}', 'm' => 'delete']], 'comment-restore' => ['/comments.php', ['c' => '', 'csrf' => '{comments}', 'm' => 'restore']], 'comment-pin' => ['/comments.php', ['c' => '', 'csrf' => '{comments}', 'm' => 'pin']], 'comment-unpin' => ['/comments.php', ['c' => '', 'csrf' => '{comments}', 'm' => 'unpin']], 'manage-changelog-tag-create' => ['/manage/changelog.php', ['v' => 'tag']], 'manage-changelog-tag-edit' => ['/manage/changelog.php', ['v' => 'tag', 't' => '']], 'manage-changelog-action-create' => ['/manage/changelog.php', ['v' => 'action']], 'manage-changelog-action-edit' => ['/manage/changelog.php', ['v' => 'action', 'a' => '']], 'manage-changelog-change-create' => ['/manage/changelog.php', ['v' => 'change']], 'manage-changelog-change-edit' => ['/manage/changelog.php', ['v' => 'change', 'c' => '']], 'manage-forum-category-view' => ['/manage/forum.php', ['v' => 'forum', 'f' => '']], 'manage-news-category-create' => ['/manage/news.php', ['v' => 'category']], 'manage-news-category-edit' => ['/manage/news.php', ['v' => 'category', 'c' => '']], 'manage-news-post-create' => ['/manage/news.php', ['v' => 'post']], 'manage-news-post-edit' => ['/manage/news.php', ['v' => 'post', 'p' => '']], 'manage-user-index' => ['/manage/users.php', ['v' => 'listing']], 'manage-user-edit' => ['/manage/users.php', ['v' => 'view', 'u' => '']], 'manage-role-index' => ['/manage/users.php', ['v' => 'roles']], 'manage-role-create' => ['/manage/users.php', ['v' => 'role']], 'manage-role-edit' => ['/manage/users.php', ['v' => 'role', 'r' => '']], 'manage-warning-delete' => ['/manage/users.php', ['v' => 'warnings', 'u' => '', 'w' => '', 'm' => 'delete', 'c' => '']], ]); function url(string $name, array $variables = []): string { if (!array_key_exists($name, MSZ_URLS)) { return ''; } $info = MSZ_URLS[$name]; $url = $info[0]; if (!is_string($url)) { return ''; } if (!empty($info[1]) && is_array($info[1])) { $url .= '?'; foreach ($info[1] as $key => $value) { $value = url_variable($value, $variables); if (empty($value) || ($key === 'page' && $value < 2)) { continue; } $url .= sprintf('%s=%s&', $key, $value); } $url = trim($url, '?&'); } if (!empty($info[2]) && is_string($info[2])) { $url .= rtrim(sprintf('#%s', url_variable($info[2], $variables)), '#'); } return $url; } function url_variable(string $value, array $variables): string { if (starts_with($value, '<') && ends_with($value, '>')) { return $variables[trim($value, '<>')] ?? ''; } if (starts_with($value, '[') && ends_with($value, ']')) { return constant(trim($value, '[]')); } if (starts_with($value, '{') && ends_with($value, '}') && csrf_is_ready()) { return csrf_token(trim($value, '{}')); } return $value; } function url_list(): array { $collection = []; foreach (MSZ_URLS as $name => $urlInfo) { $item = [ 'name' => $name, 'path' => $urlInfo[0], 'query' => [], 'fragment' => $urlInfo[2] ?? '', ]; if (!empty($urlInfo[1]) && is_array($urlInfo[1])) { foreach ($urlInfo[1] as $name => $value) { $item['query'][] = [ 'name' => $name, 'value' => $value, ]; } } $collection[] = $item; } return $collection; } function url_construct(string $url, array $query = [], ?string $fragment = null): string { if (count($query)) { $url .= mb_strpos($url, '?') !== false ? '&' : '?'; foreach ($query as $key => $value) { if ($value) { $url .= rawurlencode($key) . '=' . rawurlencode($value) . '&'; } } $url = mb_substr($url, 0, -1); } if (!empty($fragment)) { $url .= "#{$fragment}"; } return $url; }