self::NAME_MAX_LENGTH) return 'long'; if(!preg_match('#^' . self::NAME_REGEX . '$#u', $name)) return 'invalid'; $userId = (int)DB::prepare( 'SELECT `user_id`' . ' FROM `msz_users`' . ' WHERE LOWER(`username`) = LOWER(:username)' ) ->bind('username', $name) ->fetchColumn(); if($userId > 0) return 'in-use'; return ''; } public static function usernameValidationErrorString(string $error): string { switch($error) { case 'trim': return 'Your username may not start or end with spaces!'; case 'short': return sprintf('Your username is too short, it has to be at least %d characters!', self::NAME_MIN_LENGTH); case 'long': return sprintf("Your username is too long, it can't be longer than %d characters!", self::NAME_MAX_LENGTH); case 'invalid': return 'Your username contains invalid characters.'; case 'in-use': return 'This username is already taken!'; case 'flapp': return 'Your username may not start with Flappyzor!'; case '': return 'This username is correctly formatted!'; default: return 'This username is incorrectly formatted.'; } } public static function validateEMailAddress(string $address): string { if(filter_var($address, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL) === false) return 'format'; if(!checkdnsrr(mb_substr(mb_strstr($address, '@'), 1), 'MX')) return 'dns'; $userId = (int)DB::prepare( 'SELECT `user_id`' . ' FROM `msz_users`' . ' WHERE LOWER(`email`) = LOWER(:email)' ) ->bind('email', $address) ->fetchColumn(); if($userId > 0) return 'in-use'; return ''; } public static function validatePassword(string $password): string { if(XString::countUnique($password) < self::PASSWORD_UNIQUE) return 'weak'; return ''; } public static function validateBirthdate(int $year, int $month, int $day, int $yearRange = 100): string { if($day !== 0 && $month !== 0) { if($year > 0 && ($year < date('Y') - $yearRange || $year > date('Y'))) return 'year'; if(!DateCheck::isValidDate($year, $month, $day)) return 'date'; } return ''; } public static function validateProfileAbout(int $parser, string $text): string { if(!Parser::isValid($parser)) return 'parser'; $length = strlen($text); if($length > self::PROFILE_ABOUT_MAX_LENGTH) return 'long'; return ''; } public static function validateForumSignature(int $parser, string $text): string { if(!Parser::isValid($parser)) return 'parser'; $length = strlen($text); if($length > self::FORUM_SIGNATURE_MAX_LENGTH) return 'long'; return ''; } }