{% extends '@mio/user/master.twig' %} {% from '@mio/macros.twig' import navigation, link %} {% set icon = '/profile.php?u=' ~ profile.user_id ~ '&m=avatar' %} {% set title = 'Profile of ' ~ profile.username %} {% set youtube_is_channel_id = profile.user_youtube|slice(0, 2) == 'UC' and profile.youtube|length == 24 %} {% set profile_fields = { "twitter": { "title": "Twitter", "value": profile.user_twitter, "link": "https://twitter.com/%s", "format": "@%s", }, "osu": { "title": "osu!", "value": profile.user_osu, "link": "https://osu.ppy.sh/users/%s", }, "website": { "title": "Website", "value": profile.user_website, "link": "%s", }, "youtube": { "title": "Youtube", "value": profile.user_youtube, "link": "https://youtube.com/" ~ (youtube_is_channel_id ? "channel/" : '') ~ "%s", "format": youtube_is_channel_id ? "Channel of " ~ profile.username : "%s", }, "steam": { "title": "Steam", "value": profile.user_steam, "link": "https://steamcommunity.com/id/%s", }, "twitchtv": { "title": "Twitch.tv", "value": profile.user_twitchtv, "link": "https://twitch.tv/%s", }, "lastfm": { "title": "Last.fm", "value": profile.user_lastfm, "link": "http://last.fm/user/%s", }, "github": { "title": "Github", "value": profile.user_github, "link": "https://github.com/%s", }, "skype": { "title": "Skype", "value": profile.user_skype, "link": "skype:%s?userinfo", }, "discord": { "title": "Discord", "value": profile.user_discord, }, } %} {% block content %} {{ navigation(mio_navigation, false, true) }}
Profile of {{ profile.username }}
{{ profile.user_country }}
{{ profile.user_country|country_name }}
{{ profile.created_at.diffForHumans }}
{% if app.session != null %} {% spaceless %}
{% endspaceless %} {% endif %}
{% endblock %}