getTemplating(); $changelogPerms = perms_get_user(MSZ_PERMS_CHANGELOG, $app->getUserId()); $queryOffset = (int)($_GET['o'] ?? 0); switch ($_GET['v'] ?? null) { default: case 'changes': if (!perms_check($changelogPerms, MSZ_CHANGELOG_PERM_MANAGE_CHANGES)) { echo render_error(403); break; } $changesTake = 20; $changesCount = (int)$db->query(' SELECT COUNT(`change_id`) FROM `msz_changelog_changes` ')->fetchColumn(); $getChanges = $db->prepare(' SELECT c.`change_id`, c.`change_log`, c.`change_created`, a.`action_name`, a.`action_colour`, a.`action_class`, u.`user_id`, u.`username`, COALESCE(r.`role_colour`, CAST(0x40000000 AS UNSIGNED)) as `user_colour` FROM `msz_changelog_changes` as c LEFT JOIN `msz_changelog_actions` as a ON a.`action_id` = c.`action_id` LEFT JOIN `msz_users` as u ON u.`user_id` = c.`user_id` LEFT JOIN `msz_roles` as r ON r.`role_id` = u.`display_role` ORDER BY c.`change_id` DESC LIMIT :offset, :take '); $getChanges->bindValue('take', $changesTake); $getChanges->bindValue('offset', $queryOffset); $changes = $getChanges->execute() ? $getChanges->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) : []; $getTags = $db->prepare(' SELECT t.`tag_id`, t.`tag_name`, t.`tag_description` FROM `msz_changelog_change_tags` as ct LEFT JOIN `msz_changelog_tags` as t ON t.`tag_id` = ct.`tag_id` WHERE ct.`change_id` = :change_id '); // grab tags for ($i = 0; $i < count($changes); $i++) { $getTags->bindValue('change_id', $changes[$i]['change_id']); $changes[$i]['tags'] = $getTags->execute() ? $getTags->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) : []; } echo $tpl->render('@manage.changelog.changes', [ 'changelog_changes' => $changes, 'changelog_changes_count' => $changesCount, 'changelog_offset' => $queryOffset, 'changelog_take' => $changesTake, ]); break; case 'change': if (!perms_check($changelogPerms, MSZ_CHANGELOG_PERM_MANAGE_CHANGES)) { echo render_error(403); break; } $changeId = (int)($_GET['c'] ?? 0); if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'POST' && tmp_csrf_verify($_POST['csrf'] ?? '')) { if (!empty($_POST['change']) && is_array($_POST['change'])) { if ($changeId > 0) { $postChange = $db->prepare(' UPDATE `msz_changelog_changes` SET `change_log` = :log, `change_text` = :text, `action_id` = :action, `user_id` = :user, `change_created` = :created WHERE `change_id` = :change_id '); $postChange->bindValue('change_id', $changeId); } else { $postChange = $db->prepare(' INSERT INTO `msz_changelog_changes` (`change_log`, `change_text`, `action_id`, `user_id`, `change_created`) VALUES (:log, :text, :action, :user, :created) '); } $postChange->bindValue('log', $_POST['change']['log']); $postChange->bindValue('action', $_POST['change']['action']); $postChange->bindValue('text', strlen($_POST['change']['text']) ? $_POST['change']['text'] : null); $postChange->bindValue('user', is_numeric($_POST['change']['user']) ? $_POST['change']['user'] : null); $postChange->bindValue('created', strlen($_POST['change']['created']) ? $_POST['change']['created'] : null); $postChange->execute(); if ($changeId < 1) { header('Location: ?v=change&c=' . $db->lastInsertId()); return; } } if (!empty($_POST['add_tag']) && is_numeric($_POST['add_tag'])) { $addTag = $db->prepare('REPLACE INTO `msz_changelog_change_tags` VALUES (:change_id, :tag_id)'); $addTag->bindValue('change_id', $changeId); $addTag->bindValue('tag_id', $_POST['add_tag']); $addTag->execute(); } if (!empty($_POST['remove_tag']) && is_numeric($_POST['remove_tag'])) { $removeTag = $db->prepare(' DELETE FROM `msz_changelog_change_tags` WHERE `change_id` = :change_id AND `tag_id` = :tag_id '); $removeTag->bindValue('change_id', $changeId); $removeTag->bindValue('tag_id', $_POST['remove_tag']); $removeTag->execute(); } } $actions = $db->query(' SELECT `action_id`, `action_name` FROM `msz_changelog_actions` ')->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $tpl->var('changelog_actions', $actions); if ($changeId > 0) { $getChange = $db->prepare(' SELECT `change_id`, `change_log`, `change_text`, `user_id`, `action_id`, `change_created` FROM `msz_changelog_changes` WHERE `change_id` = :change_id '); $getChange->bindValue('change_id', $changeId); $change = $getChange->execute() ? $getChange->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) : []; if ($change) { $tpl->var('edit_change', $change); $assignedTags = $db->prepare(' SELECT `tag_id`, `tag_name` FROM `msz_changelog_tags` WHERE `tag_id` IN ( SELECT `tag_id` FROM `msz_changelog_change_tags` WHERE `change_id` = :change_id ) '); $assignedTags->bindValue('change_id', $change['change_id']); $assignedTags = $assignedTags->execute() ? $assignedTags->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) : []; $availableTags = $db->prepare(' SELECT `tag_id`, `tag_name` FROM `msz_changelog_tags` WHERE `tag_archived` IS NULL AND `tag_id` NOT IN ( SELECT `tag_id` FROM `msz_changelog_change_tags` WHERE `change_id` = :change_id ) '); $availableTags->bindValue('change_id', $change['change_id']); $availableTags = $availableTags->execute() ? $availableTags->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) : []; $tpl->vars([ 'edit_change_assigned_tags' => $assignedTags, 'edit_change_available_tags' => $availableTags, ]); } else { header('Location: ?v=changes'); return; } } echo $tpl->render('@manage.changelog.change_edit'); break; case 'tags': if (!perms_check($changelogPerms, MSZ_CHANGELOG_PERM_MANAGE_TAGS)) { echo render_error(403); break; } $tagsTake = 32; $tagsCount = (int)$db->query(' SELECT COUNT(`tag_id`) FROM `msz_changelog_tags` ')->fetchColumn(); $getTags = $db->prepare(' SELECT t.`tag_id`, t.`tag_name`, t.`tag_description`, t.`tag_created`, ( SELECT COUNT(ct.`change_id`) FROM `msz_changelog_change_tags` as ct WHERE ct.`tag_id` = t.`tag_id` ) as `tag_count` FROM `msz_changelog_tags` as t ORDER BY t.`tag_id` ASC LIMIT :offset, :take '); $getTags->bindValue('take', $tagsTake); $getTags->bindValue('offset', $queryOffset); $tags = $getTags->execute() ? $getTags->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) : []; echo $tpl->render('@manage.changelog.tags', [ 'changelog_tags' => $tags, 'changelog_tags_count' => $tagsCount, 'changelog_take' => $tagsTake, 'changelog_offset' => $queryOffset, ]); break; case 'tag': if (!perms_check($changelogPerms, MSZ_CHANGELOG_PERM_MANAGE_TAGS)) { echo render_error(403); break; } $tagId = (int)($_GET['t'] ?? 0); if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'POST' && tmp_csrf_verify($_POST['csrf'] ?? '')) { if (!empty($_POST['tag']) && is_array($_POST['tag'])) { if ($tagId > 0) { $updateTag = $db->prepare(' UPDATE `msz_changelog_tags` SET `tag_name` = :name, `tag_description` = :description, `tag_archived` = :archived WHERE `tag_id` = :id '); $updateTag->bindValue('id', $tagId); } else { $updateTag = $db->prepare(' INSERT INTO `msz_changelog_tags` (`tag_name`, `tag_description`, `tag_archived`) VALUES (:name, :description, :archived) '); } $updateTag->bindValue('name', $_POST['tag']['name']); $updateTag->bindValue('description', $_POST['tag']['description']); // this is fine, after being archived there shouldn't be any other changes being made $updateTag->bindValue('archived', empty($_POST['tag']['archived']) ? null : date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); $updateTag->execute(); if ($tagId < 1) { header('Location: ?v=tag&t=' . $db->lastInsertId()); return; } } } if ($tagId > 0) { $getTag = $db->prepare(' SELECT `tag_id`, `tag_name`, `tag_description`, `tag_archived`, `tag_created` FROM `msz_changelog_tags` WHERE `tag_id` = :tag_id '); $getTag->bindValue('tag_id', $tagId); $tag = $getTag->execute() ? $getTag->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) : []; if ($tag) { $tpl->var('edit_tag', $tag); } else { header('Location: ?v=tags'); return; } } echo $tpl->render('@manage.changelog.tag_edit'); break; case 'actions': if (!perms_check($changelogPerms, MSZ_CHANGELOG_PERM_MANAGE_ACTIONS)) { echo render_error(403); break; } $actionTake = 32; $actionCount = (int)$db->query(' SELECT COUNT(`action_id`) FROM `msz_changelog_actions` ')->fetchColumn(); $getActions = $db->prepare(' SELECT a.`action_id`, a.`action_name`, a.`action_colour`, ( SELECT COUNT(c.`action_id`) FROM `msz_changelog_changes` as c WHERE c.`action_id` = a.`action_id` ) as `action_count` FROM `msz_changelog_actions` as a ORDER BY a.`action_id` ASC LIMIT :offset, :take '); $getActions->bindValue('take', $actionTake); $getActions->bindValue('offset', $queryOffset); $actions = $getActions->execute() ? $getActions->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) : []; echo $tpl->render('@manage.changelog.actions', [ 'changelog_actions' => $actions, 'changelog_actions_count' => $actionTake, 'changelog_take' => $actionTake, 'changelog_offset' => $queryOffset, ]); break; case 'action': if (!perms_check($changelogPerms, MSZ_CHANGELOG_PERM_MANAGE_ACTIONS)) { echo render_error(403); break; } $actionId = (int)($_GET['a'] ?? 0); if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'POST' && tmp_csrf_verify($_POST['csrf'] ?? '')) { if (!empty($_POST['action']) && is_array($_POST['action'])) { if ($actionId > 0) { $updateAction = $db->prepare(' UPDATE `msz_changelog_actions` SET `action_name` = :name, `action_colour` = :colour, `action_class` = :class WHERE `action_id` = :id '); $updateAction->bindValue('id', $actionId); } else { $updateAction = $db->prepare(' INSERT INTO `msz_changelog_actions` (`action_name`, `action_colour`, `action_class`) VALUES (:name, :colour, :class) '); } $actionColour = colour_create(); if (!empty($_POST['action']['colour']['inherit'])) { colour_set_inherit($actionColour); } else { colour_set_red($actionColour, $_POST['action']['colour']['red']); colour_set_green($actionColour, $_POST['action']['colour']['green']); colour_set_blue($actionColour, $_POST['action']['colour']['blue']); } $updateAction->bindValue('name', $_POST['action']['name']); $updateAction->bindValue('colour', $actionColour); $updateAction->bindValue('class', $_POST['action']['class']); $updateAction->execute(); if ($actionId < 1) { header('Location: ?v=action&a=' . $db->lastInsertId()); return; } } } if ($actionId > 0) { $getAction = $db->prepare(' SELECT `action_id`, `action_name`, `action_colour`, `action_class` FROM `msz_changelog_actions` WHERE `action_id` = :action_id '); $getAction->bindValue('action_id', $actionId); $action = $getAction->execute() ? $getAction->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) : []; if ($action) { $tpl->var('edit_action', $action); } else { header('Location: ?v=actions'); return; } } echo $tpl->render('@manage.changelog.action_edit'); break; }